Go for it! Not sure how often we want these little games. It's probably easy to get OCCed out. Maybe every two weeks? That would make the next one start on the 13th. I've got a couple more ideas, but they can wait.
Weekend OCC
Every two weeks sounds good. As long as the idea's dont require too much micromanagement and are quick 2-3 hour games, ill play. For that reason, I would prefer no always war OCC's or conquest OCC's and stuff like that
My Civilization 4 Website: http://rb.llsc.us/
Excellent. I find I don't have time for full games and have been exclusively playing OCC since school started.
I'm coming in way late on this, but I didn't get a chance to play until this past weekend, and didn't get a chance to get the report together until now. I didn't really read the report threads before playing, so I was going mostly unspoiled.
And I couldn't do anything less than give the game the full-blown report treatment. ![]() http://www.dos486.com/civ4/weekendocc/
Quick list of interesting points:
- tech beelined Drama as a quick happiness solution (first slider, then Globe Theatre) - ran almost entirely a cottage economy except for pushing a few mid-game Great Scientists - founded Confucianism, buddied up to Caesar and Mansa via that religion, then Bismarck via civics and common-enemy - built Confucian shrine for about 15/turn income before multipliers and used money to upgrade military and buy resources - Liberalism slingshot to Scientific Method - two wars, against Japan and China in the industrial era, both won handily with dogpiles - bulldozed forests early, but prioritized Medicine and revolted right to Environmentalism for the health - launched with a lead of five techs, in 1979 AD. A few turns slower than the other reported finishes, despite a more powerful economy. I had 10 towns and windmilled all the plains hills, racking up 750+ beakers by the end of the game; by comparison, qwack's last screenshot shows 7 towns and 644 beakers. My AIs spent more time killing each other than researching techs to feed me. - 8.5 hours playtime. I'm just totally incapable of playing fast. This is why I don't do MP. ![]()
Nice game T-Hawk! A few comments:
Interesting trick about the GP points while in anarchy. Have you discovered a bug here? That's a nice cottage city! I always forget that you can cottage grass hills too. ![]() A nuclear plant ![]() I'm glad to see you taught Qin a lesson. That guy is such a sleazeball. It never occured to me that a shrine is technically a world wonder. Hmm. Nevermind, the goal of this game was to try OCCs without relying on the pyramids or oracle. Thanks for a detailed report, hope you enjoyed the game despite the ease in which you won the space race. sooooo Wrote:Interesting trick about the GP points while in anarchy. Have you discovered a bug here? That's how it looks to me. CvCity::getGreatPeopleRate() checks for Disorder, CvCity::getGreatPeopleUnitRate() does not. The same exploit is available when a city is in rebellion after being captured.
I'd call the GPP anarchy trick a bug, yes. It could have a big impact in this specific situation: if you've done the Oracle-CS slingshot, but don't want a Prophet as your first Great Person. When you adopt Caste System and Bureaucracy, you turn ALL of the city's population into scientists for that one turn (two on Epic speed) to get a significant boost in Scientist probability.
Quote:A nuclear plant I've actually never yet seen a meltdown in either Civ 3 or Civ 4, so perhaps I'm just morbidly curious. ![]() That nuclear plant actually posed me no danger -- not because of strategy, but because I botched the resource. ![]() ![]() Quote:Thanks for a detailed report, hope you enjoyed the game despite the ease in which you won the space race. Indeed. And if we're doing another game, put me down for OCC conquest. ![]()
I'll probably put a Diplomacy scenario next week since Iustus beat me to posting an unofficial scenario. Probably in Warlords so we see the vassal state interactions.
Good effort T-hawk, I was surprised at the small size of your stack that defeated Qin. I think we should probably rule against using the anarchy GP bug in future though, it doesn't seem fair to launder GPP in this way and just adds additional micromanagement if everyone starts using it. |