Chat with Darrell yesterday (edited for spoilers and off topic stuff):
22:38 me: don't you have enough gold soon?
22:39 darrelljs: are you mocking me?
me: waiting for StM's scientist to arrive?
darrelljs: I swear
he took the scenic tour I guess
22:40 me: no, what do you mean?
darrelljs: I delivered the GP five turns ago
its laugable that I've been unable to tech for so long
its more laughable that I will have enough gold to tech 6t only when the spigot is back on
you'll have astronomy by then probably
me: not on our beeline
22:41 darrelljs: I meant from liberalism
me: oh
well then

darrelljs: I assume that's what you are taking, unless its stell
or assembly line
me: Why didn't StM just send the scientist through our lands?
darrelljs: rego tried to extort cash from me
I just ignored him
me: ahahahaha
darrelljs: I think that works quite well
22:43 me: so you're not planning a massive upgrade rush or something?
darrelljs: no, I am not
with what tech?
we are barely classical
me: your gpt is respectable
22:44 darrelljs: my expenses are 200+
stupid toroidal
I shoud probably whip courthouses everywhere
that should help
me: that's what you get for stealing more city spots than you can pay for
darrelljs: you caught me in city count too, dirty dog
stealing shoot's city
me: are you done landgrabbing now, then?
22:45 it's not like we had any choice re iron
darrelljs: there is one spot that's a filler inside my cultural borders, and I think i can cram another
I wouldn't bother but I can't let you beat me
I could have sold you an iron source
me: we're still settling five more cities
darrelljs: damn liar
or damn bastard
one of the two, take your pick
22:46 me: somehow being reliant on your iron didn't seem like the best idea
can I pick both
darrelljs: lol
for both statements
22:47 so would a tri-lateral nap between us, you and StM be an option?
darrelljs: yes
if you can get shoot to agree
I think it woul dneed to include david
me: world peace, huh?
darrelljs: well...almost
22:48 I guess we can inlcue rego as well
would hate to be mean
before we sign anything, you aren't planning on breaking deals this game are you? That would be very rude
me: lol
22:49 just brainstorming at the moment
but seeing as we still have five cities to settle and steel to slingshot, war seems counter-productive right now
darrelljs: sure, why not pull a krill from pbem4
so you can attack with a two era tech edge
22:50 me: one of these days I must research Alphabet to see how much you're exaggerating
should be done in one turn, luckily

darrelljs: bastard!
me: you have feudalism at least
darrelljs: acutally its probabhly a 1t for rego even by this point
that's the last tech ig ot?
22:51 no I got IW as well
me: just based on your civics
darrelljs: fear vassalge!
fear it!
okay, civil service i sbetter
me: where did you send your triremes?
darrelljs: they will be back next turn
22:52 me: don't they have somewhere less threatening to be?
darrelljs: who says they moved
I teched cloaking when you weren't looking
A NAP would allow redeployment I guess
you are the one with magellan's
22:53 me: but why is StM's power still climbing rapidly?
darrelljs: maybe he's mad at someone?
me: surely you don't think we'll come knocking with longbows
22:54 darrelljs: I would hope not
me: due to the iron? we haven't heard a peep
is he angry?
darrelljs: I must preface this with the statement that he has told me nothing
Are infrquent chats are all about where the fuck is my GS
But, that said, were you angry?
22:55 me: lol
with what?
darrelljs: with me, when I settled thailand
me: annoyed
darrelljs: now, angry and stupid are too different things I think
so you have to ask you feel lucky?

22:56 me: Well on the bright side his two closest allies both have spare irons
22:57 did you send your prophet the same way that StM sent his scientist?
darrelljs: I don't have any iron yet
no I took the direct route
sailed right by you
waved high, you missed it?
high = hi
me: no, I saw a galley
22:58 so south of HostileTakeover?
I guess we had a Trireme around when StM sent his scientist, and the forced peace treaty was over
darrelljs: yeah i guess
that's what he said
22:59 me: of course we had no way of knowing there was a great scientist on that galley
well apart from the fact that you told us
23:00 (sort of)
darrelljs: lol
that is true
me: you would have had your scientist a long time ago if you had traded the prophet with us instead
[degenerate into off topic discussions]
22:39 darrelljs: are you mocking me?

