As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Don't mention the war

I also met WK. Because of trouble with Rome I did sign immediately a NAP until T100 and signed a border agreement that corresponds Rome's suggestion to us.

Urgh - so Rome throw down a suggestion and then decide they don't like it... rolleye I think your response was on the money.

Is it worth sending a settler to that plains hill NH suggested earlier and making a stand there rather than our rather squishy 2nd city?

You know it wouldn't surprise me if Serdoa was in on this too. They had contact with one another before you did and like you said earlier in the thread - it is often the first person you meet that you make an ally.

I have settler ready to plant the copper city on the hill 1S from Corn. I've considered, if it would have made sense to plant it to Rome's face, but them being Creative+Agressive and the fact they'll soon probably have access to horses and a bit later to Praets make it tough spot to settle without having metal. I'll reconsider when it is time to plant our 4th city although it might be too late then. I don't think our 2nd city is too vulnerable. We have time to pop its borders and if it seems nescessary I tech Masonry next to build walls in it.

I look forward to watching an Agg Praet vs Dog Soldier war lol

Profane Wrote:I look forward to watching an Agg Praet vs Dog Soldier war lol

Trouble is it will be shock Praets... rolleye

On defense they fare reasonably well. On defensive terrain they should get 50% or better odds even against Shock Praets in most cases. Main problem is the lack of realistic possibilities to counter attack assuming the stack has also other unit types than melee. Dogs are also very vulnerable to mounted units.

Well, at least you can take comfort in the fact that Dog Soldiers are a little cheaper than those Praets (35h to 45h) lol

plako Wrote:On defense they fare reasonably well. On defensive terrain they should get 50% or better odds even against Shock Praets in most cases. Main problem is the lack of realistic possibilities to counter attack assuming the stack has also other unit types than melee. Dogs are also very vulnerable to mounted units.

Stack them with archers/spears and they will be ok - like you say - it is a defensive force and so without catapults there won't be much of a counter attack


Heliiano founded.

[Image: civ4screenshot0022y.jpg]

Couldn't skip ahead and settle Pendildo, could you? wink
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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