Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Pbem 9 Peter of Inca

As i promised here is the update:

After declared war on Ruff(i realy didn't need his islands but he didn't want any nap with me) negociations were tought in the beggining i asked for a city and in last i agree this whith Ruff
What about this:
-A NAP until turn 180;
-you keep both cities (you know this offer was avaible before but you didn't want to talk NAP)
- you close borders with Kodii
-open borders with me;
-you trade me silk and bananas.
- you gift me me 2 fast workers in 4 turns from now one
- you dont suply others with units, i think 1 against 2 is fair.

This is my final offer.

with and addendum that he will not open borders with kodii until turn 180.

Here is Ruff answer
Quote: * Macedonus Cipri

Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:50 PM

Let me think about that (with your addition). If you see my GPS email, you will know that I have accepted it. If not, I will come back to you (via email) and say NO (or counter offer).


Well the save pass trouhg so i suposed he agreed everithing , but surprise, he didn't close borders with Kodii i ask him abot this and here is the answer:

Sorry - I forgot to do that step. I will close borders when the save gets back to me.


Well lets hope Ruff will keep his promises, if not he should do a serios Military build up next 10 turns.

Why close borders with Kodii
1.Kodii is my bitter enemy.
2. Kodii declared war on me and after propsed a cease fire huh,Kodii you dont check the power screen?
3.Because of this
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0049.JPG]
Yes, I captured i keeped the City of Grandview, used a great artist to bomb the city so i dont have 8 turns of anrchy(it is worth, yes in my opinion because i could whip a longbowman and next turn just put a wall )
Lets see the demografics:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0052.JPG]
Well i have almost double power than next oponent and i think 60% if not more maybe 80% of kodii's army is no more.

Whats the plan:

I wrote to Pegasus to ansemble an army and get some cities from kodii, will see if he can manage something like that, for me its clear that i need to get more knigs so i have high manevrability because Nate is preparing a large stack in the shadows.

Here is a picture with the front with Nate
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0050.JPG]
You can see that i have the control of the dear so i can atack him any time even with my trebuchets or catapults, well for now i dont have the power to do that.I alredy have a great artist prepared so i can bomb that city too.

I dont see any need for screnshots with my cities, because are the same like previos post , perhaps one with the new aquisition :
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0052%20%282%29.JPG]

lol @ i like the view. Great name for a city you conquered, sir.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Thx for update!

Hi Mack !

Your first two snapshots aren't well "centered" on newly conquested city - otherwise ... great update ! smile

Well played Mackoti. toast

I must admit, my initial plan was to team up with Kodii and go for a North/South divide. Both of us heading West with our military. Where I feel you capitalised and I screwed up was in allowing Kodii to practically block me in. My initial settling mistake there. This of course caused tensions between the two of us and why I erased one of his cities. Your superior skill to get to the centre first was also key. I was then torn between trying to stay with you or start on Kodii. I got paranaoid that doing so though, would only allow you to further gain a tech advantage, of which you would then just come wipe me out. As it turned out, you just steamed ahead tech wise anyhow and I didn't really have an army to compete.

Anyhow, your communication was fine with me. Should we ever play again, don't feel embarrased if you need me to clarify something for you. Just come back to me stating you are unsure of what is being said.

Once again nicely played. Look forward to playing again.

Life is what YOU make of it.
Go out and enjoy it to the max!

mackoti Wrote:Why close borders with Kodii
1.Kodii is my bitter enemy.

I am humbled smile

Congratulations on the win mackoti! You played a much superior game than the rest of us.

Congrats on the win mackoti. I hope you all had a good time playing.

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