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Ironman Musings

Blame this on Seijin for asking about a "vanquishing" variant. [Image: tongue.gif]

Concept: to vanquish select explorable areas of hard mode with a team of level 20 humans and/or heroes (not hench), using only what you are given. For you noobs, "vanquish" means to totally wipe an area, and hard mode will inform you of it when you've succeeded. One can set goals for vanquishing a chain of a few areas without any party wipes, for example The Breach -> Diessa Lowlands -> Ascalon Foothills -> Traveler's Vale. This can be done in select chunks by starting from outposts, such as Piken Square -> The Breach, Nolani -> Lowlands and Foothills, Yaks -> Vale. Competition and reports are also possible by tallying kills versus time spent.

The skills you may use beginning your Ironman run will be randomly chosen (let's say 80 for 4-man) just like a Sealed Deck PvP game. This is accomplished by generator software such as this. The team can only use skills from this limited pool, and may only use each skill recieved once. (If you recieve duplicates of a skill in your pool, you may use that skill once per duplicate) Res Sigs (not sunspear) are also permitted. In addition to this, we might allow any one non-elite/sunspear/lightbringiner skill to be used per player. We might also rig the random generation to produce at least X skills per 4 professions of the team's choosing. Heroes are recommended or maybe at least 1 should be required to further ease unlock difficulties. Once one area is vanquished and the team returns to an outpost to prepare for the next area, an additional deck (say 20 skills) is added to your existing pool and you may incorporate these skills into your builds, but you must stick with the same original primaries that you started the run with.

An Ironman run is begun under some equipment restrictions. Ideally players will "clean out" their inventory from all but the permitted starting gear. Players may bring one req 5 item purchased from Teipao or Saara. No upgrades may be applied to these nor may they be customized, and you can't bring any of your other items. Your armor must be a set of maxed "vanilla" armor, with no insignia. This can be attained from collecters, the half-price vanilla armors in droks/kaineng, or simply nightfall armor with no insignia. You may fill this armor with runes of vitae and no other runes. (This should make doing many ironman runs cheaper so you don't have to junk your armor...) You may purchase and bring along any number/quality of ID and Salvage Kits (as well as lockpicks? would make better gameply but are expensive), but you may not bring anything else, especially various one-use items. (In the event of a holiday, you can't use special holdiay items that drop during your Ironman run either)

As you progress through vanquishing areas, you are permitted to use anything the team finds, IDing and Salvaging as appropriate. Any upgrades, runes, or other items found during your run are fair game. These items will carry over into further areas on your ironman run. Insignias should perhaps be exempted because trashing your armor to remove insignias for subsequent runs may get too expensive. You may also use collectors in an area as it is being vanquished, if you can get enough drops. Between areas, only ID/Salvage/Lockpicks may be purched in town, no other purchases or collectors. For standardization, you may *not* take any quests in an area you are vanquishing, and must abandon any relevant quests before entering.

Finally, we may wish to limit rezes. Naturally use of res sigs is allowed, but for the true Ironman experience, we may wish to disqualify players that are ressed by a shrine. In this case the ressed player must either remain at the shrine or suicide down to 60 DP. If following this rule, hard res skills should probably be outlawed (and a skillset will be re-drawn if it contains one) The no-res at 60 DP feature of hard mode might be hard enough however. In any event, if the entire party is wiped and unable to res, the Ironman run has ended, and you will need to start a new one with new skills/items.

Those familiar with Diablo 1 will recognize the attempt to re-create the challenging, go-with-what-you-got, one-clear-through intensity of Ironman. The random skills are there to provide some of that fresh randomized sense that GW is lacking compared to D1, as well as encouraging underused skills (much like inferno and heal other in IM). Keeping this randomness from being too unfair or too dificult to employ due to PvE skill acquisition needs to be kept in mind (though D1 ironman could be quite unfair with the spell books/staves.) Aside from a discussion on the rules, I'd like to hear ideas for good area chains for vanquishing, as well as the number of players/heroes that should be used from them. These chains should be kept fairly small because this is intended to be a "fail much and succeed occasionally" variant. We might add that they should start from locations easily run to from port cities, to maximize the professions players can bring.

Wow, this is a really good idea.

Only concern I have is the setup time for those who don't have enough gold for the new (bare) armor ready for each run. By cutting down start-up costs, maybe we could get more people playing together in the variant. As you said:

"upgrades, runes, or other items found during your run are fair game. These items will carry over into further areas on your ironman run. Insignias should perhaps be exempted because trashing your armor to remove insignias for subsequent runs may get too expensive"

With that in mind, maybe runes should be allowed to cut down on setup (armor farming) time and allow participants to reuse the same armor set over and over for Ironman runs? (so that essentially, the only things being changed for each fresh run is that you have to start with the req 5 weapon, have to start with a new sealed deck, and maybe any other debilitating conditions we can come up with).

As for greater challenge, how about an "additional deck per area" of only +12? +20 seems to add up quickly, but I guess it really depends on where the runs are set up.

Well thanks, but it's not *totally* original if you're familiar with Diablo Ironman. wink The Sealed Deck thing was a moment of inspiritation, though some may find it too cumbersome to try out, I don't see much else you can do to make repeated runs random and fresh instead of doing the same thing over and over. And of course I personally like the opportunity to play sealed in PvE. For most people's sakes we'll probably have to settle on something less than full randomness for starting due to PvE unlocks typically being more limited. 20 skills per area was just an arbitrary number based on Anet Sealed Deck size, 12 or something else might be more appropriate, and it's a good point that they may have to be adjusted to match the areas being cleared. (Shaoshing Trail or Ascalon Foothills are fairly small) I'll be trialing a few solo runs with 3 heroes on shing jae isle (eventually) to see how some of these rules work. (Wish the heroes would learn how to kite again..)

For the most part you should be able to re-use one set of "ironman" armor: thats why I allowed vitae runes, you can overwrite whatever runes you've picked up with the cheap and minimal effect vitae. Any attempt at regulating armor may be more trouble than it's worth though, I'm not sure your chances for turning up usable runes in the field are that great, and skill constraints are going to add alot more challenge than attribute limits ever would. I spent a while scrounging up collector goods for a full vanilla set and it was more trouble then I remember. OTOH it might be kinda disgusting if someone paired prot spirit with 5 superior runes. That also reminds me of a potential issue, (most) expansion profession items don't drop in prophecies, and dervishes/paragons are absent from nightfall, which will tend to limit profession choices.

A thought also occured to me that this could be done in normal difficulty under certain circumstances. For example, doing the fire island chain with a team of 4, being sure to fully clear perdition rock and each mission (carefully examine your red dots on the map to check you've been everywhere), would be quite the challenge.

And the KISS version of the rules would be? Sorry, but it looks like you're mixing the rules of 3 or 4 different variants and I got kinda lost.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:And the KISS version of the rules would be? Sorry, but it looks like you're mixing the rules of 3 or 4 different variants and I got kinda lost.

Fair point, but it's a work in progress with many ideas on the table. I was hoping for more discussion with some completely different ideas or total alternative reworks suggested by others, because I didn't want this to be "my" variant, but something that could be universal and standardized as D1 was. Due to lack of that interest (where are you "killed NM Diablo" KoP?), I suppose I will come up with something more definite and therefore streamlined when I get a chance to actually playtest it (aka have 3 hours of people not bugging me)

I am on it, or its on the back of my mind, something this complex needs time to make it KISSable. ;p

I hardly have enough time to think/concentrate lately: working on to Helel her Legendary title, Fine tunning the half ranger builds; and ugh, working 7 days a week again frown

I am trying to figure out how I can at least work monrings on Tue so I can join the nudist...


I am also interested in joining a variant like that. Tho i think it will be very hard cause of the timezone differences. I did never really play any variant till now so i dunno how things are organized and suchs.

I guess it is best not to count me in when deciding on a time. And if i can make it at the time of the variant then i'll be in smile

Tuesday nights is when we chose to do LoL because that's what was agreed on by everyone when we started the Nudist variant. Back then the only European time zone people we had were GG and Havral and they weren't really interested in running the variant at the time. Now that we have a lot more people in the guild from across the Atlantic we can very easily change meeting times to something more convenient for everyone. I wouldn't mind a different time slot either since we've been getting a lot of requests to do PvP in the evenings.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Half the point of this Ironman idea is that this *doesn't* have to be played as a regularly weekly team thing. It's doable with 1-4 players over three to four sessions, and can easily run in parallel with a larger scheduled variant (which maybe we shouldn't run on tuesday evenings, please discuss in the nudist thread if interested.) Thanks for the note of interest though, I'll start bugging you folks in-game once I get a chance to work on some of these rules. [Image: crazyeye.gif]

Guess I'll have to buy prophecies after all....

I'd love to help out with the input, but i'm so far behind, that I still don't really know that much about the game. The ideas you've got though Foxbat, certainly seem to be headed in the right direction.

I absolutely love the thought of guild wars making me scared to death... enough to shake even... the intensity of Ironman in D1 will forever make that game a priceless gem, high atop an untouchable pillar of perfection...count me in on anything you need in an attempt to recreate it.
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...

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