M**********r! Whoever wasted a vig shot off that day of bullshit you should be ashamed of yourself.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
Werewolf 7 game thread
M**********r! Whoever wasted a vig shot off that day of bullshit you should be ashamed of yourself.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
Mardoc Wrote:In addition, Rowain had an interesting collection of sleepy drugs, diarrehea pills, brownie mixes, and more. You realize he was the one who'd been the village prankster, often keeping you in the bathroom all night long with his 'gifts'. Nice description of a village roleblocker. I'm guessing Rowain was the vigilante kill. If so, the vigilante had better brace himself before visiting the lurker thread after the game. @Serdoa. Have I been making an unusual amount of jokes? If you want to compare with my previous behavior, maybe you should reread WW4. My feelings about Uberfish progressed like this. First, when he made his opening post, I thought he must be a wolf since it seemed like a ludicrous village play. Then he made a fairly convincing "reveal" post, stating how he intended to use his gambit to catch wolves, so I figured he was a villager. As I then started realizing how many of the people "implicated" by his gambit were in fact likely to be innocent, like me, my feeling that his ploy was really bad villager play grew. He then failed to follow up his gambit with any actual wolf hunting, and just kept focusing on me with what I thought of as poor arguments. When he constructed an apparent contradiction out of my actions, which for me was a big wolf tell, my alarm bells started ringing, and I figured: Uberfish is a good player; why would he play such a bad villager game? After mulling that over for a while, I decided to follow up on my hunch that he was a wolf with an actual vote. As that turned into a landslide, he really didn't defend well at all, while my second suspect TT did defend pretty well. I saw no better lynch option, although I was watching because I partly expected him to claim a power role. I figured his play might make sense as a villager if he had a power role as life insurance.
If you know what I mean.
Since I'm still at work I'm going to keep this brief, and I'm hoping that between now and when I do finally get home - and get around to a proper reply - I'll be a little calmer. However...
Right now I'm ready to give you confrontation out the ass, zakalwe, not least of which for your behavior yesterday and uberfish's last words. I went into this trying to be a bit more relaxed than I have in the past, but it's tough to change who you are, and if trying to be "better" is going to make me seem "worse" I have no problems raising my voice a bit. TO address one concern: I just this past weekend completed a month-long move into a new place. I've been backed up at work, and thus having to stay late a few nights a week. On top of that my place is packed full of boxes and whatnot, and I've had to budget my very limited time between unpacking, running errands, and everything else that goes on in life. So excuse me for not having as much time as I'd like to devote to this game. Oh, and yeah, not having internet anywhere but work for over 2 weeks hasn't helped me get much done, either (and not just here). I'm sure you didn't mean to tick me off, but given your history, and how easily you get tunnel vision, I'm sure you can do me the courtesy of excusing my heated response. Now, I'm going to finish up here at work and hope to be home within a couple hours. Maybe I'll cook some dinner before I come back on here - eating always settles my temper; I'm like a bear when I'm hungry. Sucks that we lost uberfish, sucks that we lost Rowain, and I guess I have to say it sucks that we lost Lewwyn - when he doesn't have his head up his ass he's a decent player in the late game, and since he wasn't a 'Wolf I guess that could have been the case here, too. Those are some of the strongest players around, in my opinion, and losing 3 Villagers in the first Day / Night cycle is not a good way to start. Let's see if we can't turn that around - especially since we now used the Vigilante shot (if I understand what happened correctly - I'm new to this role) AND lost our Roleblocker. Oh, and before I forget - what is with the moratorium on nighttime chat? That must be something new because I never remember such a silent Night 1 in any of the games I read (although I just skimmed the mid-to-late of WW6). Are we trying to hide from the 'Wolves, or are we just shooting ourselves in the foot by giving away free discussion time (which, I thought, was what the Village always had to their advantage - time to discuss things)? Anyway, enough ranting.
Wow, that's terrible. I don't understand why a vigilante would hit someone the first night; you have the last information to work with, and you're really unlikely to be eaten... just awful.
