Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Athlete and Lewwyn are SHAKA OF THE VIKINGS

The Reverend Doctor Wrote:Where's the 'shaking my fist at the heavens' smiley when I need it!?

Yeah I know. I was laughing a lot when i saw it. lol

I played another turn. Nothing to big to update. MilSci complete at end of turn so next turn (which I already have, but have to go to dinner now) wil be interesting.

A couple courthouses, temple in Jord and such. Its funny the bigger the land area the less one reports about infrastructure and builds and micro. I think it has to do with the volume of work required to make the report and the fact that it is of less importance at this point.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

MilSci in, tech to 0%

GG upgraded to Grenadier, 1 Zerker upgraded to grenadier.

Next turn 6 zerkers upgraded.

Next turn after, wardec.

Oh and I ended turn with #1 score again. Yay! Short lived celebrations are fun.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

I sent Nakor a message:

Quote:Hey I declared War on you.

“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Here's a picture of the current battlefield:

[Image: Screenshot2011-05-07at120700PM.png]

I have no idea if Nakor will move any units. There's no road between Iconium and Antioch and troops from Andrinople can't reach Antioch next turn either. I WILL capture Antioch next turn. Question is whether he'll move units and force me to raze it, or I can keep it.

I do have a slight feint with my naval units. Moved them closer to Adrianople. He may believe I'll sack the city if he moves units out of it.

Steel in 4 turns if I don't need any more gold for upgrades, which I probably will.

So sound the dogs of war.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Played the turn. When I opened the save, Nakor had recruited some more units but he hadn't moved any units out of Adrinople or Iconium. I think the naval feint and the possibility of an army storming from Forseti held him in place. SO I took Antioch and did not raze it:

[Image: Screenshot2011-05-08at32510PM.png]

I used 2 cats for bombarding and then sacrificed 4 more + 3 trebs. I may not have even needed that many siege kills but overkill is underrated. As a result I lost no battles and everything was 70% + at the least. You will notice though that I lost one battle. I had 97.4% odds to win... my healthy crossbow attacked and lost to an archer with 1.5 health!!! Oh well. My last unit finished him off. Without that extra pike I wouldn't have taken the city...

Here's a look at the land:

[Image: Screenshot2011-05-08at32425PM.png]

Those X's are the only tiles I can't see that could reach the city this turn. Also, that cat there can't hit my big stack because of no road. I'm glad I don't have to worry about a little more collateral.

For Iconium:

[Image: Screenshot2011-05-08at32538PM.png]

He has a bunch there. I'll have 6 Grenadiers, 1 pike, 1 WE, 7 cats, 1 treb ready to attack next turn. I think I will wait a turn or two though for some reinforcements. If he moves any units out of the city towards Antioch I can move this group onto the hill right away. I can take my time here. I'm thinking 2 turns until I attack it.

I kept my ships on the coast as a continuous bluff. I don't think Nakor really has his heart in it after being eviscerated by Seven in the center and in the south now.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Haven't updated in a bit, but hey celebration! This thread hit 10k views smile

So I took Iconium about 3-4 turns after Antioch and now about 3 turns after that:

[Image: Screenshot2011-05-14at95717PM.png]

Lots of grenadiers. They are very good at taking down rifles.

I'm thinking this game is over as soon as Nakor goes down. I've been slightly bored by this game since the TRD saga ended and I wrestled Temperance from Nakor. After that it was pretty clear Seven could pretty much destroy Nakor all by himself.

I mean Seven just built the Kremlin. I'm researching Education in 2 turns but I'm simply way behind. I'm not even gonna wrestle with the co-winner thing. Nakor has 3 cities. Next turn I take one then he's down to two island cities.

Seven and I were talking and he said he kinda wished he could spend more time in the industrial age because the games usually end by then. Whelp chalk another onto the list. I'm simply far more interested in pbems 14 and 18 that I'm playing in and thus updating much more intently (shameless plug).
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Thanks for reading everyone. We've called the game and I've accepted 2nd place. In exchange Seven and I are going to do some AW duels. jive

I did take Adrianpole though in case you were wondering. But at this point all that's left is to tech war with Seven until he surpasses me and ends the game. Thus the decision smile

I had a really great time taking over for Athlete so thank you Athlete as well. I hope when you get to read everything you feel as satisfied as I have considering this to be a real learning experience for me.

Thank you TRD for the fight. Thank you Nakor for providing tension and playing to the end. Thanks Ruff for making as much of a stand as you did against Nakor and Seven. And thanks Seven for the mutually beneficial alliance and all the fun. I look forward to more.

Now off to read the other threads.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Thanks to you for taking over for Athlete and thanks to both of you for providing many interesting and wellpictured updates thumbsup

Nicely played Lewwyn - thanks for an enjoyable thread! I'm disappointed that I can't follow your PBEM14 thread (lol) because this one was very well done! Also, you really should do write-ups of the AW duel(s) in the PBEM5 forum. It's a fun way to play.

Good write-up, Athlete and Lewwyn!
I really had no idea you and Seven were so close, if I had known, I would have used my GA a bit different.
Good game, but you made it easy for seven as well. Was there a way you could have won from this point?

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