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(online) boardgaming?

On BSW now.

For the maybe-tempted, over the last two sessions we have played 7 Wonders, Stone Age, San Juan and Settlers of Catan.

I think that for our next scheduled BSW session we should try Citadels. Description here and rules here.

Is anyone up for gaming on Friday evening euro time?

Apologies but I can't make it, traveling for the weekend.

I can play.

Hey all. Missladyluck here, civ name.

I've been playing powergrid among others on brett for quite some time. I also play royal palace quite a bit on a french site, and through the ages on I've also been trying to get people together to play age of steam on a littler known system called ZunTzu, that uses kind of a "rom" system similar to emulation devices. Let me know if you are starting games.

Hello Missladyluck, hope we can join you for a game some time.

I've not played Age of Steam, but I recently played the remake Steam and enjoyed it so I'd be interested. Same with through the ages - never played it but would be up for learning.

We really should arrange a game of power grid and get Kylearan involved whip

I taught sunrise how to play through the ages last night, i can teach more.

I am home the next few days mostly so just let me know when you are free to play a game. I am very good at power grid.

Steam is a really decent game too, but much easier than age of steam. Age of steam is the granddaddy, which made many spinoffs to try and curb the heated difficulty and make it newb friendly, but none compare to the stress and excellence of the original quite.

Oh yeah, and if anyone wants to download ZunTzu, I have the age of steam plugin for it, so we could do a game. That would be AWESOME. smile We can get on ts together and I could teach lots of these games.

I quite fancy a game of power grid or something random

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