Gaspar Wrote:M**********r! Whoever wasted a vig shot off that day of bullshit you should be ashamed of yourself. worst. vigilante. ever.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.
Roland Wrote:Right now I'm ready to give you confrontation out the ass, zakalwe, not least of which for your behavior yesterday and uberfish's last words. I'm heading to bed; my feelings towards Uberfish are explained in my previous post, but if you have other questions about my behavior, feel free to elaborate on this and I'll address it tomorrow. For the record, you are definitely overreacting. I'm not sneaking up on you with a dagger here; I'm stating openly why you haven't convinced me that you're innocent, and which aspects of your behavior I find suspicious. You have a full 48 hours to address these points, and I haven't voted to lynch you. I think it's a little early to accuse me of having tunnel vision. Anyway, let's talk more tomorrow.
If you know what I mean.
Very trigger-happy vigilantes on this site. First was the bad call Kuro in WW6 and now this.
I agree that Rowain was probably the vigi target as more people were suspect of him then they were of Lewwyn. Vigilantes in general are gambles, the right player can be devastating with them, otherwise they are a huge liability. Now the question I have is did Lewwyn do anything in particular to get himself targeted, or was it his otherwise lack of suspicious by the rest of the village?
No more bullets for you know who.
Jkaen Reasons for votes are low content and a heathy wolf vibe when he finally put his vote on uberfish. From an earlier post I'd have expected him to rail against the logic of a uberfish vote, instead of joining the bandwagon as "the only vote". Serdoa Wrote:3) Injera is pretty quiet. Jumped on zak, left him shortly to reread what was posted, getting called out by me for jumping of him without knowing what was written and jumped back on. And that's it. No own ideas I could find, no nothing. Why am I reminded on pling right now? The notion that my ideas aren't my own is completely false. I fully admit I could have been (much) more vocal in discussing these things; I'm still feeling out how best to communicate in a game like this. That being said, I definitely have original thought in my ideas. You write about zak in your post: Serdoa Wrote:Basically I feel that zak was the one being nearest to the right track (uberfish=villager) but instead of hitting it I feel he deliberately left it as soon as it seemed convenient. Look back at the initial days. I was suspicious of zakalwe (and put my vote on him) for the very reasons you're talking about. I mentioned it was an improbable villager play back before page 10, and that zakalwe's reaction to it was opportunistic: Injera Wrote:That doesn't mean it can't be a wolf gambit, though it seems to me to be a high risk one without much reward, so I'm more interested in looking at the people who jumped on it opportunistically. Incidentally, I was the first vote on zakalwe. Clearly I wasn't thinking for myself! I then moved back on to zakalwe after catching up on the thread because I he seemed to be continuing to set up zakalwe for a mislynch. Look at the two quotes I highlighted in inpost 216: zakalwe Wrote:The reason I think it's bad village play is because it establishes yourself as untrustworthy, which sets the stage perfectly for a later (or immediate) mislynch. That might be OK if it was guaranteed to give you a solid lead on a wolf, but it wasn't, not in any way, shape or form. So if you're a villager, you were lying to the village for no good reason zakalwe Wrote:If I don't feel like I have any other wolf leads before the end of the day, I will seriously be considering a "lynch all liars" policy vote. Uberfish feels like he is still trolling. If that is a deliberate strategy, then I think it is disruptive. Here I'm making the case that zakalwe is continuing to advocate uberfish as a bad villager in order to set up a mislynch, and providing himself an out in case he can't get a consensus of guilt. Who else was advocating this at the time? Did anyone else even comment on those quotes? Honestly, I feel frustrated that you would write a post saying I don't have original ideas when earlier in the post you echo the very suspicions I had been advancing the entirety of Day 1. If you think I'm being too quiet, that's fine, but I'm definitely not hiding behind others' comments and ideas. Erebus Wrote:Now the question I have is did Lewwyn do anything in particular to get himself targeted, or was it his otherwise lack of suspicious by the rest of the village? Lewwyn wasn't adding much content and only followed groups of voters when voting. I'm guessing the wolves might have read that as a power role laying low. |