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Mod Approval Process - Editing Civ4Theme_Common.thm

T-hawk Wrote:The file Civ4Theme_Common.thm (located in Civ4\Resource\Themes\Civ4) may be manually edited in the following sections: "with .Size", "with .Color", and "with .Font". Only individual values may be edited, not the structure of the code.

An example of acceptable modification is changing a color value or a font name. An example of unacceptable modification might be writing code to access in-game data such as an AI's research target and translate that into a visible color value. See this thread for more information.

Gris, can you set up this blurb on its own "mod page" and link to it from the Allowed list under the heading of "Civ4 Theme Interface Edits", with T-hawk listed as in charge of inspecting/approving individual edits for use? Thanks.

T-hawk? How do you want applicants to contact you? Email? PM? Or on the boards?

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Sirian - thanks for approving this thumbsup . I will be setting up one colour scheme for play here at RB and another for my usual games. This will tell me at a glance if I am playing the 'approved' mods.

Sirian Wrote:T-hawk? How do you want applicants to contact you? Email? PM? Or on the boards?

I monitor all of the above, but PM here is the least likely to slip by unnoticed. thumbsup

So, if I wanted to use a different font ... do you have an example of that and where will I need to put the font file (which directories)?

Just install it in Windows (copy it to c:\windows\fonts); it doesn't need to be in any of the Civ 4 directories. Then in Civ4Theme_Common, edit the name in the font definitions (default is "sylfaen") to whatever. There's 20 different font definitions in the file for various combinations of size/weight/italic; about half are unused and commented out.

GFont .Size1_Normal = GFont("sylfaen", "Regular", 12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));

T-hawk Wrote:GFont .Size1_Normal = GFont("sylfaen", "Regular", 12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA));
I tried that with wingdings - didn't work. Maybe it was just me being silly and it will work with a more conventional font - eg comic. I'll give it another try. Do I need to get the capitalization correct?

I just tried with wingdings, and it worked fine with no changes besides the font references in Civ4Theme_Common. See attached. Sounds like something environmental on your end.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

T-hawk Wrote:I just tried with wingdings, and it worked fine with no changes besides the font references in Civ4Theme_Common. See attached. Sounds like something environmental on your end.

For test purposes this is cool, but if any wingdings out there actually post game report screens with wingdings, I'm going to ding your wings. lol

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Arggg - just reading T-Hawk's other approval thread and noticed that I actually needed to seek approval for playing with a mod. I've attached me edited version of the approved file. The bad news is that I have played most of Adv 11 and most of Epic 8 with this file.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 4.97 KB / Downloads: 179)
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Ruff_Hi Wrote:Arggg - just reading T-Hawk's other approval thread and noticed that I actually needed to seek approval for playing with a mod. I've attached me edited version of the approved file. The bad news is that I have played most of Adv 11 and most of Epic 8 with this file.

I think a blanket pardon for this type of incident is warranted. Now that things are more clear, though, it may be harder to get such erasures in future. whip

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

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