Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic Six - Always War - Info Thread

I forgot to open an info thread? smoke

So what info do you need to know? Kill or be killed. lol

Anyway... My Epic Six shadow game is complete. So this is doubling as my -Game Complete- post. eek

OMG six weeks to report day. Who made THAT decision?!? smoke rant lol

See you on the flip side.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Sirian Wrote:I forgot to open an info thread? smoke

So what info do you need to know? Kill or be killed. lol

Rules Wrote:Honorable Mentions will be handed out for the following achievements:
* Most cities controlled in 1502AD.
* First Panzer victory.
* First Panzer with 50 XP.

Ok, so lets start to get picky wink
What if the conqest will be finished before mentioned above? (Noble level...)
Can the Player hope for being mentioned ?? ...somwhow?

BTW: I'm playing, and actually missed the closing date (29 Aug) ... eek long time for the report writeup
I did not see the 1502AD city count ... hmmm eek but i don't expect it to influence my gameplay

@Sirian: hope now it is spoiler-free
Every beautiful woman should have a twin sister.


mihau Wrote:What if the conqest will be finished before mentioned above? [...] I also missed this 1502 scoring event
I don't think it's a "real" scoring, only honorable mentions. I know I will completely ignore these events and will just focus on surviving first, then winning. hammer

CIV AW is one area I have nearly no experience with yet. Uh oh... eek

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Oh there's a bonus for controlling lots of cities in 1502? I missed that one completely. I always seem to miss something.

mihau Wrote:Ok, so lets start to get picky wink
What if the conqest will be finished before mentioned above? (Noble level...)
Can the Player hope for being mentioned ?? ...somwhow?

BTW: I'm halfway done and (*spoilerish information censored*)

No spoilers please. Just "game complete" when you are done playing.

As for your rules question... if you win before 1502, then you miss out on that honorable mention. I can't imagine that anybody who actually wins by that date would delay their supreme victory for an honorable mention. smoke That's like pulling over with half a lap lead on the last lap of the Daytona 500 to answer an email that says, "You have won a free trip to our resort!" Or, worse, to pick up a lottery ticket some fan threw on to the track, just in case it might be a winner. smoke

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Sirian Wrote:That's like pulling over with half a lap lead on the last lap of the Daytona 500

Never knew you were a Nascar guy, Sirian.

Anyway, I've got some stupid questions... How exactly does Always War work in Civ 4? Are the AI civs also at war with each other? And how is war weariness handled? huh wink

T-hawk Wrote:Never knew you were a Nascar guy, Sirian.

Anyway, I've got some stupid questions... How exactly does Always War work in Civ 4? Are the AI civs also at war with each other? And how is war weariness handled? huh wink
no, they're all at war with you, and they declare as soon as you meet them.

And since they are always at war with you they never war among themselves. War weariness *I think* is eliminated (can someone else possibly confirm this?).
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

Atlas Wrote:And since they are always at war with you they never war among themselves. War weariness *I think* is eliminated (can someone else possibly confirm this?).

Halved. (It probably should be eliminated, but then again, it probably should be halved in the normal game. The whole system is a drag.)

Also, technically, other civs CAN be at war. However, the AI is coded to avoid making too many enemies at once, plus the human will quickly become every AI's "worst enemy" and then they all get boosts with each other for fighting off the same enemy, and will eventually (if not immediately) form a tight bloc.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

War weariness is cut by 50%, but it is most definitely NOT eliminated. In fact, this is the worst aspect of Always War in Civ4, and it's unfortunate that nothing has been done to correct it so far.
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