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Werewolf 7 game thread

If it's between Serdoa and Gaspar, I'd rather choose Serdoa (giving big villager vibes).

Ichabod Wrote:I feel more confident voting Sareln. I still can't see why he kept his mayor vote on a player that was voting to lynch him (and he didn't adressed this issue, even though he already posted in the thread). And I think he only contributed when people voted to lynch him. He stayed quiet the rest of the time.

I prefer Gaspar as mayor over Lewwyn, I don't want to split the votes between Gaspar and Serdoa to give Lewwyn the mayorship. I knew from previous games that Gaspar's vote on me was just fishing for a response and he'll move on after I've addressed his questions. Therefore, I can still vote my preference for Mayor without leading to my own lynch.

I'm well aware of how weak my play is on day1, hence the quiet play. The wolves are always looking for good fall guys, and I don't see a need to volunteer myself with poor villager play - basically try not to dig the same hole I dug in WW5 so that even with a confirmed seer-scried innocence, I was still lynched!

I'm glad to have heard from Twinkletoes, and am happy to switch off him at this point. I'm not sure enough of anyone to push a new name, so I guess I'll vote Uberfish to do a 2 vote swing from TT to Uber. That way it starts to build some protection against late swings.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Ok, it seems a few of you have issues with some of my earlier posts showing a bit more 'humour' than perhaps I am known for with my WW posting.

Well the mayor vote was just to try and keep the good spirits up after Gaspar's post. Plus as a politics student I can't help but get involved when there's an election going on!

With the replies to zak - especially the 'You called it' post - I was basically expressing my usual feelings when it comes to dealing with his villager style. Plus it was pretty funny how Rowain said that he would move his vote on to him or MNG and then he proceeded to do so. Couldn't resist a little jibe with the history we have!

Right now, with the lack of a Seer and noone else presenting enough of a case to be a WW in my eyes, I think that leaving the uberfish question hanging would leave a cloud over our discussions for future lynches.

Though I am not 100% sure on his guilt, we need to be able to focus fully on future lynches so I vote uberfish for the gallows.

In terms of the mayoral vote, I am still unsure as there is no major consensus and with the mayor position now eminently desirable for the wolves, I am going to stay safe and avoid voting for the leaders as they all seem to only have max 3 or 4 backers, which could be a wolf manoeuvre.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

TT, I remember PBEM7. I remember when you get angry but don't want to show it. When you feel like it is unfair how people act. I think a wolf-TT would not feel it is unfair that he comes under fire, no matter the reason. I'm still bad at phrasing stuff in English sometimes, but what I want to say is that I believe you right now


Prone to change of course as he won't gain traction today. But I wanted to get out to TT what I feel about his last post AND I wanted to remind Rowain that I still not fully believe him.

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:In terms of the mayoral vote, I am still unsure as there is no major consensus and with the mayor position now eminently desirable for the wolves, I am going to stay safe and avoid voting for the leaders as they all seem to only have max 3 or 4 backers, which could be a wolf manoeuvre.

Well, if you, Sareln and zak would move to me, that would take care of the "only have max 3 or 4 backers" as I would be at least at 6 wink

Oh, one other thing as for me being mayor making sense: I can be online at days end. Seems that is rather an issue for Lewwyn and Gaspar if I understood correctly.


9v: Uberfish ( Catwalk, Zakalwe, Scooter, Meiz, Jkaen, Lewwyn, MNG, Sareln, Twinkletoes)
3v: Twinkletoes89 ( Erebus, Roland, Gaspar)
2v: Zakalwe ( Uberfish, Injera)
1v: Injera ( Rowain)
1v: Sareln (Ichabod)
1v: Rowain (Serdoa)

All Voting


  1. Lewwyn votes uberfish
  2. Gaspar votes uberfish
  3. Mr. Nice Guy votes Roland
  4. Rowain votes Lewwyn
  5. Meiz votes Twinkletoes89
  6. Sareln votes Roland
  7. Serdoa votes Roland
  8. zakalwe votes Roland
  9. Rowain switches from Lewwyn to zakalwe
  10. Serdoa switches from Roland to Rowain
  11. Meiz switches from Twinkletoes89 to Lewwyn
  12. Catwalk votes Mr. Nice Guy
  13. uberfish votes uberfish
  14. zakalwe switches from Roland to uberfish
  15. Catwalk swittches from MNG to uberfish
  16. Gaspar switches from uberfish to scooter
  17. Sareln switches from Roland to scooter
  18. uberfish switches from uberfish to scooter
  19. Injera votes zakalwe
  20. zakalwe switches from uberfish to Twinkletoes89
  21. Meiz switches from Lewwyn to Twinkletoes89
  22. uberfish switches from scooter to zakalwe
  23. Catwalk switches from uberfish to Injera
  24. Erebus votes zakalwe
  25. zakalwe switches from Twinkletoes89 to MNG
  26. Ichabod votes Catwalk
  27. Erebus switches from zakalwe to uberfish
  28. Gaspar switches from scooter to MNG
  29. scooter votes MNG
  30. Roland votes Erebus
  31. MNG unvotes Roland
  32. MNG votes Rowain
  33. Gaspar switches from MNG to Sareln
  34. Sareln switches from Scooter to Twinkletoes
  35. Zakalwe switches from MNG to Erebus
  36. Lewwyn switches from Uberfish to Sareln
  37. Erebus switches from uberfish to Twinkletoes89
  38. Catwalk switches from Injera to uberfish
  39. Jkaen votes Twinkletoes89
  40. zakalwe switches from Erebus to scooter
  41. Rowain switches from zakalwe to scooter
  42. Serdoa switches from Rowain to scooter
  43. Roland switched from Erebus to Twinkletoes89
  44. Ichabod switches from Catwalk to No Vote
  45. scooter switches from MNG to zakalwe
  46. Scooter switches from Zakalwe to No Vote
  47. Injera switches from Zakalwe to No Vote
  48. Rowain switches from Scooter to Injera
  49. Serdoa switches from Scooter to Injera
  50. Lewwyn switches from Sareln to Injera
  51. Gaspar switches from Sareln to Twinkletoes
  52. Injera switches from No Vote to Zakalwe
  53. Zakalwe switches from Scooter to Uberfish
  54. Scooter switches from No Vote to Uberfish
  55. Meiz switches from Twinkletoes to Uberfish
  56. Jkaen switches from Twinkletoes to Uberfish
  57. Lewwyn switches from Twinkletoes to Uberfish
  58. Serdoa switches from Injera to Twinkletoes
  59. MNG switches from Rowain to Uberfish
  60. Ichabod votes Sareln
  61. Sareln switches from Twinkletoes to Uberfish
  62. Twinkletoes votes Uberfish
  63. Serdoa switches from Twinkletoes to Rowain
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Serdoa Wrote:Well, if you, Sareln and zak would move to me, that would take care of the "only have max 3 or 4 backers" as I would be at least at 6 wink

