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Sad News: Terry Pratchett Comments on his "Embuggerance"

I mean no insensitivity here, but considering at least the outside risks of a slippery slope with euthanasia, is the Hunter S. Thompson method really that problematic?

The thought had certainly crossed my mind for the last couple of months. I got some sort of chronic condition that really took the fun out of living.

A couple of years ago I was in so much pain I checked myself in the hospital ER. They shot me with morphine and nothing, Then they gave me Demerol and still nothing. How painful was it? Let's just say I have not seen a doctor for 25 years prior to that. So I got myself a doctor and went through 5-6 major tests, ultra sound, some kind of serious heart test, blood test, and CT scan, etc. I even joked with the technician asking him if I had broken the high score while I was on the treadmill. Gull stone was suspected but nothing was found through all those tests, except a very small lump or hump on the gull bladder too small to be stones. The good news was it wasn't cancerous. The only suggestion from the doc was to get my gull bladder removed. WTF!?

Anyway, I endured these attacks for a almost a year and it went away. I would still get some minor irritation once in a blue moon. they feel like stomach aches and chest pains. It started two months ago I get these pain almost 24/7. The pain is no more painful than your run of the mill stomach aches and chest pains, however, when it's 24/7 it's decapitating and humbling. And since no pain killer works, there really isn't a reason to want to keep on living, in that condition. Don't worry, I am not suicidal, I am too chicken shit for that. I am at peace with dying, I just can't stand the gore ;p
Besides, that's not my final diagnose, I still have options (to try).

I am only starting to heal in the last few days. At least I can get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time. smile


Wow KoP, that really sucks.

I'm glad the condition, whatever it is, is letting up for the time being. I trust you know what's best for your health, but I hope if the problem returns you and some medical professional can track down the cause and find a fix.

sunrise089 Wrote:I mean no insensitivity here, but considering at least the outside risks of a slippery slope with euthanasia, is the Hunter S. Thompson method really that problematic?

Thompson died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. (He was professed gun-lover.)

Problems with the Hunter S. Thompson method:

  1. I own no guns. I don't intend to own guns.
  2. You presume continued access to a gun, should the individual own one.
  3. You presume the ability to physically lift and wield a gun. That is not applicable to many who wish to have aid in ending their lives.
  4. You presume continued lucidity but losing that that would be one of the criteria for having the request fulfilled, for me.

I hope that helps.

P.S. Hugs for KoP! May your health care team figure it out soon for you!
"Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord"

Gal Bladder removal is the diagnosis they give when they don't know what's wrong because many times it is a gal bladder disorder.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

antisocialmunky Wrote:Gal Bladder removal is the diagnosis they give when they don't know what's wrong because many times it is a gal bladder disorder.

Right. For a middle-aged relative, it took them 2 years to decide that was what to start with, and now it seems like it's mostly food allergies. Although the GB removal may have helped.

I just had my gallbladder removed after having low grade symptoms for a year that steadily increased. At first it was pretty easy to manage by just not eating too much. I'm generally happy with the medical treatment I received, with one exception. Early on it seemed likely to me that I was having some reaction to something that I was eating and was trying to cut various foods out to see if I had allergies. I wish my doctor had suggested trying to completely cut fat from my diet for a couple of days. That would have put us on the right track much sooner.

I had my first real gallstone attack after the diagnosis a week before the surgery was scheduled. Wow that was painful, and I wound up going to the ER to get something for the pain. One of the questions they asked while getting ready to do the surgery was if I ever had suicidal thoughts. I said something like the thought crossed my mind after 2 hours of that pain. Don't say this. As soon as I said that I realized my mistake, but every nurse had to bother me with questions until later a psychiatrist came and cleared it up.

KingOfPain Wrote:The thought had certainly crossed my mind for the last couple of months. I got some sort of chronic condition that really took the fun out of living.

A couple of years ago I was in so much pain I checked myself in the hospital ER. They shot me with morphine and nothing, Then they gave me Demerol and still nothing. How painful was it? Let's just say I have not seen a doctor for 25 years prior to that. So I got myself a doctor and went through 5-6 major tests, ultra sound, some kind of serious heart test, blood test, and CT scan, etc. I even joked with the technician asking him if I had broken the high score while I was on the treadmill. Gull stone was suspected but nothing was found through all those tests, except a very small lump or hump on the gull bladder too small to be stones. The good news was it wasn't cancerous. The only suggestion from the doc was to get my gull bladder removed. WTF!?

Anyway, I endured these attacks for a almost a year and it went away. I would still get some minor irritation once in a blue moon. they feel like stomach aches and chest pains. It started two months ago I get these pain almost 24/7. The pain is no more painful than your run of the mill stomach aches and chest pains, however, when it's 24/7 it's decapitating and humbling. And since no pain killer works, there really isn't a reason to want to keep on living, in that condition. Don't worry, I am not suicidal, I am too chicken shit for that. I am at peace with dying, I just can't stand the gore ;p
Besides, that's not my final diagnose, I still have options (to try).

I am only starting to heal in the last few days. At least I can get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time. smile

That fucking sucks man. frown

Pain and I are old acquaintances (mostly back and chronic tension related), and I can tell you from experience that chronic pain is an awful thing to live with.

Hope you feel better soon mate.

Oddly enough, if you read what KOP posted there, and you note he's been in hospital for about 18 days until a few days back, I am not sure the doctors quite sorted out what ailed him. cry

Glad he's still with us


but given his recent visit, maybe the doctors ought to review their own processes and see what can be improved.
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