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Epic Eight - ROME

Roman players, please post your report links in this thread. (Either linking to your own site, or to your RB thread report here in the forum.)

REMEMBER: All discussions are supposed to take place in the sticky threads, not attached to any reports. Thanks!

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Bottom line: domination in 1619.

Well, what would a game as Rome be unless all the world is crushed beneath the boots of Ceasers Mighty Legions? And I've never used Praetorians before this game, so I followed that route.

Of course, domination victories aren't too unusual in Epic 8, but stay tuned for Domination with a Difference...Rome may build no wonders, but all Great Wonders must be captured and held before victory may be claimed.

Watch this space. Report due soon...

Edit: Well, you've been waiting for it (you WERE all waiting for it, right? lol )

I actually was waiting for it. I played as Roosevelt but moved on Roman territory early enough for it to be a part of my core. So I almost felt like I was half Roman and i'm interested to read all the Roman reports. It's a funny coincidence that you set yourself the restriction of building no wonders but conquering them all, whereas I set myself the task of trying to build every wonder and conquering the rest.

Yeah. Funny also that you ate Rome while I ate America. But inevitable, I suppose. America was destined to have shinies, and you had nobody else to eat. lol

Report that is a little less sparse but still leaving a lot to be desired:

I really didn't want to Praet rush, but when I researched Iron and found it to be in Rome's fat cross, I figured I didn't have a choice but to Play The Hand I Was Dealt ™. Mao was the easiest choice: his unique unit was the nearest counter to Preat superiority. The barbarian town to the northeast completed Stonehenge a few turns before I captured the town (and I even lost a Praet to a defending warrior)!

First Chinese War: 625BC - 355BC; peace given to Mao when I lose several 80% battles in trying to take the city he placed on the floodplains east of Beijing. I just ran out of Praets, I lost so many to bad RNG rolls early.

Second Chinese War: 170AD - 365AD, leaving him with one city to the south of Beijing.

Japanese War: 455AD - 725AD, capturing everything but Toku's off-shore island city.

American War: 1112AD - 1226AD, capturing everything but Roosevelt's off-shore tundra island city. I get Machinery for peace.

After the American war I realized everybody hated me. So I finished off Toku and Roosevelt after building a few galleys. I wasn't set on Domination, but I didn't know what else I'd want to do to win. I was hoping I'd be inspired by a prefered victory type. In the end I decided to make it easy and tech to Rifling and Nationalism before taking over the world. Since nobody liked me, I rubbed it in by heading to Banking first and taking Mercantilism as my civic (there is a noticeable drop in all AIs GNP graphs when I swap to Mercantilism).

Liberalism was delayed until I (mistakenly) thought somebody else had Education, and then I grabbed Printing Press with it in 1382AD. Rifling came in 1562AD and the next turn I swapped to Police State, Nationhood, Emancipation, & Theocracy with only a 5-turn anarchy period. At that point it was CR Rifles vs. Longbows, and that wasn't pretty. I didn't bother to declare peace on anybody; I just declared on whomever had the nearest town to me. I drafted and upgraded rifles, built catapults, and had enough troops to support three different theatres as I carved up the remaining AIs all at once. Domination came in 1655AD, but I should have built some settlers to speed it up. I wasn't really trying for speed anyway.

I dont' know if I'll be able to put time into a real report (there are some quirks that definitely would be great to report, like my city defended by just one warrior that survived TWO axe attacks -- more than making up for my bad Praet RNG early on). In any case, I wanted to get a little more detailed summary up than earlier.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I can see I was much too conservative, waiting for cats to kill off the barbarian city. How many praets did you lose, attacking a Garrison II archer on a hill?

Roosevelt was a very reliable ally for me, spreading Buddhism to several of my cities and never threatening my border (and not nagging me for gifts too much, either).


Well, I'd been harrassed by barbs along my northern border for a while. I'd gotten two praetorians to city raider 2 ambushing archers and warriors on the flatland deserts north of Rome.

So my first attack was City Raider 2 Praetorian versus City Garrison 2 archer on a hill for 66.7% in my favour. Not great odds, I'll concede, but certainly in my favour. (Angle had no cultural defence). After the first victory, the odds went into the 90's in my favour.

I've found that suicide cats are only worthwhile when you're doing collateral damage to enough (4+) DECENT units. If there is only one City Garrison archer (with the rest unpromoted), you can just as well use another unit of any type. The odds on the first battle suck, but after that it's free lunch.

Looks like you made excellent use of Rome's starting position. Praetorians early on, cavalry late is a pretty unstoppable combo. Early Domination win, what's not to like about that? smile
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That was a thoroughly entertaining game report. SHINIES! lol

Another version of the Prats early, cavs late gameplan - which I can't really fault anyone for adopting, this map practically demanded it. Given the capital's awesome location, I was surprised to see how slow your early expansion was in this game. Of course, if you're just going to take it all away with Praetorians, I guess it doesn't really matter how fast your civ expands... wink

Looks like it was a fun game. Thanks for the report!
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