Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] novice and spaceman - Suryavarman of India

SevenSpirits Wrote:Haha, good thing you snipped out the part with the eyewitness testimony of rego actually murdering someone. smile

Hehe. He was convicted fair and square in a secret trial with classified evidence.
I have to run.

Wow, a lot seems to happen when I'm in bed. This game is running at some pace now.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Played T47.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0465.JPG]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0466.JPG]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0467.JPG]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0468.JPG]

As is mentioned in the chat with Darrell, someone founded Judaism on T45.
I have to run.

novice Wrote:Two things to consider:
1. We don't really need the worker whipped in Capital on T50. We could start a settler there on T49 instead of a worker, and whip it when it's whippable, to get the settler out earlier. We could even slowbuild it at size 5 to work some yummy scientists. Our happy cap will increase a lot with gold, gems and representation, so we'll be wanting to grow our cities soonish.

2. We really would like to have the last settler from Investment ready by T54, when we'll want to revolt to Representation. One way to achieve that is to start the settler as soon as Investment hits size 4 on T50, whipping it as soon as possible and overflowing to complete the library. Speeds up the settler but delays the library. Still, I don't think the library there is urgent.

I decided that this was a good idea.
Updated ten-turn plan:

I'm starting a settler in Capital on T49 and triple-whipping it with max overflow to another settler on T53. I'm also starting a settler in Investment on T50 and double-whipping it on T52, growing back on the library build.

We'll have a settler (from Investment) and worker ready on T53 that the galley can ship to a second island site. We need to figure out where, though.

The settler that completes in Capital on T54 can settle the gems site, or we can send him SW to claim one of the city spots on our southwestern arm. I think we might need to hurry up and settle that arm if we don't want to have it poached. Securing two sources of horses might also give us some leverage in diplomacy.
I have to run.

Spewing out settlers - I like it.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Okay, spaceman, the idea I wanted to discuss with you is to settle on the bananas in this screenshot:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0641.JPG]
I have to run.

Ok, the pros:

It gets us sources of banana and sugar.
It gets us an intercontinental trade route.
It's a decent city site.


It's very vulnerable. And that's a big one. While we are at peace, that's fine, but I doubt it would last long in war time, even with Creative libraries providing cultural defence.

It's on Shoot's landmass, therefore might annoy him.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Some chat with darrell from last night. Note that this was mostly novice, but then I logged in too towards the end, hence the apparent schizophrenia.

21.11 Darrell: Did I remember to tell you the continent snakes longer than I thought?
I think it snakes INTO us.
Not 100% sure, just got a Warrior over there now and found out.

21:22 me: Hi, are you saying that your proposed city site is on an arm that connects to your continent?

Darrell: I need to defog a few more tiles but yes

me: I don't think that's the case, I think we have intercontinental trade routes with you
Let me check a save

21:23 Darrell: if you have 3 commerce it is intercont

me: We have 3

I still think the arm continues southeast and ends up at a sugar resource

21:24 Darrell: you have a boat going that way?>
21:25 want some free info?

me: always

Darrell: from the gems, it goes 3 (dyes) 13223
from tile bleed I can see after that it goes 66
then I lose track of it
21:26 I think in two turns my warrior will see more of it though, if it does continue
but if you have 3 commerce then clearly its intercont

21:28 me: How can it go 66 after going 3?
21:29 nvm, 66 is due east right?

Darrell: are you using a phone keypad?

me: well this matches what I've thought all along
but how does this constitute snaking back towards you?

Darrell: man you sure do get a lot of free info
21:30 those 66 tiles are accross from me
right across, just coast in between

me: What? You pink dotted us you bastard

Darrell: what's pink dotted?
not acorss from us as in my core
across from us as in our continent
21:31 it seems likely kyan will get there soon

me: I think all five continents meet up down there

Darrell: death spiral
you clearly have a boat there, why bother hiding it :P

21:32 me: We enjoy your paranoia
21:33 We have a screenshot from Shoot the Moon.
His continent also ends up down there
How's that for free info

Darrell: that's great!
no we're working together
no = now
21:34 freudian type

me: lol
typo, you mean wink

Darrell: damn it
Its this keyboard

21:35 me: but the real question is, are you really going to poach two city sites on our continent?

Darrell: Definitely not my brain. Definitely not.
poach? that's just wrong.

me: I agree, poaching is wrong smile

21:36 Darrell: If I'm willing to accept Kyan (and rego from process of elimination) are going to get on my continent, why would I consider setting a city 6 tiles from my capital poaching???
Your language is hurtful to my fellings :P

me: Sorry, had to go deal with another crybaby (my youngest daughter)

21:43 Darrell: another
I get it

me: Why should I care what you do with Kyan and Rego?

Darrell: this must be space

me: (to put it bluntly)
no, novice
(getting in character)

Darrell: oh, because novice once told me he liked to be friendly
and I figured that meant space was who I was talking too :P

me: lmao

21:44 Darrell: I make the point with rego/kyan to let you understand my perspective on the subject

me: Hey we all have the same perspective
21:45 But how can I promise you land until I've secured some myself from my other neighbours?
You could just rush to settle your own continent, from what I understand you haven't even got contact with your other neighbours

21:46 Darrell: You are referring to clause 3.

me: uh-oh, here comes the lawyer
I don't think there was anything in clause 3 requiring us to be happy about it

21:47 Darrell: Yes yes...the lawyer noticed you did not accept clause 3. The lawyer noticed you had about 1 billion forum posts back forth that day. The lawyer realizes you were not happy about clause 3, but figured clause 1 more than made up for it.

21:48 me: The lawyer being GES?

21:49 Darrell: I will not blame others for my shortcomings smile. I think GES is in the medical field.

me: No, he's a lawyer

Darrell: really?

me: yup
The things you learn from playing werewolf smile

Darrell: Funny..he talked about a client of his (Brad Miller) who was an NBA player and figured he was a doctor or something.

21:50 me: I even think I vaguely recall him saying he specialized in sports clients. Some kind of Jerry Maguire

Darrell: I wonder if he can get me tickets

me: Worth asking
21:51 He's west coast though
Am I to conclude that you don't want to discuss clause 3? tongue

Darrell: That's a long drive
We can discuss clause 3
I prefer straight talk after all

21:52 me: My main issue with your city is and has always been that it cuts us off from the spiral of death
1st: Are you aware of any suitable locations on your continent that we could settle?
21:53 2nd: Is relocating your city to the sugar an option?

21:54 Darrell: 1st: No, not really. The problem with that is that plako put us next to your arm. He put Kyan next to our arm, and rego likely next to our final arm. It sounds like you are near shoot's arm?

me: Yes

21:56 Darrell: 2nd: I hesitate to say no, because I guess everything is negotiable. However, I would be extremely reluctant to do so would ask for some long term clauses in exchange that you would likely find objectionable. You have to understand, its a one turn boat from that site to the Hindu holy city. Its also land near us, while we know we are losing land far from us. FIN/PHI can't afford to chase spots all over the place, we have to settle what's close.
21:57 What if we granted in perpetuity access to the spiral, including logistical access if you are at war with someone?

me: I don't know
I haven't really thought this through
Would you be settling the sugar site too then?

21:58 Darrell: an interesting question
we have not seen it yet, so I can't say what we'd do when we did
You are not allowed to broker the screenshot over?

22:00 me: It would have sugar and fish at least, maybe banana on another landmass.

Darrell: my warrior should see the spot in 2-3 turns

22:01 me: Actually I have an idea. But I need to discuss it with spaceman.

Darrell: okay...can you expedite it?

22:02 me: expedite = do it faster?

Darrell: It would be nice to settle this (pun intended)
22:03 you know, just looking at it I think you don't want that site anyway
the only food there is swamped by the hindu holy city (seafood)
at least that I can see
But I sincerely (poke, poke) want to be friends, so I can see giving you the sugar spot

22:04 me: well is the seafood first ring to the proposed city?

Darrell: yeah, but I will have two cities, including a holy city with shrine pressuring it

22:05 me: nothing that a creative library can't handle

Darrell: eh
from a securtiy standpoint I also prefer you settlign across from kyan than across from us
so I like your suggestion on the sugar site better

22:06 me: what's my suggestion exactly?
that we settle the sugar site?

Darrell: acutaly going back your suggestion was we settle sugar instead smile
I thought it was that you got sugar

22:07 me: Is your settler on the way, since you want this expedited?

22:08 Darrell: hmm
On the one hand, the answer is yes, on the other hand, how come I'm the one always giving away free info?

22:09 me: lol
I just gave you valuable map info from StM

Darrell: My math is rusty, but I think 27 is a bigger number than `1

me: 27? What's that, your free info count?

Darrell: yes
I keep track of these things
22:10 In fact, that puts us at 28

me: Krill does, you mean

Darrell: Yes, but only to make funny of me. Now we are at 29.
Keep asking questions, I'm sure you can get to 100:1 pretty soon.

me: Well here's #2:
22:11 We will abide by clause 3, we did accept the deal.

Darrell: Great, now I have to give you 171 pieces of free information if we ever want to get to 100:1.

22:12 me: So you can settle the city. But as I'm sure you understand we might need to work out a way to keep us both happy if we want our relations to blossom further

Darrell: Yes, I understand, and agree.

me: Anyway, I'll post this chat and let spaceman comment, and let's both brainstorm in the meantime

22:13 I'm watching it develop (spaceman here - hello!)

Darrell: smile

me: lol

Darrell: Maybe we can help you take someone else's cities.
Like rego's

me: The coup d'état failed!
spaceman: just logged in and wondered what the hell was going on

Darrell: de: Couldn;t you have waited until after hte city was settled and we had copper hooked before telling him?
Krill just can't resist mocking me

me: haha
this is getting out of hand

22:14 Darrell: My explanation that you asked me point blank and I didn't want to lie was not met with approval
I've got Dick Cheney for a VP.

22:15 me: OK, I guess diplo can be fun sometimes smile

22:16 Darrell: Its going to be fun when I screw with rego, my #1 goal for this game. So very tired of him getting away with murder. The one time he got called was PB2 when I was on his damn team.

me: lol

22:18 Darrell: Well, back on topic, in additoin to the "we won't attack you" clause, we'll add a "right of passage, even in war clause" (which will be fun explainging to whoever we NAP) gratis, as well as a "we'll find some way to make you feel better" clause, also gratis.
22:19 And by we I mean me, because krill is a bastard

spaceman: what about a "we will stop counting free pieces of information" clause?

Darrell: bah
That's just an automated process, it can't be stopped once started.

spaceman: worth a try

Darrell: and that's +1 right there
22:20 up to 34 or 35 I think, need to check the counter

novice: I'm signing off, I'll let spaceman take it from here.

spaceman: night

Darrell: later
actually I need to leave "work" so I can go cook food for my kids smile
anything else?

spaceman: can we start a separate counter for *useful* bits of info then?

22:21 Darrell: when my boss asks me why my project is late, I'll just send him to my forum thread
heh-heh..sure, why not?

spaceman: go cook - i've nothing to add - we're meant to be the straight talkers not the ramblers

Darrell: I think I'm at like 3 or 4 at least
cool, talk to you later.

spaceman: bye
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Save is in - but I won't be able to grab it until tonight. So if you're around, novice...
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Got it.
I have to run.

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