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Joined: Apr 2006
Hi drugged unholy, here's a bit of html advice.
Your pictures look jagged because they have width and height parameters set differently to the actual width and height of the image. In your html they are set to 1024 x 768 (and in later cases 800 x 600), but your pictures are 771 x 556. This makes the browser enlarge the image, but the browser is bad at doing this so you get the distortion. So the solution is to (a) not crop your images down to 771 x 556 in the first place or (b) delete all of the height and width attributes in your img tags. Or (a) and (b) together, which would probably be best. Also, you seem to have lost quite a bit of infomation in shrinking you image down to 771 x 556. Did you use MS paint? You could probably get a much cleaner shrink with photoshop or (the free) GIMP. With no width or height attributes, the browser works out how big the image is for you.ter cases 800 x 600)