November 9th, 2006, 16:29
Posts: 55
Threads: 7
Joined: Jul 2006
Did you do your test run using the save posted by Liq? If so, for future reference, we try to avoid playing ahead in OSG games. If you play it solo and find out where the rich/arti planets are, it would be hard to play your turn in the OSG and not use that knowledge.
If you played it on a different map, that's great. If our variant rules don't inspire some of us to play some solo games on the side with them; maybe it isn't that great of a variant. Plus, having some experience trying to follow the variant rules will help when playing your OSG turns. This variant I think the tough one is going to be keeping an eye on the tech spending...if you've played a solo game, you'll be more familiar with where the tech spending trys to creep into the planetary budgets.
The other nice thing about having a few reports of solo attempts at a variant is that it helps us judge how hard it was. Sometimes the map we get makes a game overly hard or too easy. Hearing about how things went on other maps helps us determine whether the variant rules or the map luck was the deciding factor.
Welcome to the OSGs!