Hey guys. I know it has been referred here before, but i'm getting yelled at for not advertising. First off let me introduce myself, I go by Blade and iâm a Tournament Moderator for our realm. Currently, we are hosting a private realm called Diablo 2 Relived .09. You may have heard of us, we have been on the diablo top 200 and held #1 for a long time. We currently don't hold #1 due to the change of our URL.
We are gladly accepting all new members that want to join. PVP is the main objective there, and starting up is a piece of cake :D. Getting to level 99 is no longer a problem, due to you can achieve 95+ in as little as 2 hours. There is also a GODLY MF Setup that requires very low class items to make. For example, the armor's recipe is an ID scroll + Health pot.
Rushing is no longer a hassle due to the WPS are located directly at
Catacombs Level 4
Tal Rasha's Tomb
Durance of Hate Level 3
Chaos Sanctuary
Throne Room
Baal runs are a no show here as well. Cow runs are essential. The entrance to the cow level is now a simple trap door located in Act1 in Rogue Encampment. Inside the cow level is a leech pen for the Low Levels to leech without worrying about getting hurt. There are also around 2,500 cows located inside. During Super Cow events, there are 5,000 cows at 400% experience.
PVP has been put on the spot light, and act1 was awarded its own PVP arena located through a trap door. PVP gains its shine most when Specific class Tournaments are held 3 times a week awarding awesome prizes.
Worrying about drop Xfers is no longer an issue because D2 loader is legal so you can load up as many d2 windows that your heart desires. Map hack is also legal there as well, fully customizable.
We are 100% legit, and we put in 110% to make sure our players have fun.
Iâm sorry if this is against the rules here, but there is nothing to worry about. Please Visit RelivedGaming.com to find out how to get started.
For FAQ I took my sweet time to make this following guide. Please view it, it will save much trouble.
![[Image: logo_phpBB.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/logo_phpBB.jpg)
Welcome to RGN! If you are here for the first time, please take your time to read this. This will save much frustration on your part and ours.
First, letâs get you started on Diablo 2 Relived installation which is located HERE . It's a very useful and an easy step by step guide.
After you read that guide carefully, it's time to read the rules here before you begin to play. You can find the rules HERE . Those are the general rules for the realm. Now for the forum rules go HERE. Now that your are informed of our rules, its playing time!
When you enter the realm for the first time, I suggest either making a Sorceress, or an Amazon.
![[Image: diablo2-22.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/diablo2-22.jpg)
For the Sorceress follow these guidelines and reasons why to use a Sorceress.
The main idea for using the Sorceress is the fact that the easily obtainable Mf Set up is mostly designed for the feline build. However, it's not a class specific set. The Sorceress is known for her fast ability to achieve high amounts of damage with little effort and godly items. Very agile class.
If you do decide to start off with a Sorceress, use these skills.
20 Nova
20 Thunder Storm
20 Lightning Mastery
20 Orb
1 Warmth
1 Energy Shield (optional on what you spend your stats on)
1 in either of the three cold armor skills
the rest in skills leading up to the maxed.
This build is mainly concerned in rushing your own characters. (don't forget d2 loader is legal here!) Not exactly the best build for cowing, which is why I suggest an Amazon.
![[Image: diablo2-23.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/diablo2-23.jpg)
For the Amazon follow these guidelines
The Amazon has always been praised for her ability to be godly with just the use of a bow. Yes, the Bowazon is VERY popular here.
20 Multiple shot
20 Guided
20 Dodge
20 Evade
20 Pierce
This is very basic for new Amazon makers. Of course you donât have to follow these EXACTLY. Just a general idea of what you should be focusing on.
This build is the BEST to do cow runs with. (excluding Paladins with skill gloves of course)
Now, since you just made one of the two above characters, and you join your first game. Take a look around a see what is different here. Head south in town and enter the trap door, this is where you sit at low levels for loads of experience. Now that you have been introduced to the simple things here, back to the channel with you!
The most annoying part of starting out on Diablo 2. "can someone rush me please!?" Ask this until you finally find someone who is willing to. If you really want to get a fast response, post on the forums that you are looking for a rush (in the appropriate place of course!)
You will notice that rushing here is not a huge problem. It is really quite fast! Close to 10 minutes to get fully rushed to hell.
