Well, it's a bit early for a big comparison of players' positions, but there are still a few observations that can be made.
All players have nearly identical starts that present similiar challenges. The main question that needs to be answered is: given the food-poor situation around my starting area, how do I make the most of it?
Now, my personal feeling on the matter before the game started, was that Agriculture was the obvious choice, with worker-first a good approach (there's a grace period of a few turns in FFH before barbarians start popping up; getting a worker first, and building your improvements before the barbs start coming in heavy always seemed the right choice for me).
Now, having got Agriculture, the key thing to note is that this will give a worker plenty to do - every start has several riverside plains, which, once farmed, turn into 2-1-1 tiles; this may be unspectacular by mid-game, but right now, each such tile gives both production and commerce without any further techs needed.
What next really depends on the nature of the civilization in question - Hunting, Mining, Education and Mysticism are all valid choices, I feel.
With that in mind, let's see how the players are doing.
Ichabod of the Khazad
The dwarven hills movement bonus came in handy instantly, as it allowed him to settle on a riverside plains hill first turn. Going Agriculture first is a good move, and even with a break to get some emergency warriors built, the extra hammer from the plains hill settlement should get the worker out fast enough.
Irgy\Mardoc of the Kuriotates
Very detailed thread-writers. Started with Agriculture, so went full steam ahead on Ancient Chants\Mysticism, trying to land an early Elder Council\Academy. Slightly dangerous move on getting a granary out before additional warriors - that's taking farmer's gambit a step too far.
They also have got their worker out already, and are going to farm most of the tiles in their BFC, including some riverside cows.
Jkaen of Amurites
Stayed in place and settled on turn one. Grew to city size 2 before beginning a worker. Started with Ancient Chants, then went to Agriculture -> Mysticism.
I think this opening is somewhat sub-par, as there's going to be Jkaen will be several turns late in finishing his wheat farm, compared to Irgy or Ichabod. This will translate in him probably being one city size smaller for the next 30 turns or so.
Dantski of Elohim
Started with Ancient Chants, went Mysticism, then Agriculture. Not sure if he's even started a worker yet. It's not really clear why he went Mysticism first; he appears to be ambivalent about revolting to God-King, and building an elder council whilst not having any tile improvements in place would be a very bad move.
He's probably going to be behind Jkaen at this stage.
Sciz of Hippus
Started with Agriculture, and went straight for Calendar. Is this a good move? I'm really not sure that running 3-0-1 tiles is better than running 2-1-1 tiles with a 5-citizen happiness limit in the early game; sure, as he gets Mining, he'll be able to put two farms + a mine (not quite clear from screenshot whether the mine would bring in a coin as well, but let's assume it does) for a 6-4-3 benefit. On the other hand, straightforward Agriculture will get him to 6-3-3 without an investment into Calendar, Crafting and Mining.
He's now researching Ancient Chants and Mysticism, at which point he expects to revolt into God-King and Agrarianism - by that time, he'll likely be maxed out, or close to, on citizens' happiness anyway, and the extra food will be wasted until such time as he gets an elder council (as he's losing a hammer per each extra food, he's not even going to win on any workers\settlers he makes).
So, he's already made one tech path mistake, and it remains to see whether he'll make a second one. On the plus side, he's got a worker out, so his development is doing quite well at the moment.
Also, as an aside, it's very likely that Sciz has settled in such a way as not to have the Copper in BFC, thus worsening his capital's long-term potential.
Selrahc of Lanun
The dark horse of the game, he only settled on fourth turn. His initial situation is horrible - working 1-hammer citizens or ice hills, he is limping towards Fishing.
Once he gets Fishing, however, he'll build four workboats (two coves, one pearls, one crab). Say, turn 35-40 by the time he does all that, turn 60 before he gets an Academy in the capital?
His risk would be that in the meantime others will expand into the land he'd consider his own, but still he's very likely to be one of the leading powers circa turn 60. It'd be interesting to see whether he continues expand on the frozen seaside or try to go back inland.
I'd say that at the moment, first tier is Ichabod, Irgy\Mardoc and Selrahc. Second tier is everybody else.
