Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Bah, I have a lot of questions to ask you and novice, Roland...

There's a lot of things that I can't understand right now.

Ah, almost forgot:


I'd like to hear your reasoning when you are back from work Roland. I am pretty set on Jkaen being a wolf but I am willing to vote with you (and Ichabod - and therefore subsequently Rowain) for Lewwyn if you are really sure that this won't be another villager lynch - well, as sure as you can be as a villager of course.

Day 1 and 3 are good proof of Lewwyn's guilt. See how the votes change in day 1 when Lewwyn starts getting near the top. And Bruindane last vote on PB, sealing the deal on day 3 when Lewwyn started getting near the gallows (curiously the same Bruindane who said PB was probably innocent).

Sareln Wrote:Night post about to be edited to include the name of the new mayor (Roland).

Thank you Sareln.

I thought novice was the baner, and that's why I "protected" him with my accusations after day 2... frown. Sorry to see you go. It's quite unfortunate that I thought Ichabold, Novice and Roland as certain villagers, and then two of them are masons. I still hoped that Zakalwe and Jkaen would be them, and then I would have had 5 persons to trust almost completely.


Ichabod Wrote:Day 1 and 3 are good proof of Lewwyn's guilt. See how the votes change in day 1 when Lewwyn starts getting near the top. And Bruindane last vote on PB, sealing the deal on day 3 when Lewwyn started getting near the gallows (curiously the same Bruindane who said PB was probably innocent).

I think Ichabod nailed it pretty well (and to answer your question - yes, I was PMing novice yesterday, you sneaky bastard; although I have been PMing myself all game long, too :neenernee). I'll elaborate more later, as I said - too much going on at work at the moment (ironically). However, I will say this: I've been eying Lewwyn since Day 1, so I admit a certain amount of bias. It wasn't until last night the evidence clicked into place (voting records). All game long I've been kicking myself for pulling my vote off Cull, because it just hasn't felt right - and I should know, since I was side-by-side with Lewwyn in WW2.

Anyway, what makes me hesitant about Jkaen versus Meiz is 1) I suspect Meiz over Jkaen, and 2) I'd bet money only one of them is a 'Wolf. I'm almost 100% sure on Lewwyn (in my own mind), about 80% sure on Meiz, and about 60% sure on my last suspect - but without nailing another 'Wolf it's going to be hard to pin down that third suspect.

Again, I'll get in-depth tonight. Bottom line: don't follow me if you truly don't believe me. I'm not about to lead a crusade. I'm laying out my cards because I have nothing left to hide anymore, and I want to win this. You're all free to agree or disagree. Just try to color in the name of your target in the voting records and ask yourself "Does this fit?" That's what I did - and it got me back to my first suspect: Lewwyn.

Right hopefully nobody will shout at me if I now vote for one of my suspects who has also been voted on by both our trusted villagers at this point already today


Personal Voting Records

Day 1

  1. Turn 2: Bruindane votes zakalwe and elects Meiz
  2. Turn 35: Bruindane switches from zakalwe to Irgy
  3. Turn 63: Bruindane switches from Irgy to pocketbeetle and elects Rowain over Meiz

Day 2

  1. Turn 5: Bruindane votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 26: Bruindane switches from Mr. Nice Guy to pocketbeetle
  3. Turn 36: Bruindane switches from pocketbeetle to Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 7: Bruindane votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 16: Bruindane switches from zakalwe to Sandover
  3. Turn 22: Bruindane switches from Sandover to novice
  4. Turn 25: Bruindane switches from novice to No Vote
  5. Turn 29: Bruindane switches from No Vote to pocketbeetle
  6. Turn 38: Bruindane switches from pocketbeetle to Rowain

Day 4

  1. [b]Bruindane failed to vote![/b]

Day 5

  1. [b]Bruindane failed to vote, and was Modkilled![/b]

Day 1

  1. Turn 11: Selrahc votes MJW (ya that one) and elects Meiz

Day 2

  1. Turn 32: Selrahc votes novice
  2. Turn 44: Selrahc switches from novice to Rowain


Day 1

  1. Turn 28: Ichabod elects Rowain
  2. Turn 53: Ichabod votes Lewwyn

Day 2

  1. Turn 9: Ichabod votes Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 39: Ichabod votes Lewwyn
  2. Turn 42: Ichabod switches from Lewwyn to Ichabod

