T-hawk Wrote:The file Civ4Theme_Common.thm (located in Civ4\Resource\Themes\Civ4) may be manually edited in the following sections: "with .Size", "with .Color", and "with .Font". Only individual values may be edited, not the structure of the code.
An example of acceptable modification is changing a color value or a font name. An example of unacceptable modification might be writing code to access in-game data such as an AI's research target and translate that into a visible color value. See this thread for more information.
Gris, can you set up this blurb on its own "mod page" and link to it from the Allowed list under the heading of "Civ4 Theme Interface Edits", with T-hawk listed as in charge of inspecting/approving individual edits for use? Thanks.
T-hawk? How do you want applicants to contact you? Email? PM? Or on the boards?
- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.