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Epic 8 - Zeviz's Arabian 3CC Space Race

I’ve never played a limited cities game before and this Epic, with its fairly typical Monarch setup, sounded like a perfect place to try a 3 City Challenge (3CC) space race.

Pre-game thoughts
Philosophical Saladin will have much easier time generating Great People, and with only 3 cities settling them as super-specialists might be more attractive than starting Golden Ages. So early Representation would be a natural choice for extra research from settled Great People and specialists used to generate them. The extra happiness also will be a good bonus.

Another goal will be to gather as many religions as possible, primarily for the happiness bonus. (Each religion gives +1 happiness from Free Religion and +1 happiness from a temple.)

Early Beurocracy was a third goal I considered, but seeing the capital’s weak position changed my mind about that.

Early Game
The starting position looked very bad. There were plenty of resources, but no food to utilize them. Settling on the starting spot would mean that it would be impossible to work a gold mine and grow, and working both gold mines would cause the city to starve. The only decent position was in a plains forest 2 steps away. That city would be working no pre-calendar resources, but would have plenty of food, including 3 floodplains, and acceptable production from some forests and a hill. That city could even operate a couple plains cottages. Thus, Mecca was founded in 3940 in plains forest, getting 3 floodplains and only 4 coastal tiles.

Since I was planning to found only 2 more cities, I had to make sure I’d get the best possible sites, so initial build order was:
Settler (2800BC) -> Worker (2140BC) -> Settler (1000BC)

Thus, in 1000BC my capital was still at size 1, working a single unimproved floodplain, but I was able to found cities 2 and 3 in some of the best available spots. Here is what things looked like in 955BC, when Damascus (city #3) was founded:

My two starting warriors were able to do a lot of fogbusting and crowded pangea meant that there were plenty of AI scouts around, so I never saw any human barbarians and didn’t need to train any early warriors. (Although my warriors did have to play hide and seek with a couple bears for some time.) As you can see in above picture, AIs were already closing in. In fact, when my last settler founded Damascus, he pushed away Hatty’s settler pair you see in that screenshot. So I got my site #3 just in time, and Hatty’s settler turned back north.

Meanwhile, research proceeded along the path of Polytheism (3400BC) -> Mining -> Masonry (pyramids) -> Hunting (Ivory Camp to help Medina build Pyramids) -> Monotheism (1870BC - religion for Medina and Organized Religion to build Pyramids faster)

Surprisingly, Buddhism wasn’t founded in my game until 3070BC, 330 years later than my Hindiusm. That late date was one of the reasons I felt it was ok to delay Monotheism to pick up Mining and Hunting.

After finishing up initial religious research, I learned Animal Husbandry (pastures and horses) and went along Fishing -> Pottery -> Writing -> Alphabet line of study.

Medina was founded in 2710BC and immediately started work on Pyramids, which were completed in 520BC. Ivory camp and pasture on Pigs were the only two improvements the city had during that time. (I couldn’t even chop forests yet.)

In other wonder-related news China built Oracle in 535BC, taking CoL with it and founding Confucianism. Eventually, Mao would also found Christianity and Hatty would take Islam, splitting the world into Egypt/England/Mali Buddhist block and China/Japan/Rome Confucian block, with Confucian Roosevelt staying relatively neutral.

While Medina was still finishing up Pyramids, Damascus started by training a worker, then building an Obelisk for future culture wars. Mecca started catching up on much needed infrastructure, taking time to send a Jewish missionary to Damascus. (Medina sent Judaism to Mecca right after finishing Pyramids.) I kept Judaism as the state religion to give Medina Holy City culture to hold the border against Hatty.

With its 3 floodplains, Mecca was able to catch up in size and train extra workers very quickly, reaching size 7 by 5AD. As the new workers began building cottages, my GNP increased steadily, reaching third place by 5AD, with only Roosevelt far ahead. Here is the situation at the time:

As you can see in the above picture, after Alphabet I went straight for Literature, getting it at the same time Medina completed its Library and generated Great Engineer from the Pyramids. So Great Library was rushed in 35AD. I did some tech trading before this, but held on to my Alphabet monopoly until Great Library was completed.

