February 7th, 2007, 21:56
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So, I just came across this. Any comments beyond the pablum I've been reading about it being Diablo III in disguise?
Give a hungry man a fish and you have fed him for a day, but give him a case of dynamite and soon the entire village will be showered with mud and water and hard-to-identify little chunks of fish. -unknown
February 8th, 2007, 18:56
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The trailer looks COOL, I would pay to watch a feature length full blow movie of it
I really don't know anything about the game (is there a in-game trailer somewhere?) but I would certainly keep an eye on it. We will see if the online multi players is a go, and if it is pay to play.
February 8th, 2007, 19:13
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During E3 there were a couple in-game movies shown along with a presentation by Bill Roper showing off features and whatnot. I don't remember exactly where they were but a good bet is to check IGN. RPGamer might have a few videos of it up as well.
Amazon Basin has added it to their list of games they're involved in, so you can probably find links there.
It looks nice and all, but what worries me is that there's been discussion that some of the online content might be pay to play. I suppose we'll find out more as the game gets closer to release.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
February 9th, 2007, 14:34
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I haven't been watching the development hype too closely, but I figure this game will be worth a purchase. It seems like a mix of Doom and Diablo, two of my all-time favorites, so it sounds difficult for me to not enjoy for at least a little while. I hope they aren't making all the weapons too good at auto-aim, it's not like I would mind a little FPS action in my otherwise generally mindless Diablo hacknslash.
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This might be fun
[/url] http://files.filefront.com/hgl_blademast...einfo.html
A little choppy but but wirlwind looks good.
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Well, I'll just add that I'm really looking forward to this game. It does seem to me like the nearest thing around to a D3, and with any luck it will update D1 more than it updates D2. I hope it lives up to my expectations.
As a quick summary: HG:L is set in London in 2038 after demons have invaded the world. (I really like the setting.) It has a GW-type set up: tube stations are gathering points; dungeons are fully instanced; as of now, up to 5 players per party (though, unlike GWs, you can invite players to join at any time).
Three 'factions' (which function basically like races, since all player characters are human) and two classes per faction (with their shamelessly added rough equivalents).
Templar: Blademaster = dual wielding Barbarian; Guardian = Paladin
Cabalist: Evoker = Sorceress; Summoner = Necromancer
Hunter: Marksman = 'FPS'-Rogue; Engineer = pet-using Amazon/WoW Hunter
The Hunter's ranged (gun) attacks require some aiming, with a box around the intended target, but so far as I can tell it's pretty mild.
The game has singleplayer and multiplayer versions. The multiplayer game can be played free online, but has no LAN or other options (so probably no mods). All multiplayer games are played on the Flagship/Ping0 servers.
There is an option of paying a $9.95/month subscription for a so-called 'elite' multiplayer account (which gives, among other things, regularly updated content; 12 character slots instead of 3; 40 items shared between the characters on an account instead of 20; the option to play hardcore mode -- though it seems to be under discussion whether or not that should be free; special shiny items that will make the 'non-elite' people who see you in a tube station say "wow there goes an 'elite' player, he/she looks so cool; I wish I could be like that";...)
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I think we should support this game here at the RB. Among the pros and cons, there are 2 main reasons I think this game will do good for us.
1/ Fully instanced, but friends can join game-in-process anytime (by request/invites). This is huge. This is how RBD peeps gel'd in Diablo. I don't have to tell you old RBDers how awesome this feature we took for granted is, but to those who have never played Diablo, it means people can play in the same game even tho they have different game objectives, in different areas, or just jump in to mule, drop off items, help, or just chat. Oh, one more thing that would make pack rats like myself HAPPY, it makes muling much easier
2/ Difficulty scale by amount of players = Solo-enabled = More variants
Of course what I think is purely speculative on how the game system would actually work...
So how many are looking to give HGL a try? News? Thoughts?
I have an urge to create a HGL subforum right now and get an early start!
LoL, I might need a new rig to play this game, but its about time I get one anyway.
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Well, the comparisons are being made because the people working on it are the same people who were working on an "unannounced" project at Blizzard north before their mass departure.
I'm tentatively optimistic, but a little concerned since I've never played a FPS (or had any desire to) in my life.
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Unless I read some seriously bad press in the near future, or there are significant changes to the offering (like, it stops being free), then this one is on my must-buy list next to Starcraft 2.
Griselda Wrote:I'm tentatively optimistic, but a little concerned since I've never played a FPS (or had any desire to) in my life.
The way I understand it, it's an option limited to one class, and it isn't required that you play it in in that style.
Remember Dungeon Keeper? You played the game essentially from a third person perspective, but you had the option to possess individual monsters in a FPS style at a whim...
I might be wrong, but at worst, you'll just play a different class.
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What irks me about HG:L is that if you're not one of the subscribers, apparently you only get 3 character slots and you're not allowed to play hardcore mode, in addition to missing out on whatever other bonus content is available (extra dungeons, I'd imagine). The char creation limitations are really what kills the game for me. I had 6 Diablo 2 accounts and none of the chars were created to be mules (though some ended up that way due to failed skill experimentation). That being said, it's definitely a game I'm looking at, though not for the full MSRB.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.