All players have nearly identical starts that present similiar challenges. The main question that needs to be answered is: given the food-poor situation around my starting area, how do I make the most of it?
Now, my personal feeling on the matter before the game started, was that Agriculture was the obvious choice, with worker-first a good approach (there's a grace period of a few turns in FFH before barbarians start popping up; getting a worker first, and building your improvements before the barbs start coming in heavy always seemed the right choice for me).
Now, having got Agriculture, the key thing to note is that this will give a worker plenty to do - every start has several riverside plains, which, once farmed, turn into 2-1-1 tiles; this may be unspectacular by mid-game, but right now, each such tile gives both production and commerce without any further techs needed.
What next really depends on the nature of the civilization in question - Hunting, Mining, Education and Mysticism are all valid choices, I feel.
With that in mind, let's see how the players are doing.
Ichabod of the Khazad
The dwarven hills movement bonus came in handy instantly, as it allowed him to settle on a riverside plains hill first turn. Going Agriculture first is a good move, and even with a break to get some emergency warriors built, the extra hammer from the plains hill settlement should get the worker out fast enough.
Irgy\Mardoc of the Kuriotates
Very detailed thread-writers. Started with Agriculture, so went full steam ahead on Ancient Chants\Mysticism, trying to land an early Elder Council\Academy. Slightly dangerous move on getting a granary out before additional warriors - that's taking farmer's gambit a step too far.
They also have got their worker out already, and are going to farm most of the tiles in their BFC, including some riverside cows.
Jkaen of Amurites
Stayed in place and settled on turn one. Grew to city size 2 before beginning a worker. Started with Ancient Chants, then went to Agriculture -> Mysticism.
I think this opening is somewhat sub-par, as there's going to be Jkaen will be several turns late in finishing his wheat farm, compared to Irgy or Ichabod. This will translate in him probably being one city size smaller for the next 30 turns or so.
Dantski of Elohim
Started with Ancient Chants, went Mysticism, then Agriculture. Not sure if he's even started a worker yet. It's not really clear why he went Mysticism first; he appears to be ambivalent about revolting to God-King, and building an elder council whilst not having any tile improvements in place would be a very bad move.
He's probably going to be behind Jkaen at this stage.
Sciz of Hippus
Started with Agriculture, and went straight for Calendar. Is this a good move? I'm really not sure that running 3-0-1 tiles is better than running 2-1-1 tiles with a 5-citizen happiness limit in the early game; sure, as he gets Mining, he'll be able to put two farms + a mine (not quite clear from screenshot whether the mine would bring in a coin as well, but let's assume it does) for a 6-4-3 benefit. On the other hand, straightforward Agriculture will get him to 6-3-3 without an investment into Calendar, Crafting and Mining.
He's now researching Ancient Chants and Mysticism, at which point he expects to revolt into God-King and Agrarianism - by that time, he'll likely be maxed out, or close to, on citizens' happiness anyway, and the extra food will be wasted until such time as he gets an elder council (as he's losing a hammer per each extra food, he's not even going to win on any workers\settlers he makes).
So, he's already made one tech path mistake, and it remains to see whether he'll make a second one. On the plus side, he's got a worker out, so his development is doing quite well at the moment.
Also, as an aside, it's very likely that Sciz has settled in such a way as not to have the Copper in BFC, thus worsening his capital's long-term potential.
Selrahc of Lanun
The dark horse of the game, he only settled on fourth turn. His initial situation is horrible - working 1-hammer citizens or ice hills, he is limping towards Fishing.
Once he gets Fishing, however, he'll build four workboats (two coves, one pearls, one crab). Say, turn 35-40 by the time he does all that, turn 60 before he gets an Academy in the capital?
His risk would be that in the meantime others will expand into the land he'd consider his own, but still he's very likely to be one of the leading powers circa turn 60. It'd be interesting to see whether he continues expand on the frozen seaside or try to go back inland.
I'd say that at the moment, first tier is Ichabod, Irgy\Mardoc and Selrahc. Second tier is everybody else.