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Non-ironman classic Diablo?

It doesn't say in the description, does it really allow playing Diablo off the harddrive? What other programs are out there that allows running Diablo off the harddrive and works with XP?


Nystul Wrote:I'm pretty sure Roland has used dhack too.

Yep, I have. To play MODS. Now, we could get into THAT argument too, if you like (whether mods constitute cheating or not), but I'm not about to, and I doubt anyone else is, either, yourself included. But, if you're going to mention my name and my past practices, I feel obligated to expand.

My use of DHack was the same as everyone else I knew back then: to play mods. I virtually never played mods Multiplayer (with a few notable exceptions, like on the private Realm I used to run, but even one or two organized Mod events on Battle.Net), at least in an "online" sense. Most of my mod playing was done in MP - Direct Connect games (which is where the bulk of ALL my Diablo gaming was played). My mod characters were never mixed with any non-mod characters, be they my own or anyone else's. Because of all this, there is no comparison between my use of DHack, and other people's use of scanners (which is what you were trying to allude to, yes?). People who use scanners do NOT use them only with other scanner users, in private or offline games. That is the key difference.

Do I consider mods (the only reason to use DHack - which, BTW, was a tool to load a modified set of game data into memory to be used henceforth in a gaming session; it was NOT an external program that modified the game itself, like Trainers or Town-Kill, etc. cheats, or even scanners) to be cheats? No. A MOD, by definition, is a modification to the game itself. It is not a third-party addition that changes the game dynamically. It is a hard-set set of changes, and one that cannot be inter-mixed with a non-modded game without troubles. That is the key difference between a mod, and other programs such as trainers and scanners. Do I care if someone uses a trainer or a scanner in their own private games, all by themselves? No, so long as they don't bring those characters into public B.Net. But once you bring a character who has used a Trainer, or has duped, or uses Town Kill, or if you use scanners, into the realm of public B.Net, you are no longer adhering to the rules set forth by Blizzard, both in policy and in spirit, and you are no longer "playing the same game". That is the crucial difference, and what makes scanners, in my eyes, to be lumped into the same category as trainers and other 3rd party programs.

Quote:And we would all say that we are perfectly justified in doing so... it's not the tool used but what you do with it that matters. Then, it should be no surprise that many others feel that way about scanners.

But that's just it! People think scanners are somehow the "holy item", that they don't adhere to the same rules as other 3rd party programs! It's ostrich-syndrome! It's assinine, it's foolish, and it's WRONG. Using a scanner is NO different than using a trainer, or a Town-Kill hack, or any other program AS SOON AS YOU TAKE IT INTO THE REALM OF PUBLIC! That's what everyone who uses scanners, and apparently you, don't seem to get! What happens in private, outside public B.Net (be it in single player, direct connect, modem, serial, or even online in B.Net in a password-protected private game) has NO CONSEQUENCES to anyone outside that space. As soon as you move from that space into public B.Net, though, you are breaking the rules. Period. It's inarguable. If I was playing with 3 of my buddiesin an online private game, and it had been established between us that I use scanners, and they give their consent to such behavoir (even if they don't use scanners themselves), then there is nothing wrong with it, in my eyes. Likewise if I and those same 3 buds decided to grab a trainer and beef ourselves up into the biggest, baddest guys we could be and blast our way through the game. Is it cheating? Yes, of course it is, but it only affects US. No one else is affected, and that's the crucial difference. As soon as one of us walked into a public game with our hacked-up trainer-boosted characters, we've broken the rules. Period. No exceptions, no loopholes, nothing.

Anyone who can't see that doesn't belong in an online game, any online game. And anyone who doesn't see that is not someone I'm going to play with. You want to use hacks, trainers, scanners, whatever your heart desires, you go right ahead. But don't take it into public, and don't bring it to me.

I've said more than I intended to on this subject, but I had to make that one point clear. I'm done with this topic. I've logged too many hours in the past debating this. I'm not about to continue any further.

