18:50 me: hey
Dan: hey
me: yup
just read your email
haven't played the turn yet
Dan: good times!
me: heh
well we vaguely know what it feels like...
but we won't be joining in
Dan: yeah
18:51 that's good
me: dog piles are so passé
Dan: yeah i briefly had a talk with shoot about that
just about dogpiles in general
and how they're annoying
but on the other hand how do you stop the snowball
me: yeah
Dan: i know i've talked with darrell about that too
me: it's just civ innit
Dan: i think it's got to be tech trading but with some way to stop blocs
18:52 maybe it's no out of game contact
or maybe delayed tech trading (enabled at paper?)
anyways that's neither here nor there
me: yeah they are doing that in PBEM20 or something?
Dan: not sure
18:53 me: a modded version
and no back trading
possible some adjusted known tech bonuses too
Dan: oh yeah
that's pbem20 i think
18:55 me: so what are the cooldown notice periods?
i'm guessing short
given the policy you've had this game
Dan: 5 for shoot and 10 for darrell
oledavy can attack this turn
me: oh that's longer than i expected
18:56 i guess the more powerful nations, shoot in particular, were going to pick on someone
just glad it's not us (yet)
18:57 as you said - it's shoot's last chance
Dan: so my question would be, do you have any interest in joining in on my side
18:58 and what can i get you
to incentivize you
me: i'll have a beer
cheers for asking
well what would help you out?
and how could you repay us?
and, for both of those, how could they be undetectable
Dan: well let's hold off on the answer to the first question because i don't know currently
18:59 2nd would probably be land
me: bear in mind our military is pretty weak too
Dan: you do have steel
me: er yes i think we got that recently
we have a cannon too i think
19:00 so maybe not that recently
we have frigates
in fact that's pretty much it for "advanced" units
a cannon and a bunch of frigates
19:01 we have gambled somewhat on us not doing well enough in this game to be a worthy target
Dan: i've heard taht you feel like shoot that you also need more land to be competitive?
19:02 me: i dunno
more land is always nice, obviously
but there's a clear risk to us in you handing us land that they were going to share amongst them
Dan: sure
19:03 true
me: i suppose it means little if we're the next target anyway
19:04 Dan: i wish i hadn't revolted out of slavery
me: dohhh
that was good timing for a war declaration
what are you in?
19:06 actually, i did take a pic of that last turn
in my less than thorough turn report
19:07 FR, SP, CS and NH
and - what? US?
19:08 bit of a mix, basically
19:10 i guess one option is cash now for upgrades in return for cash later (or a GP)
anyway, off to make the tea (evening meal) - catch you later
20:14 Dan: hey
20:15 me: hi
no war declaration
i've just opened the save
Dan: cool
20:16 cash could be good
the geography favors me vs. shoot
especially as he (for now) lacks astro
20:17 me: i take it that you have no GPs lying around
Dan: no
20:18 i'll have another one in 10ish turns?
me: ok so we could spread payments over that period possibly
20:19 to avoid being detected as easily
or perhaps spread them over 5 turns, since that is the more relevant period for you
Dan: so don't you want me to get hurt?
20:20 me: well, as i say, it's a balance between the four of you wasting resources, vs us angering the collective and becoming the next target
Dan: right
so as long as i am being dogpiled
20:21 you want to prop me up
without attracting attention
me: yeah something like that
Dan: fair?
but you wouldn't want to help me to actually succeed?
20:22 me: i don't mind you surviving
nothing wrong with that
Dan: but you wouldn't want me to say take out shoot
me: i'm actually not too fussed
he's the biggest threat to us right now
NAP notwithstanding
20:23 because he has rifles and is very close at lots of points
darrell is probably the biggest future threat
Dan: you guys have an active NAP?
me: yeah
we have one with everyone
Dan: what's the terms
me: ummm 7-10 turns with everyone but you, which is 3?
Dan: okay
me: i can't remember who has how many but they are all in that range
20:24 Dan: any interest in giving notice to shoot to keep him honest?
me: heh, not realy
Dan: yeah
me: if he called our bliuff...
Dan: what i want to get is how darrell
whose power is miniscule
20:25 convinced the #4 and #5 score folks to attack me
while he sits back and techs like crazy
me: yeah he's not in military techs, that's for certain
unless he buys everything
20:26 Dan: well he does have kremlin
and he's in a GA so he'll probably swap to stuff at the end
me: hmm yeah
and he has 10t to play with i suppose
20:28 Dan: yeah i'm sure he'll be drafting rifles for awhile
at least for the next 5t
i kind of think that he will not actively attack
and btw oledavy plays after you so of course no war dec yet ;-)
me: he's not in NH, so won't be drafting them just yet
20:29 ah righ tok
Dan: i thought darrell did go to NH
me: no, he's in bureau
20:30 Dan: what if you funded me to get RR for MGs
me: how far away from that are you?
Dan: steam / steel / RR
20:31 i kind of wanted to get physics next for airship scouts
20:33 me: so how many turns at max science do your reckon?/
you'd have to revolt to slavery too presumably
20:36 Dan: yeah
which i can't do for another 4t
20:36 Dan: are you anywhere near airships?
me: not sure - we abandoned going for physics
20:37 and i've just finished the turn, forwarded the save and closed civ down
Dan: heh
me: i'll post our chat in our thread and see if novice has any thoughts/ideas
Dan: well you have the pre-reqs
you're just going somewhere else i assume
20:38 i would estimate 6-8t at max sci
i could also pay you back by railroading in your lands
(not as complete payment of course)
but that gets you good movement and 1h on some tiles
20:41 me: sorry - internet connection disappeared temporarily