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RB21 Succession Game

I have one other variant idea, but it involves building 28 settlers on a large map. Potentially even more tedious lol.

EDIT: Only 26 smile

sooooo Wrote:I have one other variant idea, but it involves building 28 settlers on a large map. Potentially even more tedious lol.

EDIT: Only 26 smile
Explain yourself, sir!

Please Do....

Well that game will take ages and I have remembered I will be away later this year so I won't take the idea any further.


exactly what Sulla said: Not keen on playing the same variant again; haven't played Civ in months; don't have Warlords (I still plan to buy it once an RB Warlords event appears...although it looks like my money can be spent elsewhere... rolleye ); but would be open to a new variant. In fact, I plan to host a succession game myself as soon as my new monitor has arrived (should happen next week or so), but I would be happy to play in another one's SG as well if the variant is interesting. smile

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Same as sullla and kylearan, except I do have warlords.

Well... I don't want to steal sooooo's thunder if he has a variant ready and willing to go, but perhaps I could throw out some of the Civ4 SG ideas I haven't tried yet here (?) The top one on my list right now is a modification of the Passive-Aggressive theme that I wrote about on my website some time ago. In short, we must win by Conquest, but we cannot capture cities. lol EVERYTHING must be culture-flipped. I'm 100% convinced that this is doable, but no one to my knowledge has ever actually made the attempt. Mutineer is trying something related right now in a SG, but he's focusing on vassalizing all of the AIs instead of emphasizing culture (which I think is a flawed approach, but whatever). We'd be allowed to kill defenders to eliminate flip garrisons, but no city captures, ever. The world must be overrun by our culture.

sooooo, Kylearan, regoarrarr - does this sound like something interesting? Or am I taking a shot in the dark here? smile
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That sounds perverse enough that it would probably worth playing provided the game level isn't to high - no way I would try this on deity since I haven't even tried deity!

If no one would mined I would like to play. Ive played several culture games and I want to get some SG experiance and this looks like a fun SG.

There actually has been a succession game on CivFanatics won by domination via culture-flips, in Always Peace.

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