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GvG Report, 3/2/07

I'll have to keep the sig in mind more -- while I had a few issues (not quite knowing what to make of my build at first, for one, and getting shredded by sins, for another), my hesitation on the sig was less "wait for the monk to buy it" and more "I don't know when everyone revives" and "I don't want to pop someone back into a nasty insta-kill". I'll chalk both up to a complete lack of PvP experience for now.

In any case, I definitely had more of a feel for the Mes build by the end, and with a little practice, I might even be able to make myself useful. wink After a good few months of not playing, I had a blast GvGing with you folks.

As a sorta-sidenote: Is there a decent way to 'remember' enemy targets? What I mean is that for allies, you can do the 1-8 targeting thing, but afaik, there's no equivalent for enemies. When things get really bunched up with pets, it can make it difficult to pick the right target (either it's sketchy to pick 'em out with the cursor, or tabbing takes more time than is reasonable) if it's not being called, and it'd be nice if I could make note early on that "Enemy Monk = 3" and know that hitting a key combo will lock me on to him. Didn't see anything in the hotkeys, but it's entirely possible I missed something.

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:I think we also need to decide on who we're going to guest in what order.

Go for your guys first, I'd feel better if I could join some basin groups and we had some reciprocity going, but it seems like they always have surplus for GvG, and I haven't heard of any HA since the 6v6 reversion other than monday nights which I can't really attend. So it's kindof like poaching at the moment. (And there were a bunch of people around HRK's hall, why can't we ever recruit any?) Plus their server is TS so it's less likely a random basiner has vent.

Quote: Well, I said it in the other GvG topic but I think I'll re-iterate again. I'm very much opposed to using heroes in GvG. If we're stuck at 6 and it doesn't look like we're going to make full capacity then we might as well do HA.

1) We need to better define "doesn't look like we're going to make full capacity." As in say we go with who we got at 9 PM.

2) We could run the GvG build ok on Annhilation, but we'd need something different if we want a chance beyond that kind of map. Assuming that I locate a build, this means people destroying/recreating pvp chars and reloading template and equips (unless I can find a build somehow similar to ours...) which is extra time on top of everyone having just gotten their gvg stuffs ready. Is this workable?

3) I suspect HA is going 8v8 eventually but we cross that bridge when we get there...

4) Kaf says #2 runs Norgu, although likely with a special heavy-interrupt build. 1 hero isn't a total liability nor messes up play that badly, though I'd never trust them on monk.

Quote: I've been thinking about the W/Rt, and I think it might be better for me to instead pressure a midliner, rather than go after a monk. I don't know that pressuring a monk is really doing anything all that worthwhile and is something that can probably be better left to the casters. Something else for me to work on.

Monks can do their job (damage mitigation) by simply running away, wheras a mesmer can't do the same, so yes that's common. But you often need to put the killing blow on a monk, and the casters need to e-deny them.

P.S. trying a GvG at 3 PM today? No announcement? tongue

FoxBat Wrote:P.S. trying a GvG at 3 PM today? No announcement? tongue

Me points at the guild message ingame.. :P

DamadmOO Wrote:Me points at the guild message ingame.. :P
Nonetheless, not everyone may have signed on before the stated meeting time. I'll post in the GvG Bonus Weekend thread...

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