Now that you are rushed to Hell, look in the game list to look for cow runs. Join one up, and head down into the trap door in act 1. In 1 game you should reach level 45 easily. Assuming people in your party grabbed gold, you should have some in your inventory as well. Head over to Akara with your cube and space. Buy the following items;
5x id scrolls
1 health potion
1 thawing potion
1 antidote potion
1 stamina potion
1 key
Take 1 id scroll put in cube, along with 1 of the other item and transmute. This will give you 1 part of the mf setup. Pop in another id scroll with another item like the key for example. Keep doing this until you have all 5 pieces of the Mf set. Here is a screen shot with the complete set stats.
![[Image: Screenshot025.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot025.jpg)
Now cow until your eyes pop out of your head. Find decent runs that wonât take incredibly long. You can reach level 99 in as little as 2 hours.
After making sure that you beat Baal in Hell, its time for you to get your forges. Upon receiving your forge, a reward ticket will drop along with base items. Take this ticket and transmute it in hell act 1. Look familiar? Find the Baddie that lives here, kill him ( Takes only 1 hit). He will drop 3 prize tokens. Grab the tokens and make a new game. Do the other two forges Normal, Nightmare, and repeat with the transmuting the ticket in Hell act 1. (make sure that its only 1 transmute per game or you will lose your tokens!!!)
Either you made a Sorceress or an Amazon, I suggest you save those 9 prize tokens you received, and start looking for a base Hydra Bow. When you find the Hydra Bow look at the cube recipes which can be foundHERE. Weird, you need a Bugged token in order to make the Bugged Wind force with 6 sockets. Ask around for a free Bugged Token, if you acquire one, make your Bugged Wind force. Since you have 6 Prize tokens left, make 6 40/15 ias jewels to put into it. The recipe for the jewels can also be found in the cube recipe link that I mentioned above.
Now that you have the godly bugged Wind Force with 240/90 ias, you can cow your own characters now with ease!
![[Image: Screenshot027-1.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot027-1.jpg)
So what about these Bugged Tokens?
In the depths of The Halls of Vault, you will find the hardest Baddie in the game, Andurmediaal.
![[Image: Screenshot031.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot031.jpg)
She doesn't play nicely, and can be a challenge to anyone. The easiest way to bring her down is to have a fully bugged Bowazon teamed up with a simple Necromancer that can cast Bone Prison and Amplify damage. You get the idea. When she dies, she will drop 3 bugged tokens. Nifty eh?!
We are gladly accepting all new members that want to join. PVP is the main objective there, and starting up is a piece of cake :D. Getting to level 99 is no longer a problem, due to you can achieve 95+ in as little as 2 hours. There is also a GODLY MF Setup that requires very low class items to make. For example, the armor's recipe is an ID scroll + Health pot.
Rushing is no longer a hassle due to the WPS are located directly at
Catacombs Level 4
Tal Rasha's Tomb
Durance of Hate Level 3
Chaos Sanctuary
Throne Room
Baal runs are a no show here as well. Cow runs are essential. The entrance to the cow level is now a simple trap door located in Act1 in Rogue Encampment. Inside the cow level is a leech pen for the Low Levels to leech without worrying about getting hurt. There are also around 2,500 cows located inside. During Super Cow events, there are 5,000 cows at 400% experience.
PVP has been put on the spot light, and act1 was awarded its own PVP arena located through a trap door. PVP gains its shine most when Specific class Tournaments are held 3 times a week awarding awesome prizes.
Worrying about drop Xfers is no longer an issue because D2 loader is legal so you can load up as many d2 windows that your heart desires. Map hack is also legal there as well, fully customizable.
We are 100% legit, and we put in 110% to make sure our players have fun.
Iâm sorry if this is against the rules here, but there is nothing to worry about. Please Visit RelivedGaming.com to find out how to get started.
For FAQ I took my sweet time to make this following guide. Please view it, it will save much trouble.
![[Image: logo_phpBB.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/logo_phpBB.jpg)
Welcome to RGN! If you are here for the first time, please take your time to read this. This will save much frustration on your part and ours.
First, letâs get you started on Diablo 2 Relived installation which is located HERE . It's a very useful and an easy step by step guide.
After you read that guide carefully, it's time to read the rules here before you begin to play. You can find the rules HERE . Those are the general rules for the realm. Now for the forum rules go HERE. Now that your are informed of our rules, its playing time!
When you enter the realm for the first time, I suggest either making a Sorceress, or an Amazon.
