15:07 me: oops, played the turn but forgot to send error
now remedied
15:09 Darrell: figure out your tech path?
me: eh?
space here
Darrell: you or you alter ego were sayting you ddin'
your alter ego was saying he wasn't sure where to tedch next
econ was my sugestion
me: well yes, that's on the cards - don't want to take any chances
lots of choices, nothing obvious after that
15:11 given that we have more farms than cottages, biology would be nice as a long-term aim
Darrell: yeah
as non FIN and mids it seems like you made the right choice
too bad sid's isn't allowed
me: oh did we ban corps?
Darrell: bilology is a nice pickup along that path
rego posted someting in the IT thread about it
me: ah ok
Darrell: I think the conlcusion was theyw ere banned
15:12 I like that in SP though, get the econ GM and then beeline medicien for sid's
me: but yeah we have no real long term aims now
15:13 still somewhat wary of the world
and our two immediate neighbours are joined at the hip
Darrell: eh
less so with the NAP I guess
me: yes, we have some leeway
Darrell: we were afraid of you
me: i'm flattered
Darrell: no not quite so fearful, with the nap
15:14 I think ou should get a bunch of military techs and attack rego
me: well you would
Darrell: he's mad at me, so I'm happy
me: how have you maddened him?
Darrell: beating him to lib
15:15 and then getting his tech and knowing he was going for nat for the taj, and beating him to the taj
me: have you landed that then?
have you got an engineer?
we were trying to figure out whose it was
Darrell: That is an excellent quesiotn...I think it wa rego's tbh
but I don't believe he can tech nationalism fast enough to beat me
15:16 not 100% sur eon that, but I kidn of doubt it
I saved some forests
right now it looks like it will take him at least 5-6 turns to get Nationalism
15:19 me: well if you can build it inside that then you've got it nailed
Darrell: Well...if someoen who has that GE is closer to Nationalism...
15:20 Its not in the bag I would say
me: i think shoot is close to MoM
Darrell: oh yeah?
he's building it?
me: well he's building something
Darrell: that shouldn't surprise me I guess
me: he was first to calendar i thought
are you going for that too?
or assuming rego will grab it?
15:21 does shoot not tell you anything - i thought had an MDP and stuff
Darrell: we thought about it, but it is damn expensive
me: 301 hammers
15:22 Darrell: with marble it wuld be a nice build
actually without its a nice build
but we live by the whip
and that's a painful thing to whip overflow build
me: aye
so what's your long term aim?
15:23 other than to irritate rego
Darrell: grow pop, grow cottages, tech as fast as I can
me: whilst living by the whip?
Darrell: yeah
I'll store pop on caost, and whip that away while not touching the cottages
15:24 me: i guess you have close ties with shoot & dave now, so rego or us might be longer term targets
or is everyone just going to turtle to space
15:25 Darrell: it would be very unlikely we go to war with dave or shoot unless something changes, that is correct
so if we decided to expand, it would be either you or rego
not giving anythign away there, you already knew that
me: well yes, i said it above
Darrell: yeah...anyway the open ended nap with the cooldown gives both of us plenty of time to react to impending hostilities
15:26 me: it does
well we can't attack either of you or shoot without triggering the MDP, dave will have EIs and dikes soon, rego is a bit far away
so science it is!
15:27 Darrell:
me: rego's got an impressive GNP with no golden age
Darrell: I was telling Krill I woulnd't mind a space race, but I don't know if all teams would sign a pact to that end
yes he does
Im not sure where its coming from
if its just a lot of coast tiles, I'm not that concenred
me: a space race would be a bit boring for the lurkers
Darrell: yeah
me: could be known tech with two pre-reqs i suppose too
Darrell: krill had the same opinion, but I say screw the lurkers
me: plus UoS
15:28 Darrell: yeah he's doing the LP thing I guess
15:32 me: right, catch you later
Darrell: later