Day 4

  1. Turn 5: Ichabod votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 12: Ichabod switches from zakalwe to No Vote
  3. Turn 13: Ichabod switches from No Vote to Serdoa
  4. Turn 23: Ichabod switches from Serdoa to No Vote
  5. Turn 42: Ichabod switches from No Vote to fire&ice

Day 5

  1. Turn 16: Ichabod votes zakalwe

Day 6

  1. Turn 3: Ichabod votes Rowain
  2. Turn 30: Ichabod switches from Rowain to scooter
  3. Turn 31: Ichabod switches from scooter to Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 3: novice votes fire&ice
  2. Turn 14: novice switches from fire&ice to pocketbeetle
  3. Turn 21: novice elects novice
  4. Turn 41: novice switches from pocketbeetle to Lewwyn
  5. Turn 58: novice switches from Lewwyn to pocketbeetle
  6. Turn 83: novice switches from pocketbeetle to Cull

Day 2

  1. Turn 2: novice votes Mardoc
  2. Turn 30: novice switches from Mardoc to Selrahc
  3. Turn 42: novice switches from Selrahc to Rowain
  4. Turn 51: novice switches from Rowain to Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 4: novice votes Rowain
  2. Turn 34: novice switches from Rowain to Mr. Nice Guy
  3. Turn 37: novice switches from Mr. Nice Guy to Lewwyn

Day 4

  1. Turn 3: novice votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 10: novice switches from zakalwe to Mr. Nice Guy
  3. Turn 26: novice switches from Mr. Nice Guy to scooter
  4. Turn 33: novice switches from scooter to zakalwe
  5. Turn 35: novice switches from zakalwe to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 1: novice votes Rowain
  2. Turn 8: novice switches from Rowain to scooter
  3. Turn 20: novice switches from scooter to Rowain
  4. Turn 23: novice switches from Rowain to zakalwe
  5. Turn 26: novice switches from zakalwe to scooter
  6. Turn 29: novice switches from scooter to fire&ice
  7. Turn 31: novice switches from fire&ice to scooter

Day 6

  1. Turn 9: novice votes scooter
  2. Turn 15: novice switches from scooter to Jkaen
  3. Turn 18: novice switches from Jkaen to scooter
  4. Turn 25: novice switches from scooter to Meiz
  5. Turn 26: novice switches from Meiz to scooter

Day 1

  1. Turn 27: Roland votes Lewwyn and elects novice
  2. Turn 74: Roland switches from Lewwyn to Cull

Day 2

  1. Turn 49: Roland votes Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 12: Roland votes pocketbeetle

Day 4

  1. Turn 15: Roland votes fire&ice

Day 5

  1. Turn 2: Roland votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 32: Roland switches from zakalwe to fire&ice

Day 6

  1. Turn 2: Roland votes Rowain
  2. Turn 22: Roland switches from Rowain to Jkaen


Gold Ergo Sum
Day 1

  1. Turn 32: Gold Ergo Sum votes Sandover and elects novice

Day 2

  1. Turn 13: Gold Ergo Sum votes Lewwyn
  2. Turn 38: Gold Ergo Sum switches from Lewwyn to Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 19: Gold Ergo Sum votes Lewwyn
  2. Turn 20: Gold Ergo Sum switches from Lewwyn to No Vote (EDIT)
  3. Gold Ergo Sum failed to vote!

Day 4

  1. Turn 30: Gold Ergo Sum votes fire&ice

Day 5

  1. Turn 17: Gold Ergo Sum votes fire&ice

Day 6

  1. Turn 13: Gold Ergo Sum votes Jkaen

Day 1

  1. Turn 36: Jkaen votes Meiz and elects fire&ice
  2. Turn 68: Jkaen switches from Meiz to MJW (ya that one)

Day 2

  1. Turn 1: Jkaen votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 23: Jkaen switches from Mr. Nice Guy to pocketbeetle
  3. Turn 47: Jkaen switches from pocketbeetle to Rowain

Day 3

  1. Turn 11: Jkaen votes Rowain
  2. Turn 18: Jkaen switches from Rowain to Mr. Nice Guy
  3. Turn 30: Jkaen switches from Mr. Nice Guy to pocketbeetle
  4. Turn 35: Jkaen switches from pocketbeetle to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 4

