I'm Zande, here to join your interesting community and I see many good times in the future
. When I read what this was about it caught my interest immediantly because of our extraordinarily similar perceptions on video games. Video games are challenge, so when one gets old challenge yourself. Heck, it doesn't even need to get old for you to put yourself to the true test. Keep pushing limits until they can't be pushed further. Keep video games fun. The way they were meant to be
About me, i'm a young male who thorougly enjoys video games(obviously), history, books, writing, learning, (studying) religion & war, comedy, many television series, and travel. Currently my game i'm spending the most time with is Civilization IV, as to be honest is my first time playing any Civ, or Firaxis game for that matter ... bbbuuttt i've fallen in love with it. I recently came upon Civfanatics and am spending almost more time on that then, well, Civ! Haha. That's how I got to this place, also. I come from the MMORPG side of the industry, however. I still wish to delve deeper into fun times here.
I have an odd habbit of staying up till 7 A.M and sleeping 'till 2.
But I guess it's just 'cause it's Turkey Break and we got a week off.
Speaking of which, it's 3:54 A.M here in Dallas,(TX).
Happy Thanksgiving for you Americans! :hat: :hat:
:2dance: :2dance:
Yyeaahh. I'm going to a place to meet all of my relatives so i'll be gone all, technically Today. Anyways, ciao my friends!

About me, i'm a young male who thorougly enjoys video games(obviously), history, books, writing, learning, (studying) religion & war, comedy, many television series, and travel. Currently my game i'm spending the most time with is Civilization IV, as to be honest is my first time playing any Civ, or Firaxis game for that matter ... bbbuuttt i've fallen in love with it. I recently came upon Civfanatics and am spending almost more time on that then, well, Civ! Haha. That's how I got to this place, also. I come from the MMORPG side of the industry, however. I still wish to delve deeper into fun times here.
I have an odd habbit of staying up till 7 A.M and sleeping 'till 2.

Speaking of which, it's 3:54 A.M here in Dallas,(TX).
Happy Thanksgiving for you Americans! :hat: :hat:

Yyeaahh. I'm going to a place to meet all of my relatives so i'll be gone all, technically Today. Anyways, ciao my friends!