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Warlords Game?

I started this game on the Warlords expansion pack. The settings are Emporer level, with random number of civs, and random map. I was Gengis Khan (randomly of course smile ) I am posting the initial save and my final save from when I just got tired of the game. Short attention span, I guess. Anyone want to take a stab at playing this one? I would like other opinions on city location and early game research path if anyone cares to try it out... I would tell you map type and stuff, but I don't know how to check that info after starting. And how do you access the event/combat logues again?

Initial start

Last save...still winnable?

Aww, I guess nobody is interested in this?

Just back home...will take a peek and give some feedback, though I'm more of Monarch man myself.

mbuna120 Wrote:I started this game on the Warlords expansion pack. The settings are Emporer level, with random number of civs, and random map. I was Gengis Khan (randomly of course smile ) I am posting the initial save and my final save from when I just got tired of the game.

Took a look at the final save and I'd say you're sunk: way behind in tech and probably unable to to eke out a culture win. However, it was a tough start: with Genghis you want to be have some nice neighbours to stomp, so alone on an island is not much fun. Add some indifferent land and some sexy land elsewhere and you're up against it on Emperor.
Quote:Anyone want to take a stab at playing this one? I would like other opinions on city location and early game research path if anyone cares to try it out...
I played it out for a while (into early AD). I chose similar sites by the order was very different (see attached saves). There were some shockingly early Wonders: Great Library in 415 BC!! Thus the AI had some nice land. But not Ghandi. In the later save, I have the choice of Elepulting Toku or peaceful teching and expansion. I won't go after Gandhi as he doesn't seem much better off than us.
Quote:I would tell you map type and stuff, but I don't know how to check that info after starting.

F8=>Settings. Also, Normal is a better learning speed.

Quote:And how do you access the event/combat logues again?
It's on the left of the screen.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:F8=>Settings. Also, Normal is a better learning speed.
Really? I thought Epic would be better since it gives you a bit of leeway on small mistakes since everything takes so long to build/research anyway. No? frown

However on Epic you can't respond as quickly to surprise attacks and knowing what to prioritize is more important.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

EricStratton Wrote:Really? I thought Epic would be better since it gives you a bit of leeway on small mistakes since everything takes so long to build/research anyway. No? frown

The thing is that slower game speeds reward good strategy/play better than faster game speeds and conversely punish poor strategy/play more than quicker speeds. It is not that one is more difficult than the other, but to a certain degree they will teach different skill sets. A faster speed will teach quick correction better than a slower; a slower speed will teach better strategy (only my opinion here guys/gals smile ), but won't teach you much about doing a quick turnaround/response.
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

Your start here was really tough. Few food resources, and too much tundra.

Even a cultural would be out with that terrain. You have no potential great artist farm, and nowhere for many cottages.

Faced with that start on emporer, the only way to win would be to invade the much more fertile Japanese/Russian continent. Just look at Kyoto for starters!

Swiss Pauli:

What was the reason that you picked a different city order? Did you prioritize techs differently in the early game? I will take a look at your save when I get a chance. Thnx for the feedback.

Posted by soooo

Quote:Faced with that start on emporer, the only way to win would be to invade the much more fertile Japanese/Russian continent. Just look at Kyoto for starters!

yeah, I just didn't set up my military well enough early on. Plus I burned a few good axemen on setting up that city by the copper north of the elephants. I wanted to get both in radius, but Ghandi plopped a city down early, and I decided to capture instead of razing, because I lost 3 axes to stupid odds and didn't want to lose any more tempo sending a settler out to start another city up. I had also sent a force of about 5 units over into ghandi's lands to try and take a city, but had to retreat. His cities were very well defended in the early game. And his chariots snagged a few more of my axemen. I declared peace just so I could keep a few of my units alive! thnx for the feedback!

mbuna120 Wrote:Swiss Pauli: What was the reason that you picked a different city order? Did you prioritize techs differently in the early game? I will take a look at your save when I get a chance. Thnx for the feedback.
The reason was food availability, even within the first 9 squares with Fat Cross considered in the second phase. With poor terrain you need to get as much return on investment as possible, as quickly as possible. Waiting for a border pop (min 20 turns) was too long.

IIRC you settled the Fish/Furs as City 2, but this site was rubbish before border pop, OK post fishing boat, and decent only after a lighthouse. Directly south of the capital, I snagged plains cows in 4 turns then the fish later and I could also access a mine that was shared with Karakorum. Obviously, I had one less happy, but that meant more workers and settlers. Fish/furs was my City 4. City 3 was by the other part of the island for cows/oasis.

Tech wise I went: AH, Mining, Agri, Pottery, Bronze, Myst, Sail, Writing. My 4(!) scouts had cleared all but 2 tiles of fog, so I didn't need early military.

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