A quick overview of what would have happened next.
Turn 182[/SIZE]
Turn 10 of World War III[/SIZE]
Cities: 14 (-3)[/SIZE]
My military got hammered on t182. The Covenant sledgehammer finally hit Constantinople. First came the bombers and stealth bombers. My fighters did surprisingly well, shooting down six aircraft and intercepting five others - at the loss of only one of their complement. However, stacking damage up on my interceptors meant that their chances at intercepting the incoming waves of stealth bombers got lower (tied to unit strength), and eventually a massive wave of Egyptian Stealth bombers got through. On the bright side, my surviving aircraft stacked up XP. One of my fighters had 17xp and was able to promote instantly to evasion on my turn
Then the Egyptian troops came ashore. The modern armor tore through my defenders like a hot knife through butter. With an amphibious strength of 20 and CR promotions, nothing I had could stop them. As he got into his marines and mech infantry though, the Egyptians began taking casualties. What I didn't know was that there were Indian transports carrying in range of the city, and they helped to mop up the remaining defenders and bring me down to just a handful remaining.
At the end of the day, fortress Constantinople was still standing, but barely. My army was gone. In the north, Darrell took out the tank I used to snipe his workers last turn.
In Old Peru, I made a major mistake and miscounted the number of transports south of Archangel, and didn't allow for the possibility of airlifting defenders into the city. The net result was that they had marines on standby that I didn't account for, and the thought I put into defending 1995WorldSeries went to waste. If I had just unloaded one transport, the city would have held. But instead, it fell to the Indians with a dozen units including my commando tanks dying aboard the transports. Leningrad fell as well. In the north NoSpace promoted units to Nav II and razed Pindicator II (again

) Word of advice Pindicator, don't name cities after yourself - they get burned
So, turn 182 saw me lose roughly 50 ground units, have another half dozen cut off and left on the vine to die (the paratroopers and infantry by Archangel), lose my commando units and last remaining major offense army, and half of my bombers when Pindicator II and 1995WorldSeries fell. Here was my remaining military strength at the beginning of the turn:
Gutted, but still capable of some offensive action
The failure of the Covenant to sink the transport near the ruins of Pitcairn Island meant I could go raze the city of China, staffed by a modern armor and longbow. It involved me using a cover promotion on a red-lined marine to take out the longbow, but hey, it worked.
NoSpace blocked my attempt to boat Russia, so my forces were withdrawn to Kursk, along with my remaining navy to keep NoSpace from destroying it. With the fall of Pindicator, I would have spread out my land-bound forces in the coastal cities of old Peru, while concentrating the available defenders in Kursk. My remaining navy would have been forced to remain in port, but with fighters flying intercept for air cover, and the fact that the city is on a hill, I probably would have been able to hold out for a couple turns before the Indians massed enough attackers to take the city.
Meanwhile, over in the Green Zone, I evacuated all my defenders from Constantinople to Jerusalem, and struck out with my navy. Using all my available air support, I was able to sink a missile cruiser and three destroyers to make a hole in the Covenant blockade. Then, I was able to go take out four of Darrell's stealth bombers with the loaded transport

If I had had two more infantry aboard, I would have been able to increase that number to twelve stealth bombers destroyed on the ground. That would have been rich
I got a Great General, in Damascus, probably would have used him for a slew of CG promotions and holed up in Jerusalem.
My remaining warships evacuated up the coast. I expect Darrell would have killed most of them in their forts, as the modern armor with bomber support would allow him to roll over any defenders I put in them. Here is the Green Zone after I made all those moves:
Reading Darrell's thread, they were planning on taking Constantinople and striking inland with mech infantry and modern armor to capture Jerusalem. With all my hitters gone, and my bombing wing scattered, wounded or dead, I would be unable to fight off a landed stack. Without collateral hitters, nothing I had would be able to take out modern armor.
All things said, I probably had about ten turns left in this game, t182 broke the back of my remaining military and sealed my fate. The timeline would have gone something like this:
t183: Constantinople falls
t184: Kursk falls
t185: Jerusalem falls
t186: The rest of the Green Zone, and the coastal cities of Old Peru fall
t190-t195: Moscow falls (again)
Moscow probably would have held for a little while, as the Covenant supply lines would be severely overextended to operate in Old Peru. However, the end result was never in doubt.