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SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Nakor, Tatan and I did Monarch and Emperor SGs back in the fall, along with TT and Kyan for the later game. We always said we would try to get back to do this again on Immortal. Now seems like a good time for me because PBEM3 is finished, PBEM11 is moving like molasses, and WW3 is over.

We had pretty bad land in the Emperor game as I recall despite a great capital and just backdoored our way into a cultural victory. All this means that Immortal may well be beyond our skill level. But you have to start somewhere.

Right now, I have four people who signed up:

1. GES
2. Nakor
3. Luddite
4. scooter
5. TT

I offered the last spot to Tatan, but I haven't heard back yet. I think he might be too busy to play, so if someone is interested in playing with us, we may well have a spot in place of Tatan.

Here are the questions I want to put out to the turn players who have signed up so far:

1) Should we just random roll a leader?

Last time we did that, but on Immortal, should we just choose a leader and civ we think will be fun to play with and won't be too weak? Remember, Immortal is a big step up for everyone but Luddite who has signed up so far I think.

2) What speed do we want to play at?

I am against quick for sure. I am fine with normal or epic. I have never played epic before. I am pretty sure epic will make it a touch easier, but the game also starts off slower.

3) Previously we said 24h to grab the save and 48h to play and post an update. Is everyone still cool with that?

4) I would prefer to keep the thread here at RB where I know everyone rather than at CFC. Is everyone OK with that?

5) Any particular map settings that we want?

Once we make some decisions, I will roll a few starts and see what everyone wants to play.

As usual, I am fine with lurker comments. Luddite is essentially our ringer, but I don't mind any advice from the helpful veterans around here either.

1) I tend to think we should choose moderately favorable settings for Immortal, just to give ourselves a better shot at it.

2) Either Normal or Epic is fine with me. Epic is usually a touch easier... Often Epic is played with slightly longer turn sets to compensate (15 on epic, 10 on normal is typical). I don't have a strong preference either way really.

3) Standard 24/48 works great

4) Yes please. I'd actually rather strongly like to keep it here, as I don't go to CFC hardly ever anymore. It's nice to keep them all in one place.

5) I'm pretty much fine with whatever for map settings.

1) I think the leaders are pretty well balanced on immortal/deity level. So I don't care what leader we pick.

2)Please... normal speed. I really hate playing on epic. And my brain is already screwed up from trying to play normal in PB4 and quick in pbem11. Another speed setting would just drive me insane.

3)Sounds good.

4)Sure. Which forum, though?

5)map settings can change the difficultry a lot. Continents is probably the hardest, and archipelago the easiest. I'd vote for either pangaea, or Big and Small.

I'd like to take the last spot if that's ok?
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Assuming Tatan is actually out, the spot is all yours TT. I will give Tatan a little while longer to get back to me.

I expected to see you swing by anyway and was going to PM you if no one signed up.

Although, I am still angry about you accusing me of being a wolf in the lurker thread . . . oh wait.

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Assuming Tatan is actually out, the spot is all yours TT. I will give Tatan a little while longer to get back to me.

I expected to see you swing by anyway and was going to PM you if no one signed up.

Although, I am still angry about you accusing me of being a wolf in the lurker thread . . . oh wait.

Fair enough!

It seems I was the only person who saw you as a wolf as the game was going on! Though it is a bit easier to spot people when you have no emotional involvement with the game
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

I agree completely with Scooter.

Hope to learn a lot from you guys here since Immortal is a bit above my usual SP level...

Some names to throw out for potential leaders:

Mansa (Fin/Spi)
Frederick (Phi/Org)
Darius (Fin/Org)
Mehmed (Exp/Org)
Izzy (Exp/Spi)
Kublai (Cre/Agg)

I would prefer to avoid Pacal and Willem, although I could be talked into Sury.

I figure once we pick a leader, we can decide on the civ.

Isabella sounds like a nice choice... Good combo between being a strong leader and not being one of the always-used leaders. Spiritual is nice with managing diplo at higher levels as well (easier to accept a swap civic/religion demand when you can change back in 5T).

I would suggest Hatty as a leader. Creative and Spiritual are very helpful in the higher difficulties, IMO.

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