![[Image: diablo2-22.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/diablo2-22.jpg)
For the Sorceress follow these guidelines and reasons why to use a Sorceress.
The main idea for using the Sorceress is the fact that the easily obtainable Mf Set up is mostly designed for the feline build. However, it's not a class specific set. The Sorceress is known for her fast ability to achieve high amounts of damage with little effort and godly items. Very agile class.
If you do decide to start off with a Sorceress, use these skills.
20 Nova
20 Thunder Storm
20 Lightning Mastery
20 Orb
1 Warmth
1 Energy Shield (optional on what you spend your stats on)
1 in either of the three cold armor skills
the rest in skills leading up to the maxed.
This build is mainly concerned in rushing your own characters. (don't forget d2 loader is legal here!) Not exactly the best build for cowing, which is why I suggest an Amazon.
![[Image: diablo2-23.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/diablo2-23.jpg)
For the Amazon follow these guidelines
The Amazon has always been praised for her ability to be godly with just the use of a bow. Yes, the Bowazon is VERY popular here.
20 Multiple shot
20 Guided
20 Dodge
20 Evade
20 Pierce
This is very basic for new Amazon makers. Of course you donât have to follow these EXACTLY. Just a general idea of what you should be focusing on.
This build is the BEST to do cow runs with. (excluding Paladins with skill gloves of course)
Now, since you just made one of the two above characters, and you join your first game. Take a look around a see what is different here. Head south in town and enter the trap door, this is where you sit at low levels for loads of experience. Now that you have been introduced to the simple things here, back to the channel with you!
The most annoying part of starting out on Diablo 2. "can someone rush me please!?" Ask this until you finally find someone who is willing to. If you really want to get a fast response, post on the forums that you are looking for a rush (in the appropriate place of course!)
You will notice that rushing here is not a huge problem. It is really quite fast! Close to 10 minutes to get fully rushed to hell.
Now that you are rushed to Hell, look in the game list to look for cow runs. Join one up, and head down into the trap door in act 1. In 1 game you should reach level 45 easily. Assuming people in your party grabbed gold, you should have some in your inventory as well. Head over to Akara with your cube and space. Buy the following items;
5x id scrolls
1 health potion
1 thawing potion
1 antidote potion
1 stamina potion
1 key
Take 1 id scroll put in cube, along with 1 of the other item and transmute. This will give you 1 part of the mf setup. Pop in another id scroll with another item like the key for example. Keep doing this until you have all 5 pieces of the Mf set. Here is a screen shot with the complete set stats.
![[Image: Screenshot025.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot025.jpg)
Now cow until your eyes pop out of your head. Find decent runs that wonât take incredibly long. You can reach level 99 in as little as 2 hours.
After making sure that you beat Baal in Hell, its time for you to get your forges. Upon receiving your forge, a reward ticket will drop along with base items. Take this ticket and transmute it in hell act 1. Look familiar? Find the Baddie that lives here, kill him ( Takes only 1 hit). He will drop 3 prize tokens. Grab the tokens and make a new game. Do the other two forges Normal, Nightmare, and repeat with the transmuting the ticket in Hell act 1. (make sure that its only 1 transmute per game or you will lose your tokens!!!)
Either you made a Sorceress or an Amazon, I suggest you save those 9 prize tokens you received, and start looking for a base Hydra Bow. When you find the Hydra Bow look at the cube recipes which can be foundHERE. Weird, you need a Bugged token in order to make the Bugged Wind force with 6 sockets. Ask around for a free Bugged Token, if you acquire one, make your Bugged Wind force. Since you have 6 Prize tokens left, make 6 40/15 ias jewels to put into it. The recipe for the jewels can also be found in the cube recipe link that I mentioned above.
Now that you have the godly bugged Wind Force with 240/90 ias, you can cow your own characters now with ease!
![[Image: Screenshot027-1.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot027-1.jpg)
So what about these Bugged Tokens?
In the depths of The Halls of Vault, you will find the hardest Baddie in the game, Andurmediaal.
![[Image: Screenshot031.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/xbladexx/Screenshot031.jpg)
She doesn't play nicely, and can be a challenge to anyone. The easiest way to bring her down is to have a fully bugged Bowazon teamed up with a simple Necromancer that can cast Bone Prison and Amplify damage. You get the idea. When she dies, she will drop 3 bugged tokens. Nifty eh?!