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My AW noble warlords game report

Sirian Wrote:Hub was meant to be (primarily) a multiplayer map, while Always War is meant to be playable on Pangaea, Continents, Lakes, or any other map. So it's a bit ironic that it's become an AW SP favorite and is shunned by many MP players. However, if some AW players, by and large, prefer to stick to the choke maps rather than lower the difficulty level and play on a variety of maps, that's their call. They get a fairly predictable game and can work on perfecting the strategy for it. Fun is where you find it.

There aren't very many map types that could be produced without some choke points, though. You can get chokes that are three plots wide with the existing maps. Is that too narrow, in your view? How many plots wide should a choke be before it stops being "too easy to defend"? The MP players don't like Pangaea maps either. So if chokes are out and varied luck on starting location and landmass quality are out, what's left? Not to run too far off track here, but the feedback I've gotten on maps leaves MP players with as narrow and picky a range of "acceptable" map conditions as the AW-only crowd have moved toward.

- Sirian

Well, I think part of the problem with the feedback you're getting on maps for multiplayer is that the opinions are so varied. Some people like the unpredictability of Lakes and the danger of a toroidal map like Fantasy Realm, others the predictability of Mirror and the relative safety of Inland Sea.

In my opinion, a choke that's "way too small" is one that's only one or two tiles wide. Three tiles is okay, but still a little small. The other problem with three tile chokes on Ring, Wheel, and Hub is that, for some reason I don't understand, the host rarely makes them that wide. It may be that the people who are playing maps with chokes want them as small as possible, that people who would enjoy the game with a three-tile choke aren't playing these maps, or that people shy away from the most extreme options in any category.

I would say that in a teamer game for an age before industrial, the ideal width is about five or six tiles. In a free for all or CTON (essentially a free for all that's been modified to better fit with the ladder system) the best width is less. In a later era game where sea invasions are a more potent option, it's probably somewhere in between.

Because of the range of opinions on the relative degree of safety that the landform should provide and the variety of game-types and starting eras, I think the best option would just be to increase the number of options for choke size that the host can choose. I can understand why there could be a number of reasons not to include a huge range of options, but it's very hard to pin down a specific number that would work in all instances. If I had to say one, the best general purpose width for multiplayer would probably be somewhere from four to six tiles.

On Pangea, the only complaint I ever get when I suggest the map is that the land that's given out is "imbalaced." The quality of the land isn't really the issue, as much as the amount of land that one team gets. I saw this first hand in a game the other day where my team's circle of land was roughly the same size as the other team's, except that it was missing a rather large triangular piece. I think Pangea is a very good map script, but if you're looking for one where both teams are going to get exactly the same amount of land, it may not be what you want.

Honestly, I myself am no big fan of the hub map. I rather play a game on pangaea, my favourite map by far. However, it can be mighty difficult for an AW game. The setup must be almost perfect (resources, opponents etc). I started a few pangaea maps and then faced e.g Roman praets that tore me apart, I had no metal etc.
In order to produce many kills and get a lot of generals for this test, I went for a hub map. Please do not assume that AW players prefer to play with 'exploits'. We do enjoy an open fair game where we can overcome the odds and adversities. However, CIV with its obsession to make things as balanced as possible (but give the AI huge advantages) has made this almost a nightmare.
In AW you get penalised with WW, the fact that all the AI will love each other due to a common enemy. It would be interesting to find out whether the AI fight each other in AW in the expansion as they did in C3C.

It is easy to win on higher levels with alternate wars (look at the acidsatyr or mutineer games at CFC SG). But an AW is very tough. I had hoped that the generals would be able to shift the balance, but maybe I have to conclude that they aren't that decisive. I will try another game to check whether adding them as academies or +2 xp might make the difference. And yes, not on a hub map.

VoiceofUnreason, maybe the way I wrote was no good. I meant what you metioned. The second sentence was refering to the fact, that you could close your entire part of the map by putting units to block the choke. Or any choke for that matter. In this case, the AI still builds units, but stocks them somewhere. Once you opne the block, SOD will pour in. We had that experience and faced mega SOD's where nobody could tell how many units there were (hence the improvement in the interface now with numbers indicated in brackets).
At least that interface improvement originates from our game wink (thanks firaxis)

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