Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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FYI - New Expansion Info

Just read through TheRat's AW hub game he linked to - great read thumbsup. Makes me want to play an AW game. IIRC, Warlords has half the WW when AW is checked.

sooooo Wrote:Just read through TheRat's AW hub game he linked to - great read thumbsup. Makes me want to play an AW game. IIRC, Warlords has half the WW when AW is checked.
Yeah... so does non-expansion Civ4. It's not enough to solve the problem. smile
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sooooo Wrote:Just read through TheRat's AW hub game he linked to - great read thumbsup. Makes me want to play an AW game. IIRC, Warlords has half the WW when AW is checked.
Crikey - just finished SO-5 and lusting after yet more blood lol

As to WW, I find it breaks at higher difficulties when the AI produces more (and better) units. Given that Prince is the highest non-worldbuildered level for AW it's not an insurmountable problem in these games.

SO-5 was quite tough for WW, but the worst I've seen was someone's Adv 11, where a UN vote for USUF killed the game IIRC. And that Deity SG with Blake's AI featuring standard handicaps, but that setup was asking for trouble.

I feel absolutely.....nothing.

If anything I am slightly dissapointed....

Add a few features, call it an expansion, hurry it out on the marked and collect $$$. Rinse and repeat. I have lost respect for the civilization-series, and I am very sad to say that.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson

Sullla Wrote:Well, it's finally been announced publically... I haven't been involved in work on this at all (although I'm pretty sure there are a couple of RB people who have been).

Yes, including at least one who has not had the energy available to invest in to Civ at both work and play. Work has had to come first.

I -am- sorry about that. More so for thinking I would find the energy and failing to do so, thus dragging things out, than for not having the energy.

I must have done something right along the way, considering how many of you are still around. 8)

I hope you are enjoying the games. Thanks to Gris and Sulla and everybody else who is picking up the slack during my extended disappearance.

- Sirian

PS: ZOMG the Easy Cans quote is still up. I see I'm not the only slacker! lol
Fortune favors the bold.

Kronoz Wrote:...and collect $$$. Rinse and repeat.

Well, it's supply and demand, isn't it? If they don't get another game out, they don't collect as many $$$
"We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."

Winston Churchill

Sullla Wrote:- Drop vassal states. It was a flawed/confusing concept, and (as I predicted in testing) very few people actually like it. Yet we had to waste a massive amount of time and effort working with the vassalage concept. Resources could have been better spent elsewhere.

I totally agree. When I first read about the addition of vassal states, it seemed like an interesting concept. But I never accept it as a condition of surrender from a rival. I'd much rather make peace (usually to get rid of the WW) then come back and finish the job than keep the rival around as a vassal. I feel I can usually do a much more efficient job conquering/razing their cities and then building up my own infrastructure than relying on a beaten down AI Civ to do it for me. smile

That's Quote of the Millenium, right? [Image: splat.gif] Guess I should get on that one of these centuries.


Sirian Wrote:I must have done something right along the way, considering how many of you are still around.
Absolutely! 8)

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Clovis Wrote:Well, it's supply and demand, isn't it? If they don't get another game out, they don't collect as many $$$

I dont want to sound negative; the Civilization series is by far my favorite game series of all time. The game consept is fantastic. The game can be stronger and more addicitve than drugs.

....but I dont like the direction Firaxis are going. Why did the vanilla game stop at version 1.61? There was a dire need for a new patch, but instead warlords came out. And that was fine for me, but I had some issues with warlords as well and was waiting for a patch......and now another expansion-pack? Already??

Maybe later I'd like new fancy features, like my own worldwide corporation to spread around the world...but right now I just want a balanced bug-free game. I am also confident that some of todays issues will be adressed in the next addon, but I am also convinced that there will be new issues...a new "vassall-state" disaster of some sorts.

Anyways.....I will probably buy it no matter how dissapointed I am with the development. After all - like I said above - I love the game.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson

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