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Epic 8 - Mitsunobu's Arabs

Well, some thoughts first:
when I first read about the potluck epic, I didn't think I was going to participate, for two reasons: I hadn't ever won on Monarch before, and I havn't writen anything in English since I finished school. smile
But when everybody else seemed to suscribe, I thought it might still be fun to do so as well - mainly for the same two reasons mentioned above.

At that time, I still planned to write a very detailed report, but now I have to admit that if I was a little wiser, I wouldn't write a report at all. (Too much I have to do within the next few days.)
I'll just write a short report and hope everybody has enough stuff to read at the moment, anyway. wink

- - - - -
So, I played Arabia. When reading this, you've probably already seen the arabian starting position, but I'll add a screenshot, anyway. (At least, I'll try to.)
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=124]
(Well, this doesn't look as it should, but I hope it works. Or I'll fix it later....) [Edit: Yes, now it works all fine.]

I founded Mekka just where the settler started. It didn't seem like a really great starting position, but still like a good one. I especially liked the gold, and I was going to use it.
When much later I had a complete map of the world, the Roman starting position seemed to be the best to me.

I don't remember what I found in the first hut, so it probably wasn't important. Maps maybe?
Anyway, I scouted the environment with both of the warriors, and in three more huts I found 125 gold and archery. Great - I'm usually an all too peacefull builder and research that military stuff too late.

I started my research with some worker techs. In 2920 BC, not a single religion had been founded yet, so I decided to start researching Polytheism, and I actually got there first in 2530. (That is late, isn't it?)

At that time, I had already meet some of my neighbours (including Elizabeth, who had founded Buddhism) and started building my first settler, so it was time for a closer look at my environment:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=125&stc=1]

-Red dot: I wanted my first city there, as I feared I would else lose this position to my northern neighbours Egypt and England.
-Purple dot: not sure about that one...

- - - End of part 1 smile (Just so I can take a look on wether all this image-stuff works as I hope it does.) [Edit: it obviously didn't... frown *fixing it*] [Done. smile]

Well, I can't go on it that style...

2230 - founded Medina, just where I wanted it.
[I actually founded this second city before any of the AI's did.]

1690 - finished the street to Medina.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=129&stc=1]

1480 - Finished Stonehenge. (I love it when I'm not a cultural leader, and no one else seemed to want to have it.)

1090 - Research Writing, open my borders with everybody.

970 - Jewdaism is founded in Medina. thumbsup You can also see a barbarian city on that screenshot.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=127&stc=1]
What's more important, you can also see that jewdaism had immediately spread to Heliopolis, and Hatti became Jewish next turn.

Thus, when in
700 BC - Moses was born in Mekka, I sent him to Medina to build Solomon's Temple there. Of corse, now I became Jewish, too. This also allowed me to keep research at 100%. It had already dropped to 90% before, but now it should stay where it was for the complete rest of the game.

550 - Alphabet comes in, and I do some trading.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=128&stc=1]

And now look what the evil English did: (That formerly barbarian city, as you can see, is now Malinese.)
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=131&stc=1]

460 - finally met Toku, the last one...

until 355 - I found Damaskus and Bagdad

265 - I give the Alphabet to Elizabeth, and she becomes jewish in return.

35 AD - Toku becomes Jewish. Turns out my religion actually spread all across the ocean to one of his tiny island cities... lol

50 - I research Code of Laws and found Confuzianism.

200 - Roosevelt jewish. eek Now, only China and Rome still don't have any religion, and Lizzy has of corse re-converted to her pagan Buddhism.

245 - Mekka builds the Great Library. Also, a Great Artist is born in Mekka, although I really would have prevered a scientist, and the chance for an artist actually was 0%. huh

305 - Caesar becomes a Hindu. huh Well, I don't care how that happened. Anyway, more important is that Mao becomes a Jew.

Until 515 - Hathi does me a favour by founding Taoism AND Christianity and still staying a Jew herself.

530 - Caesar becomes a Jew. dance I immediately ask Lizzy wether she wants to join the party, and now look how cool that is:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=130&stc=1]
And I hadn't even planned that!

560 - Mekka builds the Colossus.

575 - Sokrates founds an academy in Mekka.

785 - Civil Service, I adopt bureaucracy. For freaks with statistics: this gives me an additional 41 beakers, 7 hammers and -2 gold per turn.

995 - Hathi becomes a taoist. frown It really hurts to see my first sister in faith leave the world wide jewish commonwealth.

1100 - I fail building the Hanging Gardens. I had, at some point earlier, also lost the race for the pyramids.

1196 - England becomes a little aggressive and demands a tribute. Ha!

1226 - Liberalism (+Nationalism)

1244 - Hathi becomes a muslima. And in 1298, she adopts theocracy and vasallage...... interesting times.

1316 - Hathi demands a tribute. (But doesn't get anything.)

1328 - Well, I don't want to be alone when the lovely ladies in my north start running mad, so I.... well, did a little diplomacy.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=132&stc=1]

I will let them fight some years first, as I still have to build a stronger army and want to wait untill Hathi moves her forces to the west.

1336 - Egypt conquers Kumbi Saleh.

1346 - Caesar declares war on Hathi. (Don't mess with the jews. smile )

1352 - Caesar asks for help. Yeah, you're a hero, Julius. But it's somewhat the right time to join this war, anyway. (I just researched gunpowder. wink )

1370 - I conquer Pi-Ramesses. I lose that city to the more cultivated Malinese later on, though.... frown
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=133&stc=1]
1382 - Rome conquers Byblos.

1436 - Rome takes Gizeh.

1442 - I finish the Taj Mahal and conquer Heliopolis. :hat:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=134&stc=1]

Peace treaty is signed in 1466.

I finish Versailles in Heliopolis in 1541.

- - - I somewhat can't puzzle out exact dates here, but soon after the end of my war against Egypt, I started fighting England.
Which turned out to be real fun....

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=135&stc=1]

I skip quite a lot of stuff now.
In one or two more wars, I completly conquered England (last city in 1634).
Bagdad became my most important city for producing units (with the Heroic Epic and Westpoint in 1724); there was a small war between Rome and America (only result: the small city of Chicago is being burned down), and all wars ended again in 1732.

Unfortunatly, there was no coal in my empire, and the only one who could have sold it to me was Tokugawa.
Of corse, he didn't, although he was my friend and ally, I adopted his beloved mercantilism and did everything for him... I really hate Toku.

In the 19th century, I finally decided that I'd try to win by space race.
To make this easier for me, I give my worst opponents something to do:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=136&stc=1]

[Learning German: "Krieg" is "war". smile ]
Toku, that was stupid. Be sure, I'm NOT gonna help you out.... (although during this war, he is finally willing to sell coal to me.)

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=137&stc=1]
To cut the rest of the story all short:
Toku is defeated, of corse, but the Romans and Chinese for some reason let him live.
And my space ship to Alpha Centauri starts in 1947, long before any opponent gets there.

(Hey, I won on Monarch! smile )
Points: 11624, Churchill.

And one last view at the old world:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=138&stc=1]

I appologize for the gaps in my report. wink Hope you like it, anyway.

- - -
One last funny screenshot I found: look at the great English city of Canterbury!
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=139&stc=1]

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