We didn't even have 4 show up initially, but we managed to get a motley crew together after-hours (11ish) from somewhat improvised skills, with an emphasis on splitting. The composition was
Mel Derv
MoR Mez with remove hex/res chant
Air Ele
2 Monk
Crippling Slash W/N with plague touch
Burning Arrow
Resto rit - weapon of Remedy flagger (similar to PaL)
(Will post detailed specs later if we want to run something similar in the future)
With a 5/3 split. Me, Kafziel, Vort, and Icicle Shaman were playing, along with 3 guests Derezer, Mental Elf, and Justin from The Basin, and an experienced GvGer Koshi from HRK.
The only major weakness I felt the build had was aegis, which the GoLE nerf has done very little to reign in. The rest of our difficulties was basically leadership. I'm a noob who doesn't understand the dynamics of pushing, retreats etc at all (though I was just linked a good article)
Our first game was on wurms against a much lower team, which we won with a good split when we couldn't dent their flagstand defense but pulled off NPC superiority at VoD.
Our second game was against an evenly-ranked guild on our map who outclassed us. They were well coordinated, had awesome monks that pulled deep wound the moment it landed, and employed superior split and collapse.
The third loss was just bad. It was on warriors isle against a lower team, who were running mind blast fire eles including Souske with tenais heat and such for AoE, A dervish/warrior, and some healers. We tended to have superiority in combat through the match when managing to stay out of the AoEs, but got killed on catapults a few times because I didn't know their radius or when our team was supposed to move out of the base, and we were very confused about whether me or Kafziel was leading when, as well as not collapsing a split very well. We racked up many kills against them but let them get far too many morale boosts back. Even when we had half their team down at the end, we took a risky approach from behind at VoD when the GL started moving, failed to follow through by hitting on them from back instead of hitting their GL, and they ganked our GL while we were far out of range.
Bottom line is we need Wyrm back leading.
I'd rather have Kafziel lead in the meantime, though I don't know his schedule.
One thing that was mentioned is that our guild hall greatly encourages an early NPC gank, so its worth discussing if we need to stick to builds that are capable of an early split.
Mel Derv
MoR Mez with remove hex/res chant
Air Ele
2 Monk
Crippling Slash W/N with plague touch
Burning Arrow
Resto rit - weapon of Remedy flagger (similar to PaL)
(Will post detailed specs later if we want to run something similar in the future)
With a 5/3 split. Me, Kafziel, Vort, and Icicle Shaman were playing, along with 3 guests Derezer, Mental Elf, and Justin from The Basin, and an experienced GvGer Koshi from HRK.
The only major weakness I felt the build had was aegis, which the GoLE nerf has done very little to reign in. The rest of our difficulties was basically leadership. I'm a noob who doesn't understand the dynamics of pushing, retreats etc at all (though I was just linked a good article)
Our first game was on wurms against a much lower team, which we won with a good split when we couldn't dent their flagstand defense but pulled off NPC superiority at VoD.
Our second game was against an evenly-ranked guild on our map who outclassed us. They were well coordinated, had awesome monks that pulled deep wound the moment it landed, and employed superior split and collapse.
The third loss was just bad. It was on warriors isle against a lower team, who were running mind blast fire eles including Souske with tenais heat and such for AoE, A dervish/warrior, and some healers. We tended to have superiority in combat through the match when managing to stay out of the AoEs, but got killed on catapults a few times because I didn't know their radius or when our team was supposed to move out of the base, and we were very confused about whether me or Kafziel was leading when, as well as not collapsing a split very well. We racked up many kills against them but let them get far too many morale boosts back. Even when we had half their team down at the end, we took a risky approach from behind at VoD when the GL started moving, failed to follow through by hitting on them from back instead of hitting their GL, and they ganked our GL while we were far out of range.
Bottom line is we need Wyrm back leading.

One thing that was mentioned is that our guild hall greatly encourages an early NPC gank, so its worth discussing if we need to stick to builds that are capable of an early split.