Naturally, the demon that's hardest to defeat is the dreaded Connection Problem.
I seem to be a victim of the "can't see more than one other player in a game" issue.
Kp has been working with me on it, and seems to think that it's related to my router. After some non-relevant router drama (long story), I went in and set it to forward ports 6112 and 6113 up to this computer. Before I did that, I had never seen more than one other player in a multiplayer game. I also can't host- others can't join when I create the game.
Since then, I have joined a pubbie and seen two of the three other players that the host claimed were in the game. However, I just joined a Kp-made game and could only see one of his two characters. He also couldn't join when I created.
He thinks this is still connected to my router. On his computers, he was seeing the communication coming from my computer coming in on two different ports (neither of which were 6112). He thinks that my computer is sending on 6112, the router is changing the ougoing port to a random one for security reasons, the other computer responds using the port that it received the incoming traffic on, and then my router gets the response but doesn't know to translate that back into port 6112 which would get it forwarded to my machine instead of stopped at the router.
I am going to do some forum searching and see if I can come up with some ideas. So far, I found one thread on the Lounge where a similar problem was sovled with an update of the router's firmware, but that didn't work in my case. It's also possible that I could see players on completely different networks and IP's better than I can see two players from the same network (although hosting is right out, I think, without a fix).
Another possibility, if it is a router issue, would be to replace the router with one of a different brand. That seems silly to fix a problem with Diablo, of all things, though. But, we do have a few connectivity issues here- my connection upstairs gets lost frequently for some reason, and can only be fixed be power cycling my wireless adapter, plus we have had some problems getting the network security to work with this router, so we've had to settle for "more secure than the neighbors' unsecured networks" rather than the ideal.
Now, none of those issues would necessarily be solved by replacing the router. In fact, the Diablo problem wouldn't necessarily be solved that way. $70 or so is a lot to spend to fix a problem with a 10-year-old game, too. So, I don't know.
My huband lost some data last night that might or might not be related to my using his laptop last night during the aforementioned router drama, so this may not be the time to bring that up. However, I did buy a linksys router last night during the router drama, with the intention to return it if I got the other one working (I did). So, it's sitting on my desk at the moment.
I seem to be a victim of the "can't see more than one other player in a game" issue.
Kp has been working with me on it, and seems to think that it's related to my router. After some non-relevant router drama (long story), I went in and set it to forward ports 6112 and 6113 up to this computer. Before I did that, I had never seen more than one other player in a multiplayer game. I also can't host- others can't join when I create the game.
Since then, I have joined a pubbie and seen two of the three other players that the host claimed were in the game. However, I just joined a Kp-made game and could only see one of his two characters. He also couldn't join when I created.
He thinks this is still connected to my router. On his computers, he was seeing the communication coming from my computer coming in on two different ports (neither of which were 6112). He thinks that my computer is sending on 6112, the router is changing the ougoing port to a random one for security reasons, the other computer responds using the port that it received the incoming traffic on, and then my router gets the response but doesn't know to translate that back into port 6112 which would get it forwarded to my machine instead of stopped at the router.
I am going to do some forum searching and see if I can come up with some ideas. So far, I found one thread on the Lounge where a similar problem was sovled with an update of the router's firmware, but that didn't work in my case. It's also possible that I could see players on completely different networks and IP's better than I can see two players from the same network (although hosting is right out, I think, without a fix).
Another possibility, if it is a router issue, would be to replace the router with one of a different brand. That seems silly to fix a problem with Diablo, of all things, though. But, we do have a few connectivity issues here- my connection upstairs gets lost frequently for some reason, and can only be fixed be power cycling my wireless adapter, plus we have had some problems getting the network security to work with this router, so we've had to settle for "more secure than the neighbors' unsecured networks" rather than the ideal.
Now, none of those issues would necessarily be solved by replacing the router. In fact, the Diablo problem wouldn't necessarily be solved that way. $70 or so is a lot to spend to fix a problem with a 10-year-old game, too. So, I don't know.
My huband lost some data last night that might or might not be related to my using his laptop last night during the aforementioned router drama, so this may not be the time to bring that up. However, I did buy a linksys router last night during the router drama, with the intention to return it if I got the other one working (I did). So, it's sitting on my desk at the moment.