KingOfPain Wrote:It doesn't say in the description, does it really allow playing Diablo off the harddrive? What other programs are out there that allows running Diablo off the harddrive and works with XP?


Dude, I haven't used the CD for Diablo since 1997.

And never for D2.

The whole "if I can find the CD" thing isn't a put-on--I haven't needed it for a decade 8-).

A certain percentage of PC gamers buy a legit copy of a game, install it, then install the hacks just so they don't have to keep up with the damn CD/DVD, or keep it in the tray 24/7. Some of the time, we HAVE to use the hack, since the copy protection borks our legit install and the hack is the only way we can play. D2 and Civ3 both required me to run a hack to play my legit copy.

Things got better after I spent about 150% of what I should have on my current DVD drive to get a Plextor-branded one that actually deals with most copy-protection schemes.

I still got a kick out of it, though, when I went back to PlanetSide lately (sigh, I know--but it is free now), and I'm still playing off the base code (plus gigs of patches) I downloaded when I was in the closed Beta and I've never loaded a CD...


planetside late beta is still the best mp online game I have ever played, and, years later, even the corrupted shadow of its former self is still fun in some ways. way to screw up an innovative landmark, SOE...

hello and well met to all wrapped up in the D1 legit morass--i'm willing and overjoyed to play with anyone in this thread who has thought things out enough to argue them so politely--which is all of you smile

KingOfPain Wrote:It doesn't say in the description, does it really allow playing Diablo off the harddrive? What other programs are out there that allows running Diablo off the harddrive and works with XP?


LennyLen is mighty helpful:

- Note - If you read the part where I'm moaning and groaning about trap deaths, you'll even see your name gets a mention smile Otherwise, 3rd post is the one you're after.

Rereading and...

Hureg Wrote:smile. While in LE, if you stick to the players who are actually on diablo and not one of the other games and avoid Obituary then the stupidity factor should go down considerably. Some on the other games are nice though too.

I would say that would have been true about 2 months ago...

How quickly things fade though.


Nystul Wrote:On USEast, "Diablo LE". On USWest, try "Diablo DSF-1". They aren't exactly brimming with activity, but a slight chance at a game is better than none. Unfortunately, if you do find folks in Diablo LE, there is about a 50% chance of them being idiots, but on the bright side they should still be legit.

Seems to be closer to the truth frown

Just thought I should rehash the word of warning, as I was there the other day and it wasn't pretty frown

Cyrene Wrote:i'm willing and overjoyed to play with anyone in this thread who has thought things out enough to argue them so politely--which is all of you smile

Wait! What about people who haven't posted to this thread yet? *pimp*

I'd be willing to participate in a weekly closed D1 session with you and Gris, and up to one other person. Actually, I'd be willing to include more, but the game allows only four at a time. Then you can entertain Gris on TeamSpeak with your various musings about my latest gameplay foolishness. thumbsup

Perhaps Gris and I will both play warriors so that we can gripe together about our rear ends doubling as "Cy's Pincushion". nod lol

This, assuming you actually find your CD (and I subsequently go and find mine!)

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.


I'm out of town all next week visiting with family over the 4th. After I get back, I'll either scrounge up my D1 cd or, *gasp* actually buy one from the bargain bin.

Maybe I'll remember some of it fairly quickly.

Maybe the wind will be southerly, and I'll know a hawk from a handsaw.


most likely, the wind will be north by northwest....

If you need a fourth, I'd certainly be happy to join you. I even have Diablo installed on this computer, along with CD (fourth computer I've installed the game on).

Not that I've played Diablo seriously since about 1998... lol
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Sullla Wrote:If you need a fourth, I'd certainly be happy to join you.

By coincidence, my CD was right on top of the stack. Go figure.

So I installed, patched to 109, created a BNET account and poked around for an hour. Not quite as slow as I remember it being on a P90, but perhaps that is a good thing.

Anyway, I'm ready if called upon.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Sounds like we just need Cy to get back into town. smile

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