After this I finally researched Agriculture (did I mention that I don’t like farms smile ), followed by Drama (a prerequisite for Philosophy), which was timed to coincide with birth of my first Great Scientist in 215AD. Normally, I use early Great Scientists for Academies. However, in this game I needed all religions I could get, so I lightbulbed Philosophy, founding Taoism in Medina. I was hoping it would go to Damascus, giving me 3 different Holy Cities, but it later turned out that Medina needed more culture, so getting 2 religious centers there was nice.

The Wars
The rest of the game followed typical spaceship research order, so you can read details in attached notes. I focused on infrastructure and followed appeasement policy, giving in to all demands that didn’t require cancellation of trade deals, or breaking monopoly on a critical tech. A few highlights from this time include constructing Academy in Mecca in 455AD, getting Civil Service in 515AD, and taking Astronomy with Liberalism in 1118AD. (When I discovered Education nobody had even Paper, so I felt confident enough to take the time for Compass and Optics, trading for Machinery, before going on with Liberalism research.)

After constructing Academies in all 3 cities, I settled all other Great Scientists and Engineers in Medina, ending up with 2 Engineers and 4 or 5 Scientists there. With only 3 cities in my empire, a super-specialist would do more good than any wonder except Statue of Liberty, which was too far away and off my main research path.

The primary excitement during this time was generated by AIs:

In 290AD Toku attacked Caesar. This war lasted until 755AD.

Hatty attacked poor Caesar in 785AD and eventually took over all of his lands except a couple of remove colonies.

Mao cancelled Open Borders with me after I made a particularly favorable trade with his worst enemy, Elizabeth. I have to donate a couple techs to him to bring relations back up to Cautious. However, I see only a pair of longbows in each of his border cities, so I am not too worried yet. There is also a galley sailing nearby, but I ignore it.

I switch to Serfdom to speed up my 4 workers, and Mao attacks the next turn.

It’s 950AD. My entire military consists of 3 Warriors. It’s 4 turns until I’ll be able to switch into either Universal Suffrage or Slavery. There is a Galley with Horse Archer and Catapult approaching Mecca. And Hatty is refusing to join the war, because she is still busy killing Caesar. In fact, Mansa is the only AI willing to even consider a war against Mao.

Luckily, Mao was as unprepared for war as I expected. (My infrastructure builds pushed my borders right next to his cities, allowing me to see deep into his territory.) So the only immediate threat was that Galley heading towards Mecca.

My first action was to bribe Mansa (the only AI willing to join me) into the war. However, it will take some time for his troops to cross Egyptian territory, so I’ll have to fend for myself for a few turns. Selling around various techs and trading maps allowed me to raise almost enough cash to upgrade Mecca’s Warrior to Maceman. I turned off research and started a spearman in Mecca and Elephant in Damascus. Two workers in Damascus area were sent to chop a forest on nearby hill. Later they were positioned to chop more forests, but that turned out to be unnecessary.

After upgrading Mecca’s Warrior to Maceman and Damascus’ Warrior to Spearman I turned the research back to maximum level. Mecca’s Mace easily killed attacking Horse Archer and finished off Catapult after healing. (The catapult just sat on the desert hill where it landed, bombarding city’s defenses.) In Damascus area, Spear and Elephant easily destroyed HA/Warrior pillaging pair, and another Spear and Elephant that arrived later were able to kill single HAs without losses. It appears Mansa’s forces arrived quickly, because one of Mao’s HAs entered my territory already wounded.

Overall, the war posed little problem aside from pillaging of several resources on the border. After training above-mentioned units and building Barracks in Mecca and Medina, I went back to building Observatories and other infrastructure.

By 1154 Mao was willing to not only make peace, but pay reparations and sign Open Borders once peace was established. The willingness to sign Open Borders was probably due to my switch to Free Religion the moment I discovered Liberalism in 1118.

In 1268 Hatty asked for help agaisnt Caesar and I agreed, because he was down to 2 remote colonies, so this fake war would just boost my relations with Hatty. Meanwhile, I was the first to discover Economics and settled the Great Merchant in Mecca to help with the food situation.

Mao Canceled OB in 1274. Let's see how long it will take him to redeclare war this time.

After Replaceable Parts, research went into Nationalism->Constitution->Corporation. I was so unconcerned about Mao's threat, that I didn't even bother researching military techs.