  1. Turn 9: Jkaen votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 19: Jkaen switches from Mr. Nice Guy to fire&ice
  3. Turn 32: Jkaen switches from fire&ice to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 14: Jkaen votes fire&ice

Day 6

  1. Turn 8: Jkaen votes Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 1: Lewwyn votes MJW (ya that one)
  2. Turn 44: Lewwyn switches from MJW (ya that one) to No Vote and elects Rowain
  3. Turn 45: Lewwyn votes Cull
  4. Turn 48: Lewwyn elects Jkaen over Rowain
  5. Turn 51: Lewwyn switches from Cull to No Vote
  6. Turn 67: Lewwyn switches from No Vote to Ichabod
  7. Turn 71: Lewwyn switches from Ichabod to Cull
  8. Turn 81: Lewwyn switches from Cull to MJW (ya that one)

Day 2

  1. Turn 15: Lewwyn votes Mardoc
  2. Turn 22: Lewwyn switches from Mardoc to pocketbeetle

Day 3

  1. Turn 6: Lewwyn votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 28: Lewwyn switches from zakalwe to pocketbeetle

Day 4

  1. Turn 1: Lewwyn votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 16: Lewwyn switches from zakalwe to Mr. Nice Guy
  3. Turn 28: Lewwyn switches from Mr. Nice Guy to novice
  4. Turn 36: Lewwyn switches from novice to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 12: Lewwyn votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 13: Lewwyn switches from zakalwe to novice
  3. Turn 24: Lewwyn switches from novice to fire&ice
  4. Turn 28: Lewwyn switches from fire&ice to scooter

Day 6

  1. Turn 12: Lewwyn votes Mardoc
  2. Turn 17: Lewwyn switches from Mardoc to Jkaen
  3. Turn 32: Lewwyn switches from Jkaen to Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 33: Mardoc votes fire&ice and elects Irgy
  2. Turn 55: Mardoc switches from fire&ice to Cull
  3. Turn 60: Mardoc switches from Cull to pocketbeetle
  4. Turn 61: Mardoc switches from pocketbeetle to Mr. Nice Guy
  5. Turn 73: Mardoc switches from Mr. Nice Guy to MJW (ya that one)
  6. Turn 78: Mardoc switches from MJW (ya that one) to Cull
  7. Turn 82: Mardoc elects novice over Irgy

Day 2

  1. Turn 6: Mardoc votes pocketbeetle
  2. Turn 25: Mardoc switches from pocketbeetle to novice
  3. Turn 28: Mardoc switches from novice to pocketbeetle

Day 3

  1. Turn 26: Mardoc votes Rowain

Day 4

  1. Turn 8: Mardoc votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 25: Mardoc switches from Mr. Nice Guy to fire&ice
  3. Turn 43: Mardoc switches from fire&ice to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 5: Mardoc votes zakalwe

Day 6

  1. Turn 6: Mardoc votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 11: Mardoc switches from zakalwe to Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 10: Meiz votes fire&ice and elects scooter
  2. Turn 22: Meiz elects Meiz over scooter
  3. TUrn 43: Meiz switches from fire&ice to Lewwyn and elects Irgy over Meiz
  4. Turn 47: Meiz switches from Lewwyn to Cull
  5. Turn 77: Meiz switches elects Rowain over Irgy

Day 2

  1. Turn 3: Meiz votes Mardoc
  2. Turn 21: Meiz switches from Mardoc to No Vote
  3. Turn 27: Meiz switches from No Vote to Selrahc
  4. Turn 34: Meiz switches from Selrahc to novice
  5. Turn 43: Meiz switches from novice to Rowain

Day 3

  1. Turn 13: Meiz votes pocketbeetle
  2. Turn 15: Meiz switches from pocketbeetle to Sandover
  3. Turn 17: Meiz switches from Sandover to pocketbeetle

Day 4

  1. Turn 6: Meiz votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 18: Meiz switches from zakalwe to fire&ice
  3. Turn 40: Meiz switches from fire&ice to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 7: Meiz votes scooter
  2. Turn 18: Meiz switches from scooter to fire&ice
  3. Turn 19: Meiz switches from fire&ice to Rowain
  4. Turn 21: Meiz switches from Rowain to fire&ice