I am confident that Serdoa can beat Lewwyn in the Mayoral race, I am fine with either Serdoa or Gaspar. I wrote my piece before a bunch of Serdoa votes came in. I will start tallying the mayor votes now.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Mayor Tally:

5v: Serdoa (Serdoa, Ichabod, Roland, Meiz, Sareln)
4v: Gaspar (Gaspar, Erebus, Injera, JKaen)
3v: Lewwyn (Lewwyn, MNG, Scooter)
1v: Zakalwe (Catwalk)
1v: Twinkletoes (Twinkletoes)
1v: Uberfish (Rowain)

Not voting (2): Uberfish, Zakalwe

Vote History:
  1. Gaspar votes Gaspar
  2. Twinkletoes votes Twinkletoes
  3. Erebus votes Gaspar
  4. Roland votes Rowain
  5. Lewwyn votes Lewwyn
  6. Injera votes Gaspar
  7. MNG votes Roland
  8. Rowain votes Rowain
  9. Sareln votes Scooter
  10. Serdoa votes Meiz
  11. Rowain switches from Rowain to Lewwyn
  12. Catwalk votes Meiz
  13. Sareln switches from scooter to No Vote
  14. Rowain switches from Lewwyn to uberfish
  15. MNG switches from Roland to Lewwyn
  16. Sareln votes for Gaspar
  17. Roland switches from Rowain to No Vote
  18. Scooter votes for Lewwyn
  19. Catwalk votes for Zakalwe
  20. Jkaen switches from Serdoa to Gaspar
  21. Serdoa switches from Meiz to Serdoa
  22. Ichabod votes for Serdoa
  23. Roland votes for Serdoa
  24. Meiz switches from Zakalwe to Serdoa
  25. Sareln switches from Gaspar to Serdoa
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Roland Wrote:Incorrect. I stated experience with uberfish as both a 'Wolf, and a Villager, but never as a fellow 'Wolf. I've never been a 'Wolf before, let alone in conjunction with uberfish.
My bad, I misread. Still want to know if he's your fellow wolf in this game, though :neenernee
Quote:What I was referring to was an earlier game where PMs were allowed, and uberfish convinced me of his innocence when he was actually a 'Wolf. He tried it a second time in a later game, and IIRC I didn't buy it at first, but I think eventually he won me over - to the same effect. I'd like to think I've since wised up, which is why my reaction to his explanation was that it seemed like a Villager-uberfish ploy, rather than a 'Wolf-uberfish ploy. The ploy itself was standard uberfish fare (regardless of how others may view its helpfulness), but just something in his tone in the explanation post made me fall on the side of Villager vibe this time around. It just didn't seem so... obvious, as it has in the past. I remember one game where he tried such a ploy as a 'Wolf, and I thought to myself "I can see right through this. He's guilty." That wasn't the case this time around, so again - made me think he was innocent.

Uberfish is a colorful character - 'Wolf or Villager - but he's usually very insightful, and pretty spot on. What I'm seeing in this game... isn't so much. This, coupled with your point about how he could "change his style on a whim" (which I don't agree with; instead, I see him learning the difference between a ploy that works and one that doesn't) makes me question whether this is a much smarter uberfish 'Wolf than I've seen in the past. I've always thought uberfish is smart, and he's always proven to have a big set of brass balls (pardon the colorful language), but he never seemed to be able to use both at the same time as well as either no its own. I'm honestly starting to think he's learned how, and it seems I'm not the only one who picked up on it - I'm just very late to the party.
I'm having a hard time understanding your statements, please correct me if I got any of this wrong:
1) He's fooled you 2x out of 3 as a wolf in the past.
2) You think you've learned how to read him better since then.
3) He seems different this game, and that leads you to conclude that he's more likely to be a villager.
4) He used to be either smart or ballsy.
5) Now you suspect he might be both, and that leads you to conclude he might be wolf? Or still leaning towards him as villager? Not sure where you currently stand.

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