Ok, let's beat yours
Using the sandbox game:
T1 - Settle (working corn)
T3 - Border Pop
T9 - AH in , Onto Mining. Worker completed, moves onto corn and begins farming. Build set to warrior.
T13 - Amsterdam grows to size 2. Mining completes, onto BW. Farm completed, move down towards pigs. (heading SE then SW). Production switched onto settler (leaving warrior at 8/10). Working imp corn and unimproved rice.
T14- Worker moves SW and begins pasturing pigs.
T16- Pasture completes. Switch tiles to corn and pigs.
T17- worker moves onto rice.
T18- worker begins farming rice.
T20- settler completes. Build set to warrior. Settler moves...somewhere? Probably floodplains area. Warrior would have been scouting this entire time so bloody better have found a second city site
T21- Warrior completes. Send him scouting somewhere we haven't got much map intel yet. Production set to another warrior. I founded the second city this turn but obviously this is massively subject to change. Set production to worker but could be whatever. With those floodplains only, it could likely get another worker out before the T30 deadline though... (10t with just working a plain grassland). Rice farm completes.
T22- Bronze working completes. Onto Wheel. Grow to size 3. Work all the improved food tiles. Warrior completes. Onto worker. New warrior either fortifies or goes off scouting another direction. Worker 1 moves 1E onto forested riverside grassland.
T23- Begin chopping
T24- city 2 border popped but again this could be whenever depending on when we settle.
T25- worker 2 completes and moves 1E onto forested riverside grassland. Worker 1 finishes chop- into settler.
T26- worker 1 finishes chop. Moves 2E onto forested riverside grassland. Worker 2 begins chop. Revolt to slavery.
T27- switch production to a warrior. Worker 1 begins chop. Worker 2 can chop for this turn BUT manually cancel this once it's done- very important.
T28- Wheel completes. Onto Pottery. Switch production back to a settler and whip from 4 -> 2 (work pigs and corn after). THEN worker 2 can finish his chop.
T29- worker 2 can act this turn but can't really plan anymore from here. Maybe move to assist second city? Start road? head over to chop again?
Worker 1 completes chop into settler.
T30 - complete settler #3. City #2 would also finish a worker this turn.
so, turn 30, i see your 2 settlers, 2 workers and 1 warrior and all improvements and i raise you:
3 settlers, 3 workers and 3.5 warriors.
Beat that and i'll be impressed