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Adventure Seventeen - PETA Crusaders - NOW OPEN!

Oh no! I have a last minute question. I just played a test game using similar settings (I gave up trying to make it too similar, I never could roll a 2 food resources, no cows/pigs/sheep, no floodplains, no coast, on a lake start) and now seek clarification of a rule. I understand we can never hook up an animal. I also understand that if we take over land with a hooked up animal we may either pillage the resource and the roads and gain points, or presumabely keep the animal hooked up for no points, since we didnt hook it up ourselves. Even if that last option is forbidden, I won't be doing so anyways, since I think that would violate the spirit of the game. On the other hand, we may also not have an improvements on the animals during the 1800 turn or last turn assuming we win earlier. But what about other imporvements during other times?

In other words: Can I build a cottage or workshop on an animal resource, and then pillage it prior to the 1800 turn, and then rebuild it? This is rather desireable depending on what the map looks like, since non-hooked up animal resources basically make for a floodplains tile as far as cottages go.

sunrise089 Wrote:In other words: Can I build a cottage or workshop on an animal resource, and then pillage it prior to the 1800 turn, and then rebuild it? This is rather desireable depending on what the map looks like, since non-hooked up animal resources basically make for a floodplains tile as far as cottages go.
No, of course not! The whole point of this game is to preserve the animals in their natural habitat, remember? Honestly, I thought this would be clear from the info on the scenario page. Building cottages and then pillaging them on the 1800AD turn is way, WAY outside the spirit of this variant.

Well, at least now I know how Sirian felt when answering rule clarifications... lol
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Sullla Wrote:No, of course not! The whole point of this game is to preserve the animals in their natural habitat, remember? Honestly, I thought this would be clear from the info on the scenario page. Building cottages and then pillaging them on the 1800AD turn is way, WAY outside the spirit of this variant.

Well, at least now I know how Sirian felt when answering rule clarifications... lol
That's fine, but I felt the language of the varient rule ("hook up the resource" rather than "improve the tile") left this open to the above question. I would play it safe anyways, but for a player of limited talent such as myself, knowing whether or not a cow tile would be a 3,0,0 forever or not was relevent info.

EDIT: Anyways, game finished. It was fun, thanks for sponsoring it Sulla.

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