Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Trying to set up a page for reports, help please!

Ok, I'm trying to set up a website or something so I can post reports on Epics 6 and 7 when opening day comes. I have now read up on html, though I'll have to learn more codes, I suppose, to make it nice to look at. I have a free webpage at I think... And I'm trying to set up a domain name... do I have to have a domain name? seems to offer free domain names, but a paid one is cheap for a year, so I don't know if it's better to take the paid one... I'm thinking yes... but whether I select paid or free, I just get an endless loop. So I'm stuck right now, it says the domain is available, but won't continue the setup process. Do I really need one? I'm no techy, but I learn fast. Or is there a way to just post an html document to the web somewhere so I can report on this site? Anybody? I need guidance! I read that other post around here that listed free webhosting sites, but I tried to use the #1 recommended site, and was just plain baffled. cry


If you don't want to set up a web site, you can post a text version of your report on our forums, so please don't knock yourself out if you're not also interested in figuring out how this web-stuff works!

I'm not sure that geocities will work well for hosting reports, because they have strict data transfer limits. Most (all?) free web hosts have data transfer limits, which in essence limits how many page views per month your site can have. Geocities is a little different in that they do their limits by the *hour* instead.

When you're posting tournament reports, most of the people who come to your site during a month will come in the two days after a game closes. You'll have a few people during other times, but reporting day will bring the bulk of your traffic.

For a site that has a monthly limit to data transfer, you'll be fine, because the high number of visits on reporting day will be balanced by a low number of visits the rest of the month. Since Geocities has an hourly limit though, many visitors to your site are likely to be blocked out and unable to view it on reporting day, because you'll have reached your hourly limit even though you might have very little traffic overall for the month.

As for web authoring, you might try Webmonkey. They have a beginners section you can click on at the top. Oh, and you don't need your own domain unless you really want to have one.

Good luck!

Thank you for your reply smile I want to post pictures with the writeup, though, I can't do that on this forum because it would take too much space, right? So, before I just jump into it, what is web authoring? Does that mean just posting a report on the web somewhere and getting a link to it somehow?

Yes! But if you're just looking to have a space for pictures, you won't need a web site or a domain name. You'll just need a site that lets you upload pictures. In most cases, you will get an account, upload pictures, and then find the URL of your picture at that site. Then, you can put the URL of the picture into your post (there is even a button that does it for you on the "advanced" posting menu on this site), and your picture will be there in your post!

The picture uploading isn't working here because of some mysterious server problem. Otherwise you wouldn't need an outside site. Sorry.


mbuna120 Wrote:I have a free webpage at I think...
If you want to do us readers a favor, don't use geocities. Qwack has posted a list of free webspace providers here, maybe you find a good alternative there. smile


P.S.: Sometimes I think some kind of FAQ for questions regarding the RBCiv tournament and posting reports would be useful... *cough* tongue
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

sulla, sirian, kylearan, etc... how do you get the same smilies into your writeups that are on this site? Are your homepages/websites linked to realmsbeyond? Are these smilies downloadable?

Those smilies are great, aren't they? Even I use them lol

Each of the smilies have a link associated with it. For example, the Smoking one can also be When it comes to HTML, you'll want to use:

<img src="">

Lets just hope Griselda doesn't mind we steal them off the forums 8)

mbuna120 Wrote:sulla, sirian, kylearan, etc... how do you get the same smilies into your writeups that are on this site? Are your homepages/websites linked to realmsbeyond? Are these smilies downloadable?

Griselda got all of the RB smilies off of freeware sites. You should not link back to them from other sites, though. Use "local smilies".

I have copies of smilies I like on my personal webspace and use them wherever and whenever I feel they would be useful. I am blessed to have an enormous site and practically unlimited bandwidth (for the kind of stuff I do, which is all game-related and personal). My pages have been growing for almost a decade now, and I've never removed anything. eek

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.


mbuna120 Wrote:sulla, sirian, kylearan, etc... how do you get the same smilies into your writeups that are on this site? Are your homepages/websites linked to realmsbeyond? Are these smilies downloadable?
Like Sirian, I have local copies of the smilies on my homepage. Theoretically, you could link to the smileys on the RB or CFC homepage the way Kodii described, but that's considered bad form because readers of your website will use up bandwidth (and thus, money) from RB/CFC.

One simple way to download them is simply to open up the page with smileys, and do a right-click "save image as..." to save them to your computer. Then, you can upload them to your webspace and use them in your reports.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Writing your own HTML in a text editor is not that hard, and you do not need special editors just for your reports. Look at other report sites and read their code (Advertisement: ): In reality, you need only a few tags for frequent use, and a standard header/footer for your pages which is mostly constant.

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