Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Advice wanted on how best to write a report.

Hi all,

While I joined the site a couple of months ago (a few of you may or may not remember me playing online), I have yet to play and do a report for an adventure or epic game. Part of this is because of feeling that I am yet to reach a level where people would find it interesting or reach a level where I would actually be able to win (playing on Noble right now).

After seeing the details for the upcoming epic V The Covenant of the Sea, I've decided that I will give an attempt at playing and reporting that game, in big part to the fact that I (being Mexican) love playing as the Aztecs.

So I am reading myself to divert time from real life and the World cup, to attempt the game and attempt at writing the report. However, I do have a question about how to go writing about the report. Simply put (and sorry for putting you all through the pain of reading the last few paragraphs), should I be taking notes as to what I am thinking as I play the game, or simply write about what I remember from screenshots and my own memory after I am done playing the game?

Having read many of reports, it seems like a huge task writing one, considering the amount of detail some of them go into.

Any other tips about pitfalls to avoid while writing are more than welcomed.



JavierLQ Wrote:Having read many of reports, it seems like a huge task writing one, considering the amount of detail some of them go into.

Any other tips about pitfalls to avoid while writing are more than welcomed.
There had been a thread about a similar topic some time ago, where you might find some ideas about how others write their report. At least the first few posts are about writing reports, then the thread drifts off a bit. wink

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Thanks a lot for the link, exactly what I was looking for but was unable to find.

I do have one more question. I see different kinds of way to post the reports, some of them have their own webspace, and some just simply do it in a post. I, unfortunatley, do not have my own site that I can dedicate to Civ IV, so I am wondering where people that do the report by posting directly host their screenshots?

Would it be better to upload them to say imagebucket and link them, or just upload them into the forums?

Thanks for the responce.

I think that, for the time being, uploading to another site and then linking them here works best. If you attach them to your forum post, they will all appear at the bottom of your post, not in with your text.

JavierLQ Wrote:Would it be better to upload them to say imagebucket and link them, or just upload them into the forums?

Thanks for the responce.
as clumsy as it is, i open up a old thread of mine over at CFC and use their ImageShack functions to upload my images to that site

FWIW, obviously i play the epics and adventures in multiple sessions, so for each session, i take notes during the action, and then try to analyze/strategize after each session of what i accomplished and what i should aim for next ~ i've been trying to think of my reports as an uber-SG (minus the minute details, of course) and that's helped a bit ~

it IS a daunting task, but, if i ever finsih one on time, i'm sure the reward is worth it wink which reminds me . . . adventure 7 . . .

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