Hatty made peace with Rome in 1340 and I followed her example next turn. Rome is down to the last couple of cities and is unlikely to ever become a threat.

Scientific Method would greatly reduce my GP generation and research rates, so after discovering Corporation in 1406 I went for Gunpowder->Chemistry->Steam Power.

In 1424 I see Mao switching to military civics and moving several stacks towards my borders. So I give him something more important to worry about. I ask Hatty to attack him for Banking and 300$. Hatty is already a massive monster, having absorbed most of Roman lands. However, she isn't leader in GNP and is the least advanced of 4 technology leaders (Eliz, Roosevelt, Mansa, and Hatty). Besides, she is the only one willing to attack him and they share a border, making this war immediately probelmatic for Mao.

Unfortunately Mao declared war in 1430 anyway. However, his main stack of knights disappeared, so my 2 elephants and 2 spears (will be upgraded to pikes) should be enough.

Mao's main stack of knights went to his city near north-western edge of my lands, where it was promptly destroyed by Egyptians, while I destroyed a couple of mini-stacks at Mecca and Damascus. That was the only action of the war for me.

Hatty easily rolled over Mao, capturing or razing most of his cities. The war was stalled for a few turns because Hatty’s troops were blocked by Japanese borders, but expansion of China’s border opened a passage, allowing Hatty to capture Mao’s starting peninsula. After this, Hatty was stuck in war mode for centuries, unable to reach Mao’s last city because of Toku’s borders, but unwilling to end the war. This caused her to fall behind technologically and, despite her massive territory, she was never a contender in the space race.

In 1541 Mao begged for peace, offering 120$ and I accepted. Now I'll just have to press Enter a few hundred times and the game will be over.

In 1598, after discovering Assembly Line, I notice that Eliz already has Scientific Method, so I try to outrace her to Physics. I am at least 4 turns behind, but hopefully my research-centered economy will let me catch up.

Elizabeth was the star AI was this game. She was running 3CC just like me (she also had a size 2 fishing village in the north, but it probably cost her more than it contributed), but was tech leader among AIs. And she was able to keep up very well until the end, completing Apollo Program just a couple dozen turns after me and long before other AIs.

Before discovery of Scientific Method my research was 913bpt and Medina was producing 69 Great Person Points per turn. After it my research dropped to 784bpt and gpp production at Medina dropped to 51 per turn. I should have bought Scientific Method from Friendly Eliz, but I got so used to having nothing to buy from AIs that I forgot about that option.

I won the race to Physics, getting a Great Scientist in 1637. After this, I took my cities off research to build factories and started researching Electricity->Fusion for nuclear plants. I also followed Hatty's request to re-declare on Mao, although that angered Roosevelt. However, he is still very Pleased with me, so that's not a problem. Eventually, after Mao switched to Judaism, Roosevelt joined that war and killed Mao in a single turn.

The rest of the game was very uneventful. I built nuclear plants (health was too problematic to go for coal) and constructed Broadway, Eiffel Tower, and Rock’n’Roll.

For research, I went for Fission (nuclear plants), Computers (Labs, and picking up happiness wonders on the way), Rocketry (early Apollo Program), Robotics (Space Elevator), Fusion, Genetics, and Ecology.

My research/production balanced turned out to be tilted too far towards production, with most cities having to build Research for most of the endgame.

Shortly before the game was over, Hatty attacked Toku, quickly overrunning his empire and killing him in 1918. Hatty was a true monster this game, ending up with 40% of land area. She could have easily gone for domination, especially if she captured all Japanese cities, instead of razing them. Luckily, AIs never go for any victory other than Space.

Talking about Space, my ship was launched in 1923, while Roosevelt was still missing 6 parts. (Elizabeth was leading AI opponent for a very long time, but 3 good cities just isn’t enough for an AI to compete.)

PS I’ve tried to use a new format in the last couple of reports, focusing on themes, rather than chronological timelines, and putting in some detailed descriptions of wars. Please tell me how well this format is working and whether I should do something differently.

PPS I am attaching my full notes in case anybody is curious about more details of my game. I apologize for the numerous spelling mistakes in them, but they were written while playing, so I didn’t proofread them.

EDIT: I tried to edit the title, but it didn't work. Is there a way to make the thread title match the post title? (Epic 8 - Zeviz's Report (Arabia) )

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