March 5th, 2011, 08:19
(This post was last modified: March 6th, 2011, 03:16 by ConjurerDragon.)
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kyrub Wrote:Disintegrate: I vote for putting the part of (anti-ressurection, anti_regeneration, anti-raisedead) effect into the current v-rare "Death spell" from Death realm (I would like to conserve the "all enemies" in DS + resistance_based + disintegrated).
Also, let's remove the horrible lack of fantasy demonstrated in "Death spell" positioned in Death realm. Do we have a Life spell, or a Sorcery spell?
There is a whole language stratos not used with Death realm: Beyond, Shadow or Hades, Gehenna and many others... Can somebody with good knowledge of English propose a good name for a spell touching all enemy units and bringing them irreversibly to the other side?
Gehenna sound more like going to fiery hell and a chaos spell instead of simply death.
Charon´s guide?
Harvest of Bones? H. of Souls? (however that sounds more like something from Diablo)
Hades/Hekates Harvest?
Soul train?
Terminal Breath? (and always look on the bright side of death)
"Gouvernor Tarkins Death Star death aid (remember to send chocolates to the Sith)"
Walhallas (Valhallas?) calling?
Ride of the Valkyres (those that collect the fallen heroes after a battle for Odin´s last stand on Ragnarök),
Gabriels horn.
Black Sabbath.
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WhiteMage Wrote:...
Wraiths: I will tweak these monsters since they are too strong. For here they are OK, but we must deny it as a starting spell.
Wraiths too strong? In my current game I find Shadow Demons whichwere available earlier stronger than Wraiths. I always wondered why Wraiths and Death Knights have the fitting Life Stealing vs. Resistance (DK -4, W -3) but Shadow Demons regenerate like trolls.
Is it possible to give every death unit except the basic Skeletons/Zombies life stealing in various degrees of power?
e.g. Skeletons and Zombies none,
Death Knights steal life at -4 resistance,
Wraiths at -3 resistance,
Shadow Demons at -2,
Ghouls at -1?
August 12th, 2011, 02:22
(This post was last modified: August 12th, 2011, 05:03 by Asfex.)
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Black Shabbath-i like this name!
Yes,its possible to add all death units the life stealing ability,except thouse who do not have poison attack.and buff the others,by the non-dispellable spell in combat,like ethernal night(i like this idea,and i can do this).also,how about an global or city spell to drop enemy resistance by 2?
About animate dead: this units becomes undead forever,except thats units cannot flee with the wizard,who attack.
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For someone who knows nothing about this game - the thread title is awesome! I'd love to be able to balance death.
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About zombies, skeletons, I don´t think zombies should be a combat only spell. It would be good to cast zombies whenever you want. the problem is that if it would be so, zombies and skeletons would be too similar, so, why not give a bow and arrows to the skeletons?
An immune to arrows, illusion imune archer is surely something worth to have, and this could justify the 1 mana upkeep for them. Zombies could be your the death shock troopers, and thus remain as they are.
Ghouls could have more figures... 6 per unit.
Another problem with basic death units is that you don´t get them in great numbers. The good point in having mindless undeads is that you could have waves and more waves of them. So, If it´s technically feasable, why not have a uncommon spell called "Night of Living Dead", costing about 300 mana to cast, that randomly summons one of skeleton, zombie or ghoul in each town you own.
Still talking about undead, normal undead units are cool. They recover no health and gain no experience, but also have no upkeep. but you also dont get them in adequate numbers... either you have to kill an enemy unit using a create undead unit, or life drain, or cast death channels. So, why not have one rare spell that you can cast in a city, and all units produced there starts as undead? kind of a death version of Altar of Battle... They will be green units, veterans if you build a war college, elite if you also are warlord, but they will gain no further experience... This spell could be rare...
Still talking about undead, Zombie Mastery cold be tweaked a little bit... Say, what if you could get another kind of undead besides zombies? Each slain unit should have a chance to return as zombie, skeleton, ghoul or undead normal unit... Alse the name could chage to Undead Mastery. I don´t know if this is possible to implement.
Also I´m for removing fight from Wraiths and Death Knights...
So, the regular look and feell of death would be a guy with lots of dischargeable undead units, a few powerfull ones (wraiths, death knights and Stalkers), swimming in gold for not having to pay much upkeep, but desperately needing mana (so death and alchemist would be a great combo).
Regarding demons, you will have access to then when you receive the summon demon lord spell. But if you could have access to them earlier? Summon Demon could be a nice death combat summon... should also be a common spell.
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Code: Common Mod | Uncommon Mod | Rare Mod | Very Rare Mod
Black Sleep | Berserk mod | Black Wind + | Animate Dead <
Clk of Fear | Black Chan | Cloud of Sh <,$- | Death Knghts
Darkness del | Black Pray | Cursed Land +,> | Death Spell +,ren
Dark Rit | Drain Power | Evil Pres | Death Wish $-,ren
Ghouls del| Lycanthropy del | Famine | Demon Lords
Life Drain | Night Stalk | Warp Node ren | Cruel Unmnd
Mana Leak +,- | Possession + mod | Wrack | Etrnl Night $-
Skeletons | Shadow Dmns | Wraithform | Evil Omens
Terror | Subversion del| Wraiths | Pestilence
Weakness | Wall of Drk $- | Undead Mst mod | Word of Dth del
Zombies new |Night of Living Dead| |Altar of Sacrifice new
Demon new new
Del delete spell
New new spell
Ren rename
> promote to higher rarity
< demote to lower rarity
+ Buff performance
- Nerf performance
$- Decrease cost/maintenance
$+ Increase cost/maintenance
Posts: 33
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Code: Common Mod | Uncommon Mod | Rare Mod | Very Rare Mod
Black Sleep | Berserk mod | Black Wind + | Animate Dead <
Clk of Fear | Black Chan | Cloud of Sh <,$- | Death Knghts
Darkness del | Black Pray | Cursed Land +,> | Death Spell +,ren
Dark Rit | Drain Power | Evil Pres | Death Wish $-,ren
Ghouls | Lycanthropy del | Famine | Demon Lords
Life Drain | Night Stalk | Warp Node ren | Cruel Unmnd
Mana Leak +,- | Possession + mod | Wrack | Etrnl Night $-
Skeletons | Shadow Dmns | Wraithform | Evil Omens
Terror | Subversion del| Wraiths | Pestilence
Weakness | Wall of Drk $- | Undead Mst mod | Word of Dth del
Zombies new |Night of Living Dead| |Altar of Sacrifice new
Demon new
Del delete spell
New new spell
Ren rename
> promote to higher rarity
< demote to lower rarity
+ Buff performance
- Nerf performance
$- Decrease cost/maintenance
$+ Increase cost/maintenance
On another tought, zombies and ghouls now are too similar... so get rid of ghouls to open space for demons... I was thinking about casting possession overworld. and calling the spell that makes all units build in the town "Altar of Sacrifice" and making it very rare... so... what do you think?
August 15th, 2011, 02:20
(This post was last modified: August 15th, 2011, 03:39 by Asfex.)
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To clarify:the haos realm is a realm 'lead to death';the death realm-'after death';so i regret idea: own units become undeads before a chance to live(and gain experience).also,death must not have any combat-summoned creature from anyone who is not from the death realm already.use animate dead instead.
About zombie mastery:its possible to raise all slain enemy fantastic creatures onto ghouls instead,
Becouse its have not experience anyway.but i do not see game balance to achieve by this.we can use useless spells for this. How about enchant 'clouds of shadow' for this effect?
Also,we cannot use overland 'transform to undead' spell,except this cause to turn an entire enemy stack to you will.
(Or recall an enemy entire unit to summon circle).stone wall...
But, how about to treat any damage taken by 'death wish' ets, as a 'created undead' damage?at least in the city with 'evil presence'?
Or under 'evil omen'?
The other idea:the priests who cast 'healing' to the undead(or death unit),give him the ability to cast 10 mp instead,cumulative.(in order to cast life drain)
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But if you think about it, the idea of Life is to make your units more poweful... it´s about quality... so let´s make death be about quantity...
You will have worse units, less experienced units that don´t regenerate, but since you don´t need to feed them, or pay money for upkeep, you can support a greater number. And toss waves and more waves of weak units into your enemy cities, nodes and lairs, until you break them by the power of your numbers. If you note, this spell, Altar of Sacrifice, is very rare, so not even if you start with all death, you will get in the begining of game.
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Zephirus Wrote:But if you think about it, the idea of Life is to make your units more poweful... it´s about quality... so let´s make death be about quantity... I cannot let. Becouse if you have bad units,you will lose fame,and 'zombie mastery' work if you win battle. also,the quantity have to be less than 10. So,death must
focus to get enemy units weaker,not quantity. Also,you can animate normal units,but cannot you must focus on 'reuse after combat' instead of just create undead,with no 'second life'.