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Weekend OCC

Yeah a diplomacy game would be good uberfish. That way people who only have 3 hours per weekend can go for the risky peaceful diplomacy, and those who have more time or want to use conquistadors (for example smile) can go for the backdoor option.

finally played this game and got over-run by the chinese in 1954 - they bombed me back to the stone age.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

If anyone cares anymore Space win in 2045 AD. world wars slowed things down. hammer good game, now for #2 nod
"I'm being sneaky, I'm being a sneaky man"

I'm impressed you could prevent the AI launching by 2045, well played. I intend to do a diplo scenario in warlords, letting people finish up #2 first though.

Thanks. And the scenario sounds good i'll play it.
"I'm being sneaky, I'm being a sneaky man"

My general approach to this game involved running a specialist economy and merging generated great people into Moscow, as usual for an OCC. I generated no fewer than 20 great people in total and got all the ones available in the tech tree. Unfortunately, the game doesn't display all merged great persons if you have too many of them (a huge interface issue, IMO), so I can't show you how many. Peter's traits are honestly well-oriented to OCCs in general, and the specialist economy version in particular.

I opened by founding Hinduism so that I could build a temple and run a priest specialist to generate a great prophet for the alternative version of the CSS, delaying Masonry of course until after. (Marble isn't much better as a tile than a mined plains hill, which I had two of, and didn't matter for building national wonders until Alphabet). Meanwhile, Qin had founded Buddhism and Caesar Judaism, in a city just southwest of my culture. I didn't feel like fighting a culture war for control of my resources with a holy city and I was worried that the border tensions would lead me into an early war against praetorians, so I preemptively axe-rushed Caesar and took Judaism out of the game. Rather than killing him, I left him alive but crippled so no one else would get his territory, as I couldn't take it for myself.

After the CSS, I beelined Drama for the Globe. I then spent some time cleaning up all remaining the religions: I would, in fact, found every religion remaining in the game. However, religion spread worked against me and I found myself surrounded by Buddhists early in the game, so I had to stay atheist to keep the peace. After the religions, I struck up the tech tree to Constitution, though I made a side-trip to Education and the Banking line for health and to cut the AIs off from economics. As I observed earlier, I got every great person from the tech tree. Unfortunately, the early presence of Globe, National Epic, and Heroic Epic gave me a lot of great artists; rather than merging them, I used them to lightbulb techs, because I didn't really need more culture for most of the game. (I burned the Music great artist on a great work border expansion.) I do regret spending two artists on Radio, since the returns were marginal and I could have used the culture more at that point, but c'est la vie.

My game had a lot of fighting. Caesar attacked me again a few centuries after our first war, but I had a serious tech lead by then and he didn't have iron, so I razed all his cities besides his capital again, rendering him irrelevant for good. After that, big scary Qin demanded I go to war with Mansa, and since he seemed to be the game's whipping boy, I did, using the opportunity to level-up a unit to level 4 for West Point. (I turned out not to need it, but I'm glad I took the security measure.) I ran my army ahead of Qin's and burned most of Mansa's cities, though I missed one on the land and several out in ocean that I couldn't reach. After that, Kublai decided he wanted a piece of me, but by this point I had enough tech so I could buy Tokugawa and Qin into the war, which I did. That war was the last I fought with medieval units, and aside from razing some cities in the south, I didn't see much of the fighting, with Japan and China carrying the burden. The next didn't come until Bismarck declared on me with cavalry: I'd been neglecting military techs in favor of the Computers bee-line, so around this time I switched over to the Assembly Line path and then used infantry to beat off Bismarck's repeated cavalry landings; I brought Qin into the war, but he didn't do much, and made peace long before Bismarck was willing to make peace with me. Then Kublai declared on me again, but by then I had tanks which made short work of the one cavalry/artillery stack I saw; I also brought Qin in, and if Kublai had anything else, it never got to me. Lots of careful diplomacy and fighting had gotten me to Friendly with both, so I was finally able to sign defensive pacts, which kept the game peaceful thereafter. It was a good thing Qin was on my side: in my game, he was an absolute monster, getting almost all the early wonders (Kublai got the Lighthouse, and that was it) and taking an early lead he never lost.

While I was fighting, I was also teching. I think my path was a little suboptimal, since I seem to have been slower than other people: however, the religious situation and the wars kept me from getting into Pacifism until very late, so I suspect that my problem may have been some bad luck. My beeline went from Polytheism and Priesthood (early prophet, the only one I generated the whole game; I never built a shrine, since they're world wonders), to Drama (the Globe), to Education (my lack of focus here was a big mistake, I think; I should have beelined harder), to Biology and Medicine (again, I wasn't as focused here as I should have been), to Computers (I got distracted by the fighting, I don't think this was all my fault, so I don't think my diversion was entirely my fault), and thence to Fiber Optics for the Internet (it's a project, not a wonder). I used Liberalism for Scientific Method instead of Constitution. After the Internet cleaned up some old techs for me, including Rocketry, I built the Apollo and spent the rest of the game building spaceship parts while finishing the techs. I finished the techs and the parts at almost exactly the same time, so it was really my earlier decision that held me up: I think I got Representation far too late, and diluted my great person pool too much with artists.

My space win came in 2009. I'm not exactly sure why I was so slow: all my tech milestones were late, so going for the religions may have been a mistake. I was hoping to avoid having to deal with religious hatred, but the unlucky Buddhism spread forced me into atheism anyways. I think the weird diplomatic situation in my game may have been part of it.

good game thumbsup
"I'm being sneaky, I'm being a sneaky man"

Nice game Iainuki nod. Axe-rushing Caesar is certainly a tactic I didn't expect! Now take all those unlucky artists and use them in #3 smile.

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