me: waiting for StM's scientist to arrive?
darrelljs: I swear
he took the scenic tour I guess
22:40 me: no, what do you mean?
darrelljs: I delivered the GP five turns ago
its laugable that I've been unable to tech for so long
its more laughable that I will have enough gold to tech 6t only when the spigot is back on
you'll have astronomy by then probably
me: not on our beeline
22:41 darrelljs: I meant from liberalism
me: oh
well then

darrelljs: I assume that's what you are taking, unless its stell
or assembly line
me: Why didn't StM just send the scientist through our lands?

darrelljs: rego tried to extort cash from me
I just ignored him
me: ahahahaha
darrelljs: I think that works quite well
22:43 me: so you're not planning a massive upgrade rush or something?
darrelljs: no, I am not
with what tech?
we are barely classical
me: your gpt is respectable
22:44 darrelljs: my expenses are 200+
stupid toroidal
I shoud probably whip courthouses everywhere
that should help
me: that's what you get for stealing more city spots than you can pay for
darrelljs: you caught me in city count too, dirty dog
stealing shoot's city
me: are you done landgrabbing now, then?
22:45 it's not like we had any choice re iron
darrelljs: there is one spot that's a filler inside my cultural borders, and I think i can cram another
I wouldn't bother but I can't let you beat me
I could have sold you an iron source
me: we're still settling five more cities
darrelljs: damn liar
or damn bastard
one of the two, take your pick
22:46 me: somehow being reliant on your iron didn't seem like the best idea
can I pick both
darrelljs: lol
for both statements

22:47 so would a tri-lateral nap between us, you and StM be an option?
darrelljs: yes
if you can get shoot to agree
I think it woul dneed to include david
me: world peace, huh?
darrelljs: well...almost
22:48 I guess we can inlcue rego as well
would hate to be mean
before we sign anything, you aren't planning on breaking deals this game are you? That would be very rude
me: lol
22:49 just brainstorming at the moment
but seeing as we still have five cities to settle and steel to slingshot, war seems counter-productive right now
darrelljs: sure, why not pull a krill from pbem4
so you can attack with a two era tech edge
22:50 me: one of these days I must research Alphabet to see how much you're exaggerating
should be done in one turn, luckily

darrelljs: bastard!
me: you have feudalism at least
darrelljs: acutally its probabhly a 1t for rego even by this point
that's the last tech ig ot?
22:51 no I got IW as well
me: just based on your civics
darrelljs: fear vassalge!
fear it!
okay, civil service i sbetter
me: where did you send your triremes?
darrelljs: they will be back next turn
22:52 me: don't they have somewhere less threatening to be?
darrelljs: who says they moved
I teched cloaking when you weren't looking
A NAP would allow redeployment I guess
you are the one with magellan's
22:53 me: but why is StM's power still climbing rapidly?
darrelljs: maybe he's mad at someone?
me: surely you don't think we'll come knocking with longbows
22:54 darrelljs: I would hope not
me: due to the iron? we haven't heard a peep
is he angry?
darrelljs: I must preface this with the statement that he has told me nothing
Are infrquent chats are all about where the fuck is my GS
But, that said, were you angry?
22:55 me: lol
with what?
darrelljs: with me, when I settled thailand
me: annoyed
darrelljs: now, angry and stupid are too different things I think
so you have to ask you feel lucky?

22:56 me: Well on the bright side his two closest allies both have spare irons
22:57 did you send your prophet the same way that StM sent his scientist?
darrelljs: I don't have any iron yet
no I took the direct route
sailed right by you
waved high, you missed it?
high = hi
me: no, I saw a galley
22:58 so south of HostileTakeover?
I guess we had a Trireme around when StM sent his scientist, and the forced peace treaty was over
darrelljs: yeah i guess
that's what he said
22:59 me: of course we had no way of knowing there was a great scientist on that galley
well apart from the fact that you told us

23:00 (sort of)
darrelljs: lol
that is true
me: you would have had your scientist a long time ago if you had traded the prophet with us instead
[degenerate into off topic discussions]
- Darrell seems open to a trilateral NAP between us, him and StM.
- He claims he is done landgrabbing, just one filler city remaining. We have five filler cities remaining, he didn't believe that claim.
- He is saving gold because he is waiting for a great scientist from StM (for an Academy).
I have to run.