CivScale does two things ... 1) change various scaling items (cloud depth, city sizes, unit sizes, etc and 2) change the interface colour and transparancy. This thread is aimed at discussing the impact of changing the interface colours, transparancy and text font.
My initial take on these is ...
Mod Approval Process Wrote:Once a mod is submitted for approval (by the submittor starting a thread in the approval forum), the community should use a rigorous standard to judge the mod:I will post a review of the interface and font features of this mod as well as a list of files that it affects. I will also post some screenshots of the impact of changes.
Most importantly, does the mod give the player any edge over not having it? Graphics mods would probably pass this standard easily, but it's important to note that terrain mods could possibly make it a lot easier to see the squares at the "edge" of the fog, based on the tile blending -- that would be enough to exclude it.
The general principle is that the mod should not give the player information he should not otherwise have -- the foreign affairs advisor mod that included the "gold available for trade" would explicitly fail this test.
Mod Approval Process Wrote:Secondly, is the mod useful? Does it benefit enough players in some way, and is it a benefit to the RB community that players use it? Blue Marble would almost certainly also pass this check, since many players[1] would say it makes the terrain a lot prettier. Autologger might not pass this test, actually, since there is quite a bit of opposition to its use as the "bulk" of reports.Not much to do here - guess we just look at how many people post in this thread to gauge the interest.
Mod Approval Process Wrote:Finally, does the mod bring something new? If we already approve ($DEITY help us) ResourcesAsNFLIcons 1.1, we don't also need ResourcesAsNHLIcons 0.98c.Ditto
What I need from "the committee":
- Is a mod "Graphical"? (Affecting appearance).
- Is a mod "Utilitarian"? (Affecting player's interface).
- Is a mod "Rebalancing"? (Affecting game rules).
- Which components are modified? (World Builder, XML, Python, C++)
- Which files are affected?
- If Python or C++ are involved, the mod needs to be certified free of trojans.
- VISUAL EVIDENCE showing and explaining what the mods actually do.
- A simple "aye" or "nay" from each committee member as to their personal recommendation on whether or not to approve a given mod. (Explanations may follow but are not required.)
My initial take on these is ...
- Is a mod "Graphical"? - YES
- Is a mod "Utilitarian"? - YES
- Is a mod "Rebalancing"? - NO
- Which components are modified? - Themes
- If Python or C++ are involved, the mod needs to be certified free of trojans. - NO code was changed in the making of this mod