So, with this turn in, it's time for me to give Caustic his stuff and assess the game state.
At the start of the turn, Runes is founded...
You can see here that the Thane will arrive in the capital in 2 turns, rectifying my mistake of forgetting to hide Avoid Growth...
Thank you. Our research rate is -3 @ 100%, making 49 beakers per turn with the Adept inspiring our capital. As you can see, I'm going to 1T Exploration before getting BW, which should take 7T-8T, depending on overflow.
Also, I note with the Goblin gone, I can switch to a better hill...which makes our BPT hit 51 @ 100%.
Our breakeven is 90%, which is 47 BPT.
Amusing thing I noted: Our second Worker is actually Mutated, giving it Fire and Lightning resist. SHO USEFUL.
Graphs, as requested...
Score graph. We're actually last by 3, as you could see, so...yeah.
We're actually second in the world in GNP, 57 vs. 1st place's 58. Compared to our late blooming Elf-y neighbor, we're rockin'.
Production is nice and high, although it is more the Elves being bad(You'll see on the demoscreen)
We're #3 in the world with food, with everyone having roughly equal standing.
We're 4th in power, largely because we only need a two-Warrior garrison thanks to floating eyes sniffing out danger ahead of time. Oberon's massive jump is due to getting the Lizardman event: The drop because he lost one at 90%-ish odds on a Spider. I want to keep a Scout on our Workers at all times in case of Spiders.
Culture graph for fun. more bad-good news...
A barb city popped up over here!
On one hand, that is a beautiful city location to take over: Two Dye, two Rice, Furs, two Pigs and Banana by my count. On the other: How fast can we take it? Should we build up Swordsman and attack it when we get Bronze hooked up? Freaks maybe?'ll be a pain if it stays there too long...
And yes, that's a single barb Warrior advancing on us. No threat.
EOT, Exploration in, BW is a 7 turn tech. Barb warrior worries me slightly due to possibly going pillaging the Wines: Should I try to meet it on the open field if it moves into it, even if it means losing a Warrior?
Or...should we go Festivals before BW? We're not going to settle our Bronze city in 7 turns...and we can get Festivals in 3T, which means Markets, Freaks and a happiness boost with Carnivals. I actually kind of like going Festivals -> BW -> Education -> CoL or something now...with Freaks, Festivals should be +2 happiness and some good units, plus enough gold to run 100% easilt from Market building.