Day 6

  1. Turn 1: Meiz votes Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 23: scooter votes Bruindane and elects Ichabod
  2. Turn 29: scooter elects Rowain over Ichabod
  3. TUrn 54: scooter switches from Bruindane to Lewwyn
  4. Turn 56: scooter switches from Lewwyn to pocketbeetle
  5. Turn 79: scooter switches from pocketbeetle to Cull

Day 2

  1. Turn 17: scooter votes Irgy
  2. Turn 39: scooter switches from Irgy to pocketbeetle
  3. Turn 48: scooter switches from pocketbeetle to Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 10: scooter votes Rowain
  2. Turn 27: scooter switches from Rowain to Jkaen

Day 4

  1. Turn 7: scooter votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 29: scooter switches from zakalwe to fire&ice

Day 5

  1. Turn 3: scooter votes zakalwe

Day 6

  1. Turn 10: scooter votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 23: scooter switches from zakalwe to Rowain

Day 1

  1. Turn 4: Serdoa votes Rowain
  2. Turn 9: Serdoa switches from Rowain to MJW (ya that one)
  3. Turn 80: Serdoa elects novice

Day 2

  1. Turn 20: Serdoa votes Roland
  2. Turn 29: Serdoa switches from Roland to novice
  3. Turn 46: Serdoa switches from novice to Rowain

Day 3

  1. Turn 23: Serdoa votes Rowain
  2. Turn 41: Serdoa switches from Rowain to Lewwyn

Day 4

  1. Turn 22: Serdoa votes Roland
  2. Turn 24: Serdoa switches from Roland to No Vote
  3. Turn 38: Serdoa switches from No Vote to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 6: Serdoa votes Roland
  2. Turn 9: Serdoa switches from Roland to Meiz
  3. Turn 10: Serdoa switches from Meiz to fire&ice
  4. Turn 25: Serdoa switches from fire&ice to zakalwe
  5. Turn 30: Serdoa switches from zakalwe to scooter

Day 6

  1. Turn 4: Serdoa votes Jkaen
  2. Turn 28: Serdoa switches from Jkaen to scooter
  3. Turn 29: Serdoa switches from scooter to Jkaen

Day 1

  1. Turn 17: zakalwe votes MJW (ya that one) and elects novice
  2. Turn 40: zakalwe switches from Sandover to Lewwyn
  3. Turn 72: zakalwe switches from Lewwyn to pocketbeetle

Day 2

  1. Turn 11: zakalwe votes Mardoc
  2. Turn 31: zakalwe switches from Mardoc to fire&ice
  3. Turn 40: zakalwe switches from fire&ice to uberfish
  4. Turn 45: zakalwe switches from uberfish to Rowain

Day 3

  1. Turn 31: zakalwe votes Mr. Nice Guy

Day 4

  1. Turn 4: zakalwe votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 21: zakalwe switches from Mr. Nice Guy to fire&ice
  3. Turn 34: zakalwe switches from fire&ice to Mr. Nice Guy

Day 5

  1. Turn 11: zakalwe votes fire&ice

Day 6

  1. Turn 7: zakalwe votes Rowain
  2. Turn 16: zakalwe switches from Rowain to Jkaen
  3. Turn 20: zakalwe switches from Jkaen to Rowain


Roland Wrote:Anyway, what makes me hesitant about Jkaen versus Meiz is 1) I suspect Meiz over Jkaen, and 2) I'd bet money only one of them is a 'Wolf. I'm almost 100% sure on Lewwyn (in my own mind), about 80% sure on Meiz, and about 60% sure on my last suspect - but without nailing another 'Wolf it's going to be hard to pin down that third suspect.

Or both are villagers. I know I am, and I suspect Jkaen might be too.

Am I the only one still eyeing scooter? smile. Someone said it perfect earlier (novice?), he plays like a villager, but it's like he's not really doing his best. That's the constant feeling I've been having regarding him for the whole game.

You suspect scooter, Meiz??

Hm... Interesting...

Why haven't you said so when we were debating between him and Rowain?? You were online at the time, I know it. You sticked to Rowain without saying a word about any other suspects.

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