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How long do you play on one game

My reports are a bit more mechanical than some, which I know some people do not like to read. My biggest problem is what to leave out.

I am fortunate to have a second computer, so while playing, I take notes on the second computer. In the early game, where each turn is pretty critical, I try to take notes on what I did every turn. As time goes on, I try to take notes on every turn that I think something important happens.

I use Word for this, but you can use anything if you have a second computer. If you dont, taking notes by hand, on paper, is probably preferable to tabbing out which is way to slow to write a few words. I do not write a lot, just the bare minimum. My notes look like this:

worker finishes, start archer
meet cyrus

pop hut, gold

Of course, then when I trying to figure something out, I write it, so it may look more like this:

Quote:Hmm. What to research next? If I go for Alphabet, then I can try to trade it around, but Bronze working would help me right now.

Or even like this:

Quote:Well, lets see. I have 105 mech inf, 18 artillery, and 65 modern armor, while Qin has 165 mech inf, 108 artillery, and 80 modern armor.

In fact, if you look at the tables in my Epic 4 report, on the last chapter, all of those were done as I was playing. Actually writing out my ideas as I am trying to figure out what to do not only translates into the report later, but actually helps me clarify my thoughts to make the decision in the game. So whenever I am trying to make a big decision or figure something out, I try to take notes on it.

I try to take a screenshot every time I switch to other keyboard to take notes, and also take screenshots any time I see something interesting.

Every once in a while, when I think of it, I take a lot of screenshots of things like my city screens, demo screen, military. I try to keep in my head when these things might be interesting. Such as, when I get sneak attacked, or when I finish off a civ, or complete some critical wonder/building/expansion phase, etc.

I take a ton of screenshots. Often I take double screenshots, because there is no audible sound when you take a screenshot, sometimes I am not sure if I took it or not. So, considering that probably 1/4 to 1/3 of them are duplicates, I took like 200 screenshots for adventure 9, and about 500 for epic 4. It just becomes habit to keep taking screenshots as you play. Hard drives are huge and screenshots are tiny.

Then, usually a couple weeks later, I sit down to write the report. My notes are the basis. I try to pick some good breaking point for each chapter, such as when a war started/ended, etc. Then I copy my notes into an html editor from that period. (Yes, I use a raw html editor, I have not found a graphical editor that I like, they generate so much junk!). I then clean up the report textually, bold the correct parts, format it the way I like it, but no screenshots yet.

After I clean up the notes, I then go back through them by date, looking at my screenshots by date. Often I will have screenshots for years I took no notes, so I look at the screenshots and see if there is anything important in them. If there is, I add a new date with that info. Sometimes I will have notes with no screenshots for that date.

For each screenshot, I try to decide if I should just summarize what is in them in text, or include some or all of the screenshot in my report. People are visual, so I try to include a lot of screenshots in my report, but the main thing is to cut a lot of screenshots, or shrink them down a lot. You almost never need to include the full screenshot. Sometimes I cut it down to a very tiny picture. Sometimes I just completely throw away the screenshot.

Different readers want different levels of detail, so you really cannot please everyone. I tend to leave in more detail than a lot of people do, probably more than many like to see, but I figure I am more likely to get tips on improving my game if I leave in more detail.

The key is that you cannot have too much source material. It is much easier to cut than to try to remember stuff and create new info that you did not have in notes and screenshots. Of course this takes more time!

I think I spent about 18 hours on my epic 4 report and at least 10 on my adventure 9 report.

I have not decided if I am going to play adventure 10 or not, but if I do, I might experiment with a more freeform report without all the dates. It certainly would be a lot faster to write and a lot shorter.

Anyway, thats how I do it currently, not sure if that is any help or not.


For me, the only way to write reports is by alt+tabbing while playing. If I decide to make a nice writeup later, I can never force myself to do it and end up just posting slightly edited notes. So I have the following reporting process:

1. While playing, I constantly Alt+tab to take notes of all important or interesting events, my thoughts, etc. as if I was describing the game to a friend. These notes usually go straight into my report, edited for grammar, and with some unimportant details removed.

2. On reporting day I go through my notes and make a several page long Executive Summary, which sometimes ends up comprehensive enough to remove the need for a full report.

3. After this, I go back and make screenshots that are necessary to understand the report (mainly maps and troop dispositions).

I am not sure about the quality of resulting reports, but since nobody replied the last couple of times I asked for feedback, I am assuming they are perfect. tongue (Unless they are so horrible nobody even reads them. frown )

As for playing time, I play very slowly, so games take me from over 10 hours for short games like Adventure 9 to over 60 hours for Epic 4.

ALT TABBING for my PC isn't really a problem. First of all I'm playing in windowed mode... so I don't really have to ALT TAB, just click in the task-bar on Word or other editor that I'm working with... And my PC is a P4 3,4Ghz - 1GB RAM - ATI X800XT videocard, so no problem there either wink

I started a testgame yesterday (quick gamespeed and small map, most of the other settings normal, map type Continents, difficulty on chieftain -> just because its a testgame!! wink)

I'm up to Civil service and Paper now, and took already 200 screenshots (about 2 hours actual gameplay)... tonight I'm gonna start writing report and continue the game.

Can I post the report here on the forum (with a link to my website) when I finish? Or are only reports of official RB games allowed? tongue

Go ahead and post any report you want here, if you think there would be interested readers.

The only exception to that I can think of would be test games designed to test a particular tournament scenario.

My approach is typically to write the bulk of my report during the natural breaks in the action - as an aid to focusing my thinking. The first of these breaks is typically between opening the game and actually moving the first unit.

I'll take a few screenshots during the game, but I almost never take action shots, as I have the animations turned off and so on. I figure most of the readers already know what Hapshepsut looks like, and so on, so those get punted as well... though I've considered building a library of stock footage to use.

What I normally end up doing is pouring through the autosaves later to get the information I want. No, I don't recommend this approach. Spending more time on the report than on the game is probably not a win, Sulla's Epic 4 report not withstanding.

Then again, all that goes out the window as long as I'm running Bootcamp on a MacBook, since I can't seem to find a print screen button.

Griselda Wrote:Go ahead and post any report you want here, if you think there would be interested readers.

The only exception to that I can think of would be test games designed to test a particular tournament scenario.

OK, yeah, this game has NOTHING at all to do with any adventures or other games... just a random custom game...

I intended to use the ALT-TAB method of writing a report/writeup/notes to RB or SG games. Unfortunately this is completely impossible with having such a low memory on this computer frown

I'm probably one of the quicker (and less able!) players here. My last game which involved a little early warring and an eventual victory in the early 20th century, took me 6 and a half hours according to Civ. I swear it seems a lot longer though.
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