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Actually, it looks like my class is getting out earlier than I had thought (we have to go in earlier, but still). So, I could probably make tomorrow if others don't have plans. I might be a few minutes late- we could shoot for 7:30 Eastern instead?
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Griselda Wrote:Actually, it looks like my class is getting out earlier than I had thought (we have to go in earlier, but still). So, I could probably make tomorrow if others don't have plans. I might be a few minutes late- we could shoot for 7:30 Eastern instead?
Well, I could do 7:30 (or 8, if that's better). We'd need everybody to post availability, though, having already called it off.
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7:30 or 8:00 is fine here. Does Cy check these boards every day?
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Sullla Wrote:7:30 or 8:00 is fine here. Does Cy check these boards every day? 
No, but a certain smelly-man-warrior-type whispered in my ear (and I'm *still* trying to wash the odor out of my hair).
I'll be there. A girl just can't have too many ears
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By the way--I'm the one who is going to be late next week.
It is open house at the kid's school, and I get to meet their new teacher and talk to him/her and try *not* to taint her/his perception of my kids by dropping subtle warnings (heh, it kind of reminds me of when I did horses--when handing off a horse for any reason, from one more-or-less experienced hand to another, *any* sort of warning should be multiplied x10, because they wouldn't even have brought the subject up in the first place if it was just normal, run-of-the-mill behavior, which, for a show horse, can range from mildly obnoxious to life-threatening. We dropped a brood mare off at a farm outside Houston one time--a HUGE place than ran hundreds of horses through a year, and she more or less behaved the entire time [though her ears were twitching and nostrils flaring]. As we finished off the paperwork and she was led off to an isolation stall until their vet could check her, we started off towards our rig, then stopped, turned, and dropped the subtle hint--"Oh, she doesn't like men much and she's got a world of quick." Translation? "Use a female handler and don't *EVER* turn your back." Ones I've been told as someone handed me a halter horse to mind for a few minutes while they ran off to do something that just came up--"He's a bit nippy" [you'll be lucky if you still have 10 fingers and 2 ears when I get back in 5 minutes]. "He's a little jumpy this morning." [Here comes 10 minutes of this dick standing on his hind legs and waving the two front ones around like he's trying to shake hands.] And if you are *EVER* about to get on a two-year-old green-broke horse, and the owner says "He's mostly ok--if he sulls up just drive him forwards with your legs, but he gets a bit hoppy...", well, then, my friend, I advise you to either find a new, safer career like a judge in Iraq or polar bear hair stylist, or go off and join the Rodeo Circuit, where at least you'll be paid for the pain and might even get the girl, once you get out of the hospital. Trust me on that one.)
But I digress.
Anyways, I might be a wee bit late next week. Just go ahead and dive in, and I'll join up when I get home.
**off to sip some ear soup before the gaming tonight**
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Unfortunately, I think the time has (already) come to talk about playtimes for fall. I will be there this week, but I'll be out of town for the following two Thursdays (the 10th and the 17th). The next time a Thursday comes around, I'll be back to work (though I may have some flexibility through August).
The reason I've been able to play so easily with you East-coasters is that I've been off for the summer. During the school year, I typically don't get home until 5:30 (hopefully a bit earlier this year, but can't say for sure just yet). Because that will also be the only time I get to interact with my family during the day, I couldn't realistically play until 7:00 Pacific or later, depending upon the day.
So, I guess we have a few options-
1. Kill [strike]Hatty[/strike] Diablo good this week, then disband, perhaps to pick back up in the future.
2. Have shorter, or later, gaming sessions.
3. Move to a weekend time slot (daytime or evening would work for me, but I'd have to work around soccer now and then).
4. Any other ideas that I haven't thought of?
I've really had a great time, and am very interested in continuing if others are. I realize that I'm the odd one out as far as time zones go.
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Mr. Gris just pointed out that there may be wireless access while we are out of town next week. So, I may be available. I just won't know until I'm there.
I will be there tomorrow *checks clock* er, later today.
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Griselda Wrote:So, I guess we have a few options-
1. Kill [strike]Hatty[/strike] Diablo good this week, then disband, perhaps to pick back up in the future.
2. Have shorter, or later, gaming sessions.
3. Move to a weekend time slot (daytime or evening would work for me, but I'd have to work around soccer now and then).
4. Any other ideas that I haven't thought of?
I've really had a great time, and am very interested in continuing if others are. I realize that I'm the odd one out as far as time zones go.
Well... AFAIK, Cy can handle later times. I can. Sulla is the one who has needed to stop by 11 EDT.
You, however, are the one who got this ball rolling. I think we're all having a good time, but it's also safe to say the rest of us wouldn't have gone back to D1 at this point without the incentive. So the one thing that wouldn't make sense is you dropping out while the rest of us continue. That's probably the same as stopping altogether.
Where do you stand on desire? Had your fill of nostalgia? Just getting warmed up? Something in between? That's the key question. If you are looking forward to more D1, then we'll have to build something around your availability.
- Sirian
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Well... I for one would vote that we try to find some kind of workaround to continue on. Classic Diablo has been a lot of fun.  I can continue well past 11pm my time every now and then - I'd just rather not make a regular habit of it. Fortunately, I've checked my fall schedule again and I don't have to teach any early classes on Fridays, so perhaps things will work out just fine.
Anyway, I'm sure we can discuss it more tonight.
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Mmm, old school diablo... might blow the dust off of my old disc and fire it up  (If I can tear myself away from Civ4 long enough...)
Especially after reading through all these insane variants, though re-learning the game will make it difficult enough, I imagine.