Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Sealed Deck

Awesome. Too bad none were on the RB hall so I could watch you guys mop the floor with them.

Somewhat interesting that you got Practised Stance as one of your elites but no preparations to go with it, same with Wielder's Remedy and no weapon spells (probably other skills like that too). Not sure it was the best random generator, but at least you managed to get a pretty good build out of it. Getting Conjure was just plain luck, but I think I would have stuck it on the warrior, along with Frozen Burst, since you didn't have a warrior-based run skill.

For an alternate build, you could run something like this:
Hammer: 16 (12 +4); Tactics: 9 (8 +1); Water: 10
Backbreaker, Crude, Mighty, "WY!", Conjure, Frozen Burst, Ice Spear (space filler), Res Sig

Beast: 14 (10 +4); Expertise: 9 (8 +1); Spear: 12
Strike As One, Bestial Mauling (works w/Backbreaker and Weaken), Poisonous Bite, Maiming Strike, Barbed Spear, Swift Javelin, Charm Animal, Res Sig

Blood: 12 (10 +2); Curses: 3; Death: 9 (8 +1); Inspiration: 8; Dom: 9; anything left into SR
Jaundiced, Life Siphon, Weaken Knees, Putrid Flesh, Animate Bone Minions, Ethereal Burden, Shatter Delusions, Res Sig

Prot: 12 (10 +2); Heal: 11 (10 +1); DF: 10 (9 +1); Tactics: 9
Spell Shield, Heal Area, Infuse, Pensive, SoA, "I Will Survive!", Glad's Defense, Divine Spirit

You can figure out the attributes yourself. Unless, of course, you're not supposed to use a build you didn't come up with yourselves. In that case, just stick with what you've got, it's solid (well, solid enough for sealed play).

Edit: attributes... I can't help myself.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

With full Radiant armor (28 Energy), I had minimal Energy problems, especially with Lyssa's Haste. I switched out Lyssa's for Harrier's for added damage versus runners, for lack of health loss, and because I had no energy problems. Plus, it's a stance, so no Enchant removal against it, not that I saw any.

Slapping Elementalist on the Warrior would cripple his Energy management, and relying on Frozen Burst (15E) for anti-runner (snaring) would be very costly. Too costly, I think. 2 uses and I have no Energy left, leaving nothing to redo Conjure if stripped, etc. Besides, I had enough damage with just normal Hammer attacks, and combined with Backbreaker + Mighty Blow + Crude Swing, targets dropped fast. Being able to run at the drop of a hat was also too good to give up, not to mention Lyssa's Haste gives me great Energy management, and Featherfoot Grace gives me Condition removal. Rending Touch can strip powerful Enchantments from key targets, is cheap, recharges fairly quickly, and is quick to cast. Besides, I'm always in melee range against prime Enchant targets (Monks, Ritualists, Elementalists), and can get anywhere at the drop of a hat (dual haste spells).

Ice Spear is just useless filler. Too low on Energy to spam properly, and I should be focusing on attacking and gaining Adrenaline for Backbreaker to take out key casters, or to drop a Warrior / Ranger that's giving us too much pressure on our casters. The Dervish skills didn't add much, but they gave me just the egde I needed to really "hammer" my opponents. Besides, it gives me Armor of Sanctity for added damage mitigation with our Condition-heavy build, Zealous Renewal for more E-management, and Mystic Sweep for a quick spike damage attack. It may not look like much on paper, but I assure you, it worked beautifully.

Having Conjure on the Paragon allowed him to provide decent ranged damage to keep pressure on anything else, and made Swift Javelin 2x faster and unblockable, cutting right through any possible defenses. Frozen Burst fits better for the Paragon, too, because of higher Energy and ranged ability.

No, I have to say that I really like our build. That's not to say that there isn't room for improvement, but honestly, I think it worked wonderfully. We kept the pressure on and wittled them away quickly and efficiently.

I will say for next time, "Brace Yourself!" could be swapped out for something like Leader's Zeal or Ice Spear if they have no Knockdown effects. W/D has Armor of Sanctity for damage mitigation with our Condition-heavy build, or "I Will Survive!" if they have heavy Condition use. I don't think either the Rt/Mo nor the N/R have much else to swap in. I'm pleased with our setup, though. We have strong healing (if not Condition removal - relying on Runes to lower duration, and at least I have Featherfoot Grace), strong degen (Bleeding, Life Siphon, Poison, Burning), not to mention heavy damage (Hammer Warrior, Conjure Frost + Spear, Jaundiced Gaze, "Go for the Eyes!", Pet) and some utility (snare from Frozen Burst). It may not single-handedly win in AB, but at least it can hold its own against a Sealed Deck team. smile

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