TMIT - Shaka (Exp/Agr) of the Ottomans
OleDavy/Mackoti - Kublai Khan (Cre/Agr) of the Romans
Serdoa - De Gaulle (Ind/Cha) of Carthage
Plako - Isabella (Spi/Exp) of Native Americans
WK - Louis (Cre/Ind) of England
I'm suprised about Ottomans for TMIT. After picking agressive and no good Fishing starters he should have picked Zulu I think.
OleMack has total killer and in this setup strongest pick especially since I'm sure Mackoti knows how to use Praets. Definately the least favorite neighbor by far. Everything is setup for aggressive settling on your neighbors doorstep and if you don't follow their progress you'll soon find Praets stomping your cities. Luckily they don't have much going on economy wise so Emperor level won't be very friendly for fighting a war for them. They might even go straight to IW utilising the lake tiles to get there although again Emperor level makes it a bit of a challenge.
Serdoa - Carthage is not bad either. Best starting techs and Numids to stomp Praets (and Dog soldiers

). De Gaulle was overall weakest pick. PB4 had a special circumstances that made it work. I don't think we get even remotely similar situation here. I'm not sure I want to build Stonehenge despite of my UB, but Serdoa is definately my biggest competition to get it.
Plako - Isabella is probably the strongest overall leader from the pack. Expansive for early game stregth and Spiritual for late game. Natives are not ideal, but not bad either. They do reasonably well against Praets and option to build them without copper gives some extra security. Very vulnerable to Numids though so some Spears/archers and copper are very nescessary.
WK - England has good starting techs. Unique features are probably too late in this setup, but I regret a bit that I didn't pick them. Portugal would have had also Fishing/mining, but there the UU and UB are totally useless. Louis is alright a bit above De Gaulle in usefulness.
All in all we seem to have 1 truly agggressive nation. 2 wonder hogs that are probably mostly on defense. TMIT isn't too intimidating despite of Aggressive. I should have most adaptability in the pack starting from opportunistic Dog attack and later utilising the civic switchis as seems nescessary.