20:42 me: hey
Shoot: Hey
me: space here
thanks for the email
me: how's PBEM17 going?
20:53 from memory you have some chunkily sized cities?
Shoot: yeah, I definitely have had more vertical than horizontal growth at this point
20:54 I'm still two turns from getting my sixth city for instance
20:55 you guys have seemed to have a pretty balanced expansion yourself though...6 cities, two wonders, and an early workboat for trying for circumnavigation
me: that's not much behind out 6th
yeah we have no trees now
that's our cost, which is perfectly manageable
Shoot: trees are better used early than late I always think
me: we felt we needed to do everything possible to deal with 3 x FIN + rego's scary combo
20:56 Shoot: well, GLH certainly makes up for fin on this map I suspect
me: yeah that was our thinking
Shoot: I'm surprised colossus hasn't fallen yet
me: well that it would allow us to compete
yeah i was chatting to rego about that
20:57 he was a bit cagey but is not in a rush
he's got it when he wants it basically
Shoot: was it rego or kyan who got the oracle?
me: i would imagine
rego, taking MC
that + copper + IND
Shoot: that's what I assumed
yeah, I kinda assumed whoever got the oracle had a lock on colossus, I've just been surprised they haven't finished it yet
20:58 me: rego's on 6 cities now i think - or will be v shortly
20:59 i guess he sacrificed a bit of growth for the oracle so is catching up before getting the colossus out
probably not working loads of coastal tiles yet
21:00 Shoot: yeah
I am kinda getting the sense that wonders aren't going to be that smart for me to go for
I strongly suspect darrell will go for the religious economy wonders (especially with Krill as a lurker)
21:01 me: yeah not many early wonders left
21:02 Shoot: I'm thinking I may make a small run at HG as hammans are nice anyway and the gold wouldn't be terrible if I were to miss it, but that may be the only one I shoot for
(keep that quiet obviously)
me: sure thing
we have no plans for that
that said, we have no plans for anything now
our (novice's) microplan runs out more or less now!
21:03 Shoot: well, that's about 50 turns longer than my micro plan ever went
me: yeah i've no appetite for that kind of thing either
i don't want to think how long novice spends doing them
21:04 Shoot: yeah, I know what you mean
me: anyway, we're coming up to the fun bit - where we can make decisions on the hoof
21:05 Shoot: yeah, I feel like my game may have been slightly hurt by it though
in part because I was busy with school/finals work and in part because PBEM 8 was at a much more interesting point, I didn't put in quite the energy I probably should have to planning ahead
21:06 oh well, I don't think I'm terribly behind (if at all), so it all worked out alright
21:08 me: nah, you're doing fine i think
Shoot: by the way, small question, but do you guys happen to know where horses are located? Without any AH food resources I haven't bothered to research it yet
me: we've got horses on our SW arm
quite far down
21:09 we haven't seen much of your land so not sure if we can see yours
Shoot: ok, so I should probably research that myself soon just to make sure I get my horses settled
21:10 me: yeah it could be an area of contention definitely
Shoot: I just wanted to check whether it was on the continent or on the arms/islands
me: i don't know about iron yet, though
Shoot: neither do I
21:11 I would hope after pbem 10 though people would learn not to risk having people not have iron with a water based map
me: you would hope - plako's a good map designer, though
and has done many
21:12 Shoot: yeah
me: it certainly has an intriguing design, this one
Shoot: yeah
I assume you guys have seen the center tile?
me: no
we've been wondering what's "out there"
the one between the 5 arms?
21:13 Shoot: to your SE there is a spot where 5 arms circle in
and then there is just a 1 tile island in the middle
21:14 me: ah yes - we've seen that from a screenshot from darrell
Shoot: yeah, I have a workboat in that area right now
21:15 certainly an interesting map design. Is the outer part mostly islands?
21:16 me: we haven't seen many actually
we're struggling to find extra settling sites
hence settling on that four tile island
Shoot: where exactly is that by the way?
me: north of your NW arm
actually a bit NE
21:17 Shoot: so relative to that wines say?
me: 8N 4E
was just looking at that
Shoot: wow, that must be some nasty maintenance costs
21:18 me: not settled it yet
hoping the intercontinental routes pay for that cost
21:19 Shoot: I'd hope so
me: there are some possibilities off our SW arm, but we haven't settled that arm at all yet
21:20 Shoot: yeah, I also haven't settled my SW arm yet, although it is all jungle so it's not quite as appealing
me: darrell has settled ours already...
to be fair, it swings close by him
we don't seem to have the best arrangement of land
21:21 Shoot: yeah, I met darrell at that city of his
21:23 me: we've still not met kyan
Shoot: neither have I, although according to darrell I should be meeting him soon
me: the toroidal nature of the map messes with my mind
21:24 Shoot: yeah, agreed
21:25 now that I've found the center tile in game I can kind of comprehend the directionality of it a bit better, but it's still odd
21:26 me: yeah
i think kyan has the jungle arm that goes NE of the centre tile?
21:27 Shoot: yeah, that's what it looks like
21:28 me: although more E than N since you are NNE of it?
Shoot: yeah, I've just kinda counted the arms
according to darrell, going clockwise from me it is me rego, kran, darrell, you
so his arm should just be the second clockwise from mine is what I'm going on
21:29 me: oh right ok
so it's sugar one going SE?
21:31 Shoot: I believe so
wow, there could be a stuningly interesting city on the center tile
21:32 me: ah ok - yeah i dug out your screenshots - i see it now
yeah about 7-8 food that it would get stolen from it
Shoot: exactly
I'm not cultural, so would never settle that
21:33 that and settling there would probably piss off everyone else in the game and be attackable by every other person in the game, haha
a bad mix there
me: heh, yeah it's all very close in this game
21:34 Shoot: which I think is probably good
having everyone on their own continents can run the risk of being somewhat boring
21:35 me: yeah we saw you had an axe so thought we had better have one too :-)
Shoot: haha
I'm just not allowed to build warriors anymore
me: ah yes you have deer
21:36 Shoot: a couple of them
me: -> hunting -> no warriors
Shoot: yeah, unforunately
me: that caught us out in PBEM13
21:37 Shoot: considering I'm only 2000 soldiers behind #1 with an army consisting of 1 axe, 1 spear and a couple warriors I kinda doubt we'll be seeing wars anytime soon
me: no indeed
Shoot: seems like everyone has oh about 1 MP unit per city and nothing more, haha
me: it's going to be a game-long balancing act
21:38 we seem really close to you and darrell
Shoot: yeah, but at least for the near to midterm, galley attacks simply cost too much to be worthwhile
me: unless they can be used strategically
but yeah diplomatic fallout too
Shoot: yeah, it would have to more of a sneak attack
21:39 but razing one city probably isn't worth the diplo fallout
me: no
Shoot: unless there are clear alliances that form I guess, but without tech trading I wonder how much that will occur
21:40 me: yeah i've not much experience of these things
21:41 there seem to be 5 strong teams in this game so i don't think there will be a single runaway
21:42 Shoot: yeah
21:43 I don't really have experience with diplo in a NTT game
me: right, i'm going to obey my no civ after 10pm curfew - good to chat
21:44 Shoot: ok cya. Good talking to you
me: bye