Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Realms Beyond Epic MP Game

Indeed; nice report regoarrarr. I am planning to try to record something similar when we actually get going, but didn't last night as it was just a test game.

From a Spanish POV, I was very much a support player in the game. Sullla founded Confucianism and sent the free missionary to me, so I spent a portion of the game churning our missionaries for the other guys and then tried to keep my economy going while sending out Chariots and HA's as scouts.

A general co-op MP question; as a back-line Civ, is it best to gift units to the frontline Civs (giving them control, but also the upkeep cost & tanking their economy), or running stacks of your own?

Ruff_Hi Wrote:I found myself rushing my turns, not wanting to be the one holding up the rest of the group.

Heh, you're not the only one; but since you were in the frontlines, your turns would take longer than mine. I'm not a fast player on SP, so was also worried about holding everything up. I think Quick speed maybe accentuated things as there were more decisions to make each turn, but my solution was to move units, hit enter - and then do city reviews / MM / extraneous stuff while waiting for the rest to finish. It's a bit disconcerting when the turn ends and you're in a City screen, but that helped me feel like I wasn't holding people up.

Looking forward to the full game next week!

were you guys using the teamspeak during the game?

On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

Atlas Wrote:were you guys using the teamspeak during the game? -Atlas
Yes - it worked well with a good mix of accents.

This is one of the rare occasions living in Europe is a real disadvantage. NHL Hockey is another. Well, getting up at 3 or 4 AM for an MP game sounds not too encouraging, but I play a lot of Coop games with a friend of mine vs. the AI, climbing the ladder from Noble in the beginning to Monarch now. I'd love to play in one of the upcoming RB MP games - but lest there be a time change or me having a holiday and a crazy hour I don't see it coming.

Still, I wish all of you a lot of fun - and I know how much fun those games are...


Imhotep Wrote:This is one of the rare occasions living in Europe is a real disadvantage. NHL Hockey is another. Well, getting up at 3 or 4 AM for an MP game sounds not too encouraging, but I play a lot of Coop games with a friend of mine vs. the AI, climbing the ladder from Noble in the beginning to Monarch now.

I sometimes play co-op with a west-coast USA friend (I'm in the UK) ... 5pm my time, 9am her time on Sat & Sun ... so you just need to persuade people to give their weekends up wink Or setup a Euro game ... smile

(Though personally I feel I'm a bit too 'junior' to be joining in these games nod, and anyway I'm more free UK afternoons when most people in Europe are at work & in the US are asleep)

Just a reminder to everyone that we'll be back on for tomorrow night - see you at 8pm EST! For today, a very happy 4th of July to everyone in the US (and to our non-American friends as well nod ). In my hometown of Catonsville MD, today is full of games for the local kids in the morning, followed by a big afternoon parade, cookouts and BBQs in the evening, then a steelband concert followed by fireworks at night. One of the best days of the year overall. I hope that all of you reading this have a great day as well. thumbsup

Some quick responses:

Ruff_Hi Wrote:I found myself rushing my turns, not wanting to be the one holding up the rest of the group. Consequently, I lost a worker through not paying attention and my attack strategy was very 'single unit at a time' instead of stacks of them.

Seriously, take your time. The whole reason why we're playing with No Turn Timer is so that we can do exactly that. If you're not sure what to do, stop and air it out with the team - that's why we have Teamspeak!

Dreylin Wrote:A general co-op MP question; as a back-line Civ, is it best to gift units to the frontline Civs (giving them control, but also the upkeep cost & tanking their economy), or running stacks of your own?

Usually the best thing to do is to ask the person, do you want me to gift this unit to you? You can definitely cripple someone's economy with too many units if you're not careful, but sometimes that's actually the best strategy. Best to ask them what they'd like. (Nolan used to gift everyone a million units in our test games; it was very nice, but I often wished she would keep some of them for herself!)

And a general comment - you guys barely talked at all on Teamspeak last week. This is a far cry from my experiences with Cyrene, who keeps up a constant stream of offbeat commentary, and Sirian, who can't go five minutes without making everyone groan over a horrendous pun. lol Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but I felt like I was talking to myself a lot last week. Feel free to speak up.

See you tomorrow. smile
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Sullla Wrote:This is a far cry from my experiences with Cyrene, who keeps up a constant stream of offbeat commentary, and Sirian, who can't go five minutes without making everyone groan over a horrendous pun.

That's a lie! :mad: I once lasted six and a half minutes. 8)

Besides, to have groan over time should be everyone's goal in life. lol

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Sullla Wrote:And a general comment - you guys barely talked at all on Teamspeak last week. This is a far cry from my experiences with Cyrene, who keeps up a constant stream of offbeat commentary, and Sirian, who can't go five minutes without making everyone groan over a horrendous pun. lol Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but I felt like I was talking to myself a lot last week. Feel free to speak up.
Well from my point of view it was a combination of new experience, and not knowing you guys very well - both of which will wear off. I also think I lost contact at one point (popped off to make some food between turns and thought that unplugging the headset would send the sound through my speakers) and it took me a while to realise and fix it ... another lesson learnt.

BTW, I'm going to repeat what worked last Thursday and not log into TeamSpeak until after we've go the game up and running - don't know if it made a difference, but why chance it - so I'll see you guys in the lobby.

Gah, well that was frustrating and disappointing, and hopefully the rest of the guys managed to get something working once my dead weight had been removed from the enterprise! 8)

My computer / networking / firewall skills are limited, so hopefully if I throw out some details someone with more knowledge can see if I'm headed in the correct direction....

So, I have Cable internet supplied by Comcast and I use the Router which they supplied (lease) to me. My computer connects through the Ethernet port, while my Fiancee's laptop uses Wireless (as does my work machine when I have to bring it home).

I suspect that the reason that my hosting the Direct IP didn't work may have been for one of two reasons; Jane was also playing CIV (SP) at the time, and when I checked our IP addresses (at they were the same. huh

Poking through the Router/Gateway functions, I found something called a "demilitarised zone" which sounded like it would shove incoming traffic at a particular machine, so I have enabled that for mine.

I also ran a couple of tests with the two computers and successfully connected both of us out to a Gamespy game, and via Direct IP (using our post-gateway IPs).

Oh yeah, as far as Firewalling, etc on my machine goes; I have McAfee Security Center running.

As far as I can tell; there are three differences between the three times we've tried;

1) Map size; Today and last Wednesday we were on Large, Thursday we went Standard (I believe) - maybe my computer can't cope with that and the number of connections.

2) My Fiancee was also online both Wednesdays, but not Thursday - the caveat to that is that last Wednesday she was not connected via this network....

3) Cynyck - not meaning to imply you're the problem (as it feels more like I am) but that's a clear difference between /my/ successes and failures. tongue

So, there you have it. Help!

I regret I couldn't make it today due to ugh Things more Important than CIV (aka health and family issues), heck I didn't even get the chance to log on until now today (over in this time zone the game takes place at noon), this was unforseeable.

Unfortunately I wont be able to make it next week either due to an entirely seperate issue, I have no desire to go into details but it involves the latter half of my week, 16 hours of driving and forces outside of my control. It sucks, but no-one is dead or dying so there's no need to worry, extend sympathies etc (other than for the loss of quality CIV time).

That I have to miss two sessions in a row is just coincidental and there shouldn't be any trend here (I say shouldn't, as the universe mocks me, but seriously, it shouldn't be a trend).

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