Wow - two turns since I last checked in. Good stuff.
I agree with NE. We can scout nearby islands at a later date with galleys.
Hmm, does this mean we have to do diplomacy now? I have his email address as shootthemoonrb (at)
Since you're the turnplayer does that make me in charge of diplomacy?
You think our gmail inbox is messy now? Wait 'til we meet everyone.
First message could be something like this:
We are the Straight Talkers. We tell it like it is and we get to the point. We are peaceful.
Good to have met you. Have you met anyone else? You are the first person we have met.
Congratulations on founding Buddhism and good work on three cities - we'll have a third soon.
Is there anything you would like to know?
spaceman / spaceman and novice / Nospace / spacenovice / spaceman on behalf of spaceman and novice*"
*delete as applicable
Do you want to ask anything else? Or reveal anything else?
I agree with NE. We can scout nearby islands at a later date with galleys.
Hmm, does this mean we have to do diplomacy now? I have his email address as shootthemoonrb (at)
Since you're the turnplayer does that make me in charge of diplomacy?

First message could be something like this:
We are the Straight Talkers. We tell it like it is and we get to the point. We are peaceful.
Good to have met you. Have you met anyone else? You are the first person we have met.
Congratulations on founding Buddhism and good work on three cities - we'll have a third soon.
Is there anything you would like to know?
spaceman / spaceman and novice / Nospace / spacenovice / spaceman on behalf of spaceman and novice*"
*delete as applicable
Do you want to ask anything else